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1948 war 14th May 1948 State of Israel proclaimed

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1 1948 war 14th May 1948 State of Israel proclaimed
U.S. (Truman) and U.S.S.R. recognized new Israeli State action condemned by Arab League Arab countries (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Transjordan) send forces to Palestine but, few in number - approx. 23,000 commander Abdullah, king of Transjordan

2 Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) grew to 96, 000
equipped with modern weapons; U.S. aircraft highly motivated - ”Holocaust syndrome” struggle based on principle - end justifies the means Irgun reined in; U.N. mediator, Count Bernadotte assassinated Arab villages terrorized

3 Arab states - divided and weak
Abdullah had done deal with Israelis (Golda Meir) for control of West Bank Egypt had unstable government; sought to gain Palestinian land Grand Mufti at odds with Arab League in first phase of war Israelis under pressure truces, first with Egypt in Feb. ’49, allowed Israeli forces to regroup

4 second phase of war Arab morale collapsed Israelis on offensive captured three-quarters of lands granted Palestine by U.N. West Jerusalem taken by Israelis Grand Mufti had proclaimed Palestinian state truces - Egypt, Feb ’49; Lebanon, Mar ’49; Syria, July ‘49

5 for Palestinians the events of 1948-9 are known as Al Nakba (the Disaster)
70% of all Palestinians became refugees - forced out of hundreds of villages and towns refugees dispersed to surrounding regions - Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Transjordan and Syria

6 new State of Israel included 77% of land formerly granted by U.N. to Palestine 21% larger than original U.N. resolution population - 717, 000 Jews; 165,000 Arabs - 1/5 Christian parliament - Knesset - Left and Right-wing political parties Labor Party’s Ben-Gurion first Prime Minister first president Chaim Weizmann

7 military service compulsory
IDF key institution in state Ben-Gurion dominated politics during first 15 years security; economic self- sufficiency; develop recources, especially agriculture; encourage Jewish immigration

8 1950 Law of Return doubled Israel’s population by 1952
some tensions between Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews housing shortages economic boycott by Arab countries economic support from Jewish groups in U.S. and Britain; West Germany also provided aid “Green Line” - armistice line of 1949

9 Palestinian Diaspora Palestine no longer on map of Middle East West Bank under Jordanian control; Gaza under Egyptian administration; Jerusalem divided in Israel Palestinians accounted for 15% of population/ citizens suffered discrimination - limitation on travel; military control; not accepted in political parties; fewer economic resources regarded as traitors by other Arabs

10 the Camps Palestinian refugees were settled in camps in the West Bank; Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Gaza kept alive dream of return to their homeland exile and conditions in camps fed sense of grievance and anti-Israel hatred


12 conditions in camps often grim
better in Lebanon, than in Gaza King Abdullah of Jordan pursued a policy of “Jordanization” for the Palestinians living in his kingdom Palestinian nationalist organizations and media were banned no represenatation in consultative parliament

13 West Bank - policy of Jordanization not successful
population increase; lack of leadership; better off, educated left 100,000 left between and 1954 Arab neglect of Palestinian cause dream of returning to the ‘Lost Garden of Palestine’ need for new Palestinian nationalism to recover lands

14 problems with Arab nationalism in the 1950’s - new Arab states often unstable and pursued national interests Cold War impact on Middle East - Soviet Union’s anti-imperialism supported Arab nationalism U.S. and Britain long involvement in region - oil interests, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Gulf States U.S. under Truman and Eisenhower - strong commitment to Israel and its defense

15 Syria post-1946 U.S. concern that Syria would fall under communist influence and threaten oil link March 1949 CIA coup; further coups followed new strongly anti- Western party emerged in Syrian politics - Baath party tensions along demilitarized zone with Israel

16 Lebanon - maintained a somewhat pro-Western policy
Palestinian refugees destabilizing element Iraq - political instability and failed policies of Faisal II

17 Egypt post-1948 corrupt king - Farouk government challenged by Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian hostility towards British military presence in Suez Canal Zone guerrilla attacks on British coup led by Colonel Nasser overthrew Farouk in July, 1952

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