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Essential Paediatric Cardiology for Primary Care

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1 Essential Paediatric Cardiology for Primary Care
Dr J Cyriac Consultant Paediatrician Special Interests: Cardiology, Nephrology Mid Essex Hospitals NHS Trust Chelmsford Ramsay Springfield Hospital 03/05/2017 GPSTP

2 Vast Topic Cyanotic heart disease Acquired heart disease
Tachyarrhythmia Acyanotic heart disease Asked to present cardiovascular disease Vast Present a textbook in 1 hour with 10 minutes of discussion Familial Late onset heart disease Brady arrhythmia 03/05/2017 GPSTP

3 Classification Cardiac Problems Children Structural →Functional
Congenital Acquired Pure Functional Electrical →Functional Another way is to divide into structural, functional and electrical