The United Church of Canada Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario Conference

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1 The United Church of Canada Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario Conference
Ministry Profile Phase February ,2017

2 Terminology Ministry Profile & Search Process with two phases: Ministry Profile & Ministry Search Local Ministry Unit (LMU): pastoral charge, congregation, community of faith, mission, faith community, community ministry Governing Body e.g. Board, Council, Official Board, Leadership Team Ministry Personnel is a general term that refers to members of the order of ministry, designated lay ministers, candidates serving under appointment, diaconal supply, and ordained supply. Ministry personnel can serve in paid accountable ministry positions in the United Church and in other ministries. January, 2017

3 Terminology (cont’d) Ministry Profile Committee/Team – LMU appointed group that completes Ministry Profile phase. The Committee consists of the voting members appointed by the LMU. The word” team” is used when the liaison person and resource appointed by the Settlement Commission as a corresponding member is to be included in the matter. Local Ministry Search Committee/Team – Committee appointed by LMU to complete Ministry Search phase. When the Settlement Commission liaison is to be included in the matter the handbook specifies “team”. This may include all/some or none of the same people as the Ministry Profile Committee/Team. January, 2017

4 Step 1 A Ministry Profile process is requested/initiated in 6 different circumstances (section I.1.5.2) among them when: The LMU or a ministry personnel asks the Presbytery to end the pastoral relationship the LMU, its governing body, or a ministry personnel in the LMU asks for Ministry Profile to be initiated due to one of the following circumstances: - the Presbytery recognizes that an evaluation of the ministry needs is necessary - the LMU is considering reducing or increasing the number of ministry personnel positions; or - the LMU is considering changing the terms of the pastoral relationship to the disadvantage of either the LMU or the ministry personnel. January, 2017

5 Step 2 Presbytery notifies Conference Settlement Commission of the need for a Ministry Profile process to begin Form MNWO 403 A : Presbytery Request to Initiate Ministry Profile Process (available on Conference website) January, 2017

6 Step 3 MNWO Settlement Commission appoints liaison to work with Local Ministry Profile Committee
Acts as a resource to the Ministry Profile Team May continue through the Search phase Trains locally appointed people, providing all handbooks and forms required for their work Available as a resource, ensuring that all forms and motions are appropriately prepared and completed (prior to proceeding beyond the team) Will only be present at meetings beyond the initial one if invited by the Local Ministry Profile Committee and then usually by phone or SKYPE/Facetime. January, 2017

7 Step 4 Local Ministry Unit identifies major re-visioning/change of direction (as appropriate)
Presbytery may facilitate these conversations Resource: Edge – a United Church of Canada Network for Ministry Development < January, 2017

8 Step 5 LMU names people to complete Ministry Profile phase
Done at LMU meeting which requires two Sundays prior notice prior to the day on which meeting is held 5 – 7 members recommended for a functional team Need representation from each congregation in a multi-point LMU May be LMU members or adherents (only members vote on motions) LMU Ministry Personnel and other staff members do not serve on the team, but should be consulted January, 2017

9 Step 5 (cont’d) LMU names people to complete Ministry Profile phase
Members should reflect the various areas of the life and work of the church and diversity of age, gender, skills, etc. Members commit to Ministry Profile phase now, but may or may not choose to continue on to Search phase later January, 2017

10 Step 6 LMU identifies any short-term ministry (Gap/Supply) needs
Gap ministry appointment requires a position description, start and end dates, financial terms, financial statements from LMU and manse inspection (if relevant) Governing Body of LMU gives approval Supply/Gap position not advertised on National Vacancy List; contact Conference Personnel Minister for potential applicants Follow remaining steps of the Search phase January, 2017

11 Step 7 Settlement Commission Liaison trains team on Ministry Profile phase
Resources: Checklist Flowchart Handbook (with Appendices) Ministry Profile Phase PowerPoint Ministry Profile Report (MNWO 403 RMP) Forms: MNWO Financial Viability Review, MNWO Presbytery Capacity Statement, PR 436 MI ,others in special circumstances i.e supervised ministry site January, 2017

12 First Meeting of Ministry Profile Team
Begin and end meetings with prayer. Prayer invites the Spirit to be part of the meeting and reminds us that God is part of the journey. Choice of chair and secretary for the Ministry Profile Committee Determine quorum Discuss biases, conflict of interest & confidentiality Get to know one another Express your excitement, hopes, and fears Share the gifts each person brings to the process Do you have reflections or observations on how the LMU is feeling about the change? January, 2017

