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Daily Warm-Up Questions

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1 Daily Warm-Up Questions
6th Social Studies

2 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are religious faiths practiced by many people in the world. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the three faiths? A. They are all monotheistic. B. All recognize Abraham as the Patriarch (father) of the faith. C. All recognize Jerusalem as a kingdom city. D. All three have the same holy book. D. All three have the same holy book.

3 Which of the following contributed to the outbreak of World War I?
A. The fear of the spread of communism B. an explosion on the battlefield Maine C. The Japanese invasion of the Philippines D. European empire building in Africa and Asia D. European empire building in Africa and Asia

4 One difference between the German and Russian languages is that German
A. does not use the Cyrillic alphabet. B. is spoken by fewer people than Russian. C. has not been spoken in Europe since World War II. D. is spoken in only one country in Europe, and Russian is spoken in several. A. does not use the Cyrillic alphabet.

5 Which country’s colonial empire is shaded in the map below. A
Which country’s colonial empire is shaded in the map below? A. Great Britain B. Spain C. Portugal D. Latin America B. Spain

6 Withdrawal from WWI, poverty, starvation, overthrow of the czar, civil war and communism are associated with the A. Chinese Revolution B. Russian Revolution C. American Revolution D. Spanish Revolution B. Russian Revolution

7 What type of government did Czar Nicholas II have in Russia?
A. Autocracy B. Democracy C. Oligarchy D. Republic A. Autocracy

8 How is power distributed in a unitary government?
A. One ruler makes all the decisions for a country. B. Smaller units of government, like counties, control the central government. C. A central government assigns power and duties to smaller units of government within the country. D. The central government does not have much power over the smaller units of government in the country. C. A central government assigns power and duties to smaller units of government within the country.

9 Which is the oldest of the three “western religions”?
A. Christianity B. Islam C. Judaism D. Roman Catholic C. Judaism

10 Which country’s colonial empire is shaded in the map below? Spain
Portugal Great Britain Canada C. Great Britain

11 World Literacy Rate According to the map above, which of the following statements could be concluded? A. The temperature in Africa is much warmer than other parts of the world. B. The standard of living in Canada is higher than most of South America. C. Brazil’s climate is very tropical and has many rainforest. D. There is not enough information to conclude anything. B. The standard of living in Canada is higher than most of South America.

12 Stop and check!

13 What is a main reason for people to exchange currency?
A. To have foreign money B. To use American dollars to trade C. To make more money by trading currency D. To buy and sell goods and services with other countries D. To buy and sell goods and services with other countries

14 In which type of economy do individuals have the most freedom?
A. Traditional B. Mixed C. Market D. Command C. market

15 Which statement best summarizes the reasons for European exploration?
A. European explorers were trying to prove that the earth was not flat. B. Europeans were looking to find ways to ease overcrowding in their cities. C. The monarchs of Europe were trying to develop and use new satellite technologies. D. The Europeans were trying to expand their territories, gather riches, and spread their religion. D. The Europeans were trying to expand their territories, gather riches, and spread their religion.

16 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all monotheistic faiths
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all monotheistic faiths. What does this mean? A. They all believe that Jesus was the son of God. B. They all believe in many Gods. C. They all believe in one God. D. They were all founded by Abraham. C. They all believe in one God.

17 Which of the following was an important cause of the Russian Revolution?
A. Differences among religious and ethnic groups in Russia B. An unsuccessful attempt by China to invade Russia C. Differences among social and economic classes in Russia D. An unsuccessful attempt by Britain to invade Russia C. Differences among social and economic classes in Russia

18 Which type of economy would best describe a communist country?
A. Market B. Traditional C. Command D. Free Enterprise C. command

19 The main purpose of the European Union is to
A. Require all European nations to adopt a command economy. B. Strengthen the economic, political, and defense ties of member nations. C. Create a large standing army for use around the world. D. Solve Europe’s environmental problems. B. Strengthen the economic, political, and defense ties of member nations.

20 Which is a literate adult in Europe LEAST likely to have?
A. Good health care B. A high-paying job C. Modern technology D. Uneducated children D. Uneducated children

21 What part of the Treaty of Versailles was most damaging to the German economy after World War I?
A. Germany lost its colonies B. The German emperor was to be put on trial. C. Germany had to pay the Allies large sums of money. D. Germans were not allowed to have a large army and navy. C. Germany had to pay the Allies large sums of money.

