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Children with Cerebral Palsy

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1 Children with Cerebral Palsy
Lower Limb Casting For Children with Cerebral Palsy Friday 11th & Saturday 12th August 2017 8.30am—4.30pm This two day course aims to provide a basic understanding of the evidence and current best practice for serial casting in the management of lower limb contracture and spasticity. It will involve a strong practical element for the development of core casting skills for the lower limb in children. WHERE: 6G QPRS Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital 501 Stanley Street South Brisbane QLD COST: $ for Qld Health Employees $ for non QLD Health employees Lunch, Morning and Afternoon Tea Provided CONTACT PERSONS: Meredith Wynter Applications close 21st July 2017 Numbers are limited (16 only)

Application Form for Lower Limb Casting Course Name: Address: Telephone: (B) (M) Fees: $ for Qld Health Employees, $ for non-QLD Health employees Cheques payable to: Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital ABN: Receipt Required: Yes/No Payment included: Yes/No If No do you require an Invoice: ………………………………………… Credit card payment Please tick MasterCard Visa Name of card holder………………………………………………………. Card Number………………………………… Expiry Date……………… Amount ……………… Current Work Place/Work Experience: Prior experience with serial/inhibitory casting: PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: Meredith Wynter Senior Physiotherapist QPRS or Fax:

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