13 Team Member Responsibilities
Chairperson: calls and chairs meetings of the Ministry Profile Committee after the training meeting develops the meeting agenda communicates with the LMU about the progress of the Ministry Profile Team (at governing body meetings, at worship, or in a newsletter) ensures that all necessary tasks are completed January, 2017

14 Team Member Responsibilities
Secretary: Keeps the minutes of each meeting including the attendance an overview of discussions a description of the work of the Ministry Profile Committee/Team any motions sends copy of minutes to the Settlement Commission liaison after each meeting sends copy of DRAFT report/forms/motions to Settlement Commission liaison for review January, 2017

15 Step 8 Development of Ministry Profile Report: an honest snapshot of your faith community
In consultation with LMU; could include surveys; consultation interview with leaving ministry personnel or team ministry personnel or other staff Position description, details of each function including percentages of time and average hours/week for each area of work (See Handbook Appendix for example) Note: the Ministry & Mission profile categories can be used as a guide for the position description Manse Information Summary (if applicable) Form PR 436 MI January, 2017

16 Step 8 (cont’d) Determine Financial Viability
Most recent monthly financial statement, including all fund balances MNWO Financial Viability Review completed for previous 5 years MNWO Presbytery Capacity Statement re: ability to support Learning Sites or Admissions applicants(if applicable) January, 2017

17 Step 9 Local Ministry Unit Requirements
Up-to-date ADP registration is in place for payroll Ministry & Personnel committee is in place Options for recommendation: request the Conference to approve one or more vacancies for ministry personnel positions to be filled through a call or an appointment with a specific percentage of time and proposed start date request the Conference to approve a change in terms of an existing call or appointment or the ending of it Request that no vacancy be declared for paid accountable ministry January, 2017

18 Step 10 Draft Ministry Profile Report, forms including recommendations and motions submitted to Settlement Liaison for review Settlement Commission Liaison will review the Ministry Profile documents and make suggestions for changes or ask questions for clarification if necessary Will ensure that proposed motions are in order Will ensure that the Ministry Profile Committee has completed MNWO 403 RMP January, 2017

19 Step 11 Revised documents circulated to governing body of Local Ministry Unit & Ministry Personnel
Note any revisions suggested by Settlement Commission Liaison Circulate in advance as directed ( Ministry Personnel, Staff and membership of Governing Body), allowing at least two days for consideration before meeting Appropriate presbytery appointed person must be present for quorum at meeting January, 2017

20 Step 12 Documents presented to Governing Body for action
Report of Ministry Profile Committee (Form MNWO RMP) Motions recorded in meeting minutes; forms to be signed by chair or secretary Governing Body of LMU may decide to: adopt the recommendations amend the recommendations make alternative recommendations refer the report back to the Ministry Profile Committee/Team for clarification recommend that no action be taken by the LMU January, 2017

21 Step 13 LMU meets to request approval of vacancy and name search team
Notice of LMU meeting given during worship on two consecutive Sundays . After the meeting notice has been read on the second Sunday, the meeting may take place on the next day (Monday) or on any day after that. Team may give notice for this meeting before the work of the Ministry Profile Team is completed. Must consult Presbytery Pastoral Relations Convener or Presbytery Chair when setting date to have someone from Presbytery available for quorum See handbook for sample agenda & motions January, 2017

22 Step 13 (cont’d) The LMU receives a summary report, the recommendations of the Ministry Profile Committee, and the decision of the governing body. The full Ministry Profile Report must be made available to the LMU in advance of the meeting. At same meeting of LMU, Search Committee appointed (may be the same people as the Ministry Profile Committee or some or all new members; check with people before appointing them) January, 2017

23 Step 14 Local Ministry Profile Committee submits materials to Conference Ministry Profile Review Team for action After approved by LMU, Ministry Profile forms are due at Conference Office by noon the Friday prior to the Ministry Profile Review Group meeting Ministry Profile Review Group will meet the Tuesday before the last Thursday of each month to declare vacancies All vacancies are declared for the beginning of a month Form MNWO 403 RMP January, 2017

24 Step 15 Conference Ministry Profile Review Group declares a vacancy
Vacancy is placed on the National Vacancy List and Conference website at the beginning of each month with application deadline the next month hence (10th of the month after first posted) All applications are submitted directly to <vacancies> The Local Ministry Search Committee/Team continues with the Search phase of the process Some assistance may be requested at their initial meeting from the Ministry Profile Committee in interpreting the Ministry Profile Report January, 2017

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