22 A country that invests in human capital will have a more successful economy because
A. There will be more money to pay workers. B. Workers will learn the skills they need on their own. C. Businesses will not pay taxes to pay good schools. D. Workers who are educated, skilled, and healthy are more productive. D. Workers who are educated, skilled, and healthy are more productive.

23 Stop and check!

24 Which of the following is usually TRUE about a country’s literacy rate and its standard of living?
A. A low literacy rate goes along with a low standard of living. B. A low literacy rate goes along with a high standard of living. C. Increasing the standard of living means decreasing the literacy rate. D. Decreasing the standard of living means increasing the literacy rate. A. A low literacy rate goes along with a low standard of living

25 Which is LEAST likely to be found in Europe today?
A. Capitalism B. Command economy C. Traditional economy D. Market economy C. Traditional economy

26 Why did Prince Henry the Navigator want to send ships south to Africa?
A. He hoped to learn more about marine life. B. He wanted to prove the world was not flat. C. He felt his father, the King, would be proud. D. He wanted a route around Africa to Asian markets. D. He wanted a route around Africa to Asian markets.

27 What was the Columbian Exchange?
A. Sending food and people from the Old World to the New World B. Sending animals and plants from the Old World to the New World C. The moving of animals, plants, people, and diseases from Central and South America to North America. D. The moving of animals, plants, people, and diseases from the Old World to the New World and from the New World to the Old World. D. The moving of animals, plants, people and disease from the Old World to the New World and from the New World to the Old World.

28 This group was created in 1993 for the purpose of creating a single economic market in which there are no barriers to trade, services, or capital among the member states A. Warsaw Pact B. European Union C. North Atlantic Treaty Organization D. South East Asian Treaty Organization B. European Union

29 In a traditional economic system people usually exchange goods or services rather than money. Which of the following is an example of this exchange? A. Charging goods on credit card B. Bartering with a seller C. Paying for services by check D. Using currency to pay B. Bartering with a seller

30 When a country has a market economy, which of these statements correctly defines this system?
A. Workers are guaranteed a pay raise each year. B. The government controls most of the businesses in the country. C. Basic goods in the country are provided to all people without charge. D. Companies produce goods of their choice and consumers decide whether to buy the goods. D. Companies produce goods of their choice and consumers decide whether to buy the goods.

31 What are the following religious requirements: Pray five times per day to Mecca; the belief in only one God, Allah, Hajj, fasting during Ramadan, charity. A. The five Commandments B. Sabbath C. The Five Pillars of Islam D. The New Testament C. The Five Pillars of Islam

32 Which statement best describes how economics played a role in European colonies in the 19th century?
A. The desire for international tourism increased. B. Europe felt Asia’s growing population was a threat to expansion. C. Trade routes to Asia from Europe were less important than before. D. Europe wanted more sources of raw materials needed for manufacturing. D. Europe wanted more sources of raw material needed for manufacturing.

33 Which of the following led to the end of the Cold War?
A. The Treaty of Versailles B. The Bombing of Hiroshima C. The collapse of the Soviet Union D. The colonization of Africa C. The collapse of the Soviet Union.

34 Stop and check!

35 Which environmental consequence resulted from the Chernobyl disaster?
A. Glaciers began to melt. B. Rain forests were destroyed. C. Radiation polluted the area. D. Oil was spilled into the ocean. C. Radiation polluted the area.

36 What do the economic systems of the U. K
What do the economic systems of the U.K., Germany, and Russia have in common? A. All are examples of pure market economies. B. All are examples of mixed economies that are mostly market economies with some elements of command economies. C. All are examples of mixed economies that are mostly command economies with some elements of market economies. D. All are examples of pure command economies. B. All are examples of mixed economies that are mostly market economies with some elements of command economies.

