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Connecting with Communities

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1 Connecting with Communities
*Introduce yourself and Foundation for Democracy and Justice. FDJ is an educational outreach activity of local and state leaders, including judges, lawyers, and other elected officials to provide nonpartisan information to the public about our state and federal institutions ****Alert the audience to the materials on the tables.*** Please note that we’ve placed some materials on your tables. *****Talk with the Audience****** How many of you have been called for jury service? How many have actually served on a jury? What was your role? What did you take into account in reaching your decision? When you were questioned about your qualifications to serve as a juror, do you remember the kinds of questions you were asked? What was the purpose of those questions? Was it to determine if you could be fair and impartial? Connecting with Communities Speaker Training

2 Background Mission: To strengthen Californians’ understanding of the three branches of state government with a particular emphasis on the importance of a strong and independent judiciary. Vision: To ensure the promise of equal justice through the rule of law. Goal: To provide educational programs that improve public understanding and awareness of California’s three branches of government with an emphasis on the value of California’s courts as fair, impartial, and independent in upholding the rule of law and protecting access to justice. Review the mission, vision, and goal of the Foundation for Democracy and Justice. Mission: To strengthen Californians’ understanding of the three branches of state government with a particular emphasis on the importance of a strong and independent judiciary. Vision: To ensure the promise of equal justice through the rule of law. Goal: To provide educational programs that improve public understanding and awareness of California’s three branches of government with an emphasis on the value of California’s courts as fair, impartial, and independent in upholding the rule of law and protecting access to justice.

3 Strategy Audiences: Our strategy is to provide nonpartisan information to adult audiences throughout California to further their understanding of the role of California’s three branches in creating and protecting the rule of law. We will target native and new residents to encourage civic engagement. Outreach: By building and working with a speakers’ bureau, we focus our attention on organizations and entities that have built in audiences. Groups include, but are not limited to: Higher education Chambers of commerce Adult education programs Service clubs Ethnic & cultural groups Senior citizen groups Local bar associations Naturalization ceremonies

4 Collaborators and Partners
Sacramento Library San Francisco Library San Diego Library Legal Aid Society of San Diego San Francisco Law Library Partners: California Chamber of Commerce Informed Voters Project Sacramento County Bar Association Barristers Club San Diego Law Library CSUS Center for California Studies California Museum Secretary of State Office Power of Democracy Institute for Local Government

5 Presentations Informed Voters, Fair Judges: California’s Judges California State Courts United States Courts Family Law in California Immigration Law The Life of a Civil Suit The Life of a Criminal Trial Local Government

6 FDJ is Building a Speakers Bureau Comprised of:
Judges Lawyers

7 Speaker’s Guide and Presentation Introduction
Thank you for joining us as a potential speaker. We are grateful for your interest and participation in joining the Foundation for Democracy and Justice as we work to strengthen Californians’ understanding of the three branches, with specific emphasis on the importance of an fair and independent judiciary. Speaker’s Guide and Presentation Introduction

8 Ethics California Code of Judicial Ethics California Code of Judicial Ethics Canon 3B(9) California Code of Judicial Ethics Canon 4B

9 The Presentation Demonstration
We will now go through the demonstration of one presentation: A Civil Lawsuit, Family Law in California, Immigration, etc. To give speakers an idea of what FDJCA programs look like and what speakers are asked to do. The Presentation Demonstration

10 Answering Questions

11 Questions Listen Ask Questions Identify the Essential Concern
Repeat the Questions Circle Question Back to Content Emphasize Equal Justice through Rule of Law Independent and Fair Courts Listen to question Ask a question in return if you do not understand what the individual is asking Identify the essential elements of concern Circle back to the content in the presentation to identify how to address their concerns Emphasize the importance of equal justice through the rule of law – what that means for their lives as well as the importance of a fair and independent judiciary to ensuring access to justice

12 Scheduling & Evaluations

13 Scheduling Receiving and Submitting Requests
Identifying Appropriate Speaker Based on Content and Audience Coordination with Audience and Speaker Organizing Materials FDJCA has a speaker request form built into the website. It allows the community or a particular group to request a speaker as well as a topic of interest to their members. FDJCA coordinates with speakers in the bureau to identify who is best for a particular topic and also provides materials for each program.

14 Feedback Evaluation Forms
FDJ has an evaluation form, which will be provided to attendees to allow us to identify areas for improvement for future programs.

15 Thank You for Joining Us!
For more information or to participate as a guest speaker, contact:

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