37 What do the languages of French and Italian have in common?
A. They are derived from Germanic tribes. B. They are spoken by the majority of the European population. C. They are Romance languages. D. They use the Cyrillic alphabet. C. They are romance languages

38 Economic Continuum Command Market UK US Germany Cuba Russia Australia Using the economic continuum, answer the following questions. Which country has the least government involvement in their economy? Which country has less individual freedom and more government involvement in their economy? 1. Australia, 2. Cuba

39 In order to produce a good or service, four factors of production are needed– natural resources (land), human resources (labor), capital resources (buildings and machinery), and entrepreneurship (organization). A sixth grade class decides to open a popcorn stand. The stand and the popcorn popper are examples of which factor of production? A. natural resources B. Human resources C. Capital resources D. entrepreneurship C. Capital resources

40 The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was designed to promote free trade between the United States, A. Canada, and Mexico B. The United Kingdom, and Russia C. Canada, and the United Kingdom D. Mexico, and the islands of the Caribbean A. Canada and Mexico

41 Which statement about the United Kingdom’s parliamentary system is correct?
A. Members of both houses of Parliament are elected for life B. The queen decides which laws Parliament will debate C. Members of Parliament do not belong to political parties D. The prime minister is not directly chosen by voters. D. The prime minister is not directly chosen by the voters.

42 In the 1400’s, this man helped Portugal take an early lead in exploration by providing money to study navigation, develop better boats, and encourage voyages along the coast of Africa. Who was he? A. Christopher Columbus B. Prince Henry C. Francisco Pizarro D. James Cook B. Prince Henry

43 Who were the first inhabitants of Australia?
A. prisoners from Britain B. Europeans looking for spices C. people who migrated from Asia D. sailors from Captain Cook’s ships C. People who migrated from Asia

44 Which type of government would most likely abolish all opposing political parties, the direct election of leaders, and free speech? A. Republic B. Constitutional monarchy C. Autocracy D. Representative democracy C. Autocracy

45 Stop and check!

46 In the late 1700’s, the British government used the colony of Australia as
A. A location in which to build new factories B. A prison to which criminals could be sent C. A military base to replace the African colonies D. A source of resources like coal and iron. B. A prison to which criminals could be sent.

47 Australia’s government power is divided between one central and several regional authorities. Name the type of government. A. Unitary B. Confederation C. Federal D. Autocratic C. Federal

48 What actions did the United Nations take as a result of the Holocaust?
A. It divided Palestine and Germany. B. It defeated Hitler and freed the Jews. C. It helped the Jews find jobs and shelter. D. It created a Jewish state called Israel and made genocide a crime. D. It created a Jewish state called Israel and made genocide a crime.

49 A market economy is very different from a command economy
A market economy is very different from a command economy. Which of the following is found in a market economy? A. Competition and privately owned businesses B. Government control of industry C. Guaranteed pay raises D. Government control of agriculture A. Competition and privately owned businesses

50 Which of the following explanations would reflect a country with a mixed economy?
A. Prices and wages are solely regulated by a country’s government. B. A combination of privately-owned industry and governmental control. C. A country’s distribution of resources is based on inheritance. D. Individuals make all economic decisions. B. A combination of privately-owned industry and governmental control.

51 Consider the overall climate of Russia
Consider the overall climate of Russia. Which best explains how climate has affected Russia? A lack of water has prevented the growth of forests. B. Harsh winters have forced invading armies to retreat. C. The long growing season makes it possible to produce a lot of grain D. The warm winds allow year-round travel on Russia’s waterways. B. Harsh winters have forced invading armies to retreat.

52 For hundreds of years, which factor has made it most difficult for Russia to take better advantages of its many natural resources? A. large size B. harsh climate C. lack of rivers D. mountainous terrain B. Harsh climate

53 How does the climate of Italy, located along the Mediterranean, compare to the climate of the U.K., located on the Atlantic A. Italy has colder winters and shorter summers. B. Italy has much more rainfall over the year. C. Italy has a shorter growing season with long winters. D. Italy has warmer winters and drier summers. D. Italy has warmer winters and drier summers

54 Which of the following countries is located along the Mediterranean Sea?
A. Italy B. Russia C. Germany D. Norway A. Italy

55 The leader of Parliament in countries such as Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom is called the A. Speaker B. President C. Chairman D. Prime minister D. Prime minister

56 Stop and check!

57 How did the English colonization of Australia affect the Aborigines?
A. It led to the discovery of gold, which made the Aborigines wealthy B. It resulted in an outbreak of disease, which reduced the Aborigine population C. It made the land difficult to farm, which caused the Aborigines to have less food D. It introduced a new system of laws, which made it easier for the Aborigines to own land. B. It resulted in an outbreak of disease, which reduced the Aborigine population

58 Why do some people in Quebec want independence from Canada?
A. Taxes are higher in Quebec B. The standard of living is better in Quebec C. Quebec’s culture is different D. Quebec's industries export more goods. C. Quebec’s culture is different.

59 Which environmental consequence resulted from the Chernobyl disaster?
A. Glaciers began to melt B. Radiation polluted the area C. Rain forests were destroyed D. Oil was spilled into the ocean B. Radiation polluted the area

60 Cuba has a dictatorship, and Brazil has a presidential democracy
Cuba has a dictatorship, and Brazil has a presidential democracy. How are these countries different from each other? A. In Cuba, the head of government has unlimited power B. In Brazil, the head of government is appointed for life. C. In Cuba, more citizens protest against the government D. In Brazil, all newspapers are owned by the government. A. In Cuba, the head of government has unlimited power.

61 What role did Pizarro play in the history of Latin America?
A. He led a small Spanish force to defeat the Inca Empire B. He conquered the Aztecs by creating alliances with their enemies C. He led a revolt that resulted in Haitian independence from France. D. He created nationalism in Argentina by appealing to the working class. A. He led a small Spanish force to defeat the Inca Empire.

62 Why is Australia more of a market economy than a command economy?
A. It has very few trading partners B. Farmers grow crops for themselves only. C. The government decides how to distribute services. D. Consumers determine which goods should be produced D. Consumers determine which goods should be produced

63 Why would a country make investments in human capital?
A. To decrease population B. To increase unemployment C. To decrease natural resources D. To increase gross domestic product (GDP) D. To increase the GDP

64 After 1986, Chernobyl, Ukraine was abandoned
After 1986, Chernobyl, Ukraine was abandoned. What caused the people to abandon this city? A. The nuclear power plant exploded and radiation levels were unsafe. B. The people were being persecuted by soldiers of the Soviet Union. C. The Chernobyl river was diverted so there was no drinking water. D. The area was under water because of the construction of a dam. A. The nuclear power plant exploded and radiation levels were unsafe.

65 What war was a result of militarism and nationalism in the late nineteenth century?
A. Civil War B. World War I C. World War II D. Vietnam War B. Word War I

66 Which group of nations formed the Central Powers during WWI?
A. Japan, Germany, Italy B. United States, France, Great Britain C. Ottoman Empire, Germany, United States D. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire D. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

67 Stop and check!

68 What was a cause of the Russian Revolution?
A. The czar was executed. B. There were food shortages in Russia. C. The Germans showed signs of surrender. D. Soldiers did not know how to use their weapons. B. There were food shortages in Russia.

69 Which person did the actions listed in the box? A. Vladimir Lenin
* did not protect the Russian royal family * changed Russia’s name to the Soviet Union * made a treaty with Germany to end the war *gave up large amounts of Russian land to Germany Which person did the actions listed in the box? A. Vladimir Lenin B. Czar Nicholas II C. Emperor Wilhelm II D. Woodrow Wilson A. Vladimir Lenin

70 What country was once split into communist and democratic parts but is now re-united?
A. Poland B. Germany C. Russia D. France B. Germany

71 What was the major cause of the worldwide economic depression in 1929?
A. Treaty of Versailles B. World War I C. Inflated German money D. U.S. stock market crash D. U.S. stock market crash

72 Adolf Hitler was the leader of which political party?
A. Fascist B. Socialist C. Nazi D. Republican C. Nazi

73 Which country explored and colonized much of the “New World” by conquering the Aztec and Incan civilizations? A. Great Britain B. Spain C. Portugal D. France B. Spain

74 Who was the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany? Adolf Hitler
B. Vladimir Lenin C. Woodrow Wilson D. Czar Nicholas II A. Adolf Hitler

75 What happened to the people who spoke out against Hitler in Germany?
A. They were sent to Siberia. B. Some were put in prison; some were murdered. C. They were put under house arrest. D. Some were allowed to leave Germany. B. Some were put in prison; some were murdered.

76 Which statement explains what these sentences are about?
*Hitler promised to rebuild Germany’s military. *The Treaty of Versailles angered Germans. *Hitler said he would get back Germany’s lost land. Which statement explains what these sentences are about? A. events that led to World War I B. feelings Germans had about other countries C. ways that German leaders tried to rebuild their country D. reasons why Hitler and the Nazis came to power in Germany D. Reasons why Hitler and the Nazis came to power in Germany

77 Which of the following best describes the power of a Queen or King in a Constitutional Monarchy?
A. The monarch has limited powers. B. The monarch has absolute powers. C. The monarch has unlimited powers. D. The monarch is the head of government. A. The monarch has limited powers.

78 Stop and check!

79 Which country’s colonial empire is shaded in the map above?
A. Canada B. Great Britain C. Spain D. Australia B. Great Britain

80 Which country’s colonial empire is shaded in the map above?
A. Spain B. Mexico C. Great Britain D. Portugal A. Spain

81 The Black Forest in ________ has been heavily damaged by acid rain.
A. Poland B. Germany C. Ukraine D. United Kingdom B. Germany

82 Parliamentary and Presidential democracies are forms of this type of government.
A. Representative Democracies B. Constitutional Monarchies C. Federal Autocracies D. Direct Democracies A. Representative Democracies

83 In which system of government does the legislature elect the executive leader of the government?
A. democratic B. communist C. parliamentary D. totalitarian C. parliamentary

84 Which of these countries is currently an example of a constitutional monarchy?
A. the United States B. France C. Indonesia D. Great Britain D. Great Britain

85 A. The legislature consists of two houses
Which best describes how a parliamentary government differs from the United States government? A. The legislature consists of two houses B. There are usually two major political parties. C. There are state as well as national governments. D. The head of the government is a member of the legislature. D. The head of government is a member of the legislature.

86 The leader of the Parliament in countries such as Canada and Great Britain is called the
A. Speaker B. President C. Chairman D. Prime minister D. Prime minister

87 Which statement about Great Britain’s parliamentary system of government today is true?
A. Members in both houses of Parliament are elected for life. B. The queen decides which laws Parliament will debate. C. Members of Parliament do not belong to political parties. D. The prime minister is not directly chosen by voters. D. The prime minister is not directly chosen by the voters.

88 In the 1980’s and 1990’s, many eastern European governments became
A. more democratic B. constitutional monarchies C. satellites of the Soviet Union D. more dictatorial A. More democratic

89 Stop and check!

90 The European Union (EU) was established in the 1990’s
The European Union (EU) was established in the 1990’s. Which of the following is a goal of the EU? A. To create a single European currency B. To endorse a single European language C. To provide military aid to European countries experiencing civil war D. To protect western European countries from formerly communist countries. A. To create a single European currency

91 What is the importance of the EU, which was established in the 1990’s?
A. It is a special stock market for European businesses. B. It provides better training for people wanting to run businesses. C. It provides its members with military protection from foreign attack. D. It is a system to remove trade barriers and open trade between countries. D. It is a system to remove trade barriers and open trade between countries.

92 How has the European Union been a benefit to the countries that have joined it?
A. The use of tariffs has increased trade. B. Trade with the United States has increased. C. More people now make full use of their country’s resources. D. The exchange of goods among the members has become easier. D. The exchange of goods among the members has become easier.

93 The Great Barrier Reef lies off the northeast coast of which country?
A. Brazil B. Australia C. Chile D. Cuba B. Australia

94 When a country has a free enterprise economic system (market system), which of these statements correctly defines this system? A. Basic goods in the country are provided to all people without charge. B. The government controls most of the businesses in the country. C. Workers in the country own many of the companies that employ them D. Companies produce goods of their choice and consumers decide whether to buy the goods. D. Companies produce goods of their choice and consumers decide whether to buy the goods.

95 On which continent today is there only one form of government?
A. South America B. Europe C. Australia D. North America C. Australia

96 The government of Australia is most similar to the government of which other country?
A. Spain B. France C. United Kingdom D. Germany C. United Kingdom

97 Which best describes the government of Australia?
A. Federal Republic B. Absolute Monarchy C. Parliamentary Democracy D. Federal Parliamentary Democracy D. Federal Parliamentary Democracy

98 What is the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year? A. gross domestic product (GDP) B. human capital investments C. GDP per Capita D. capital goods investments A. gross domestic product (GDP

99 Stop and check!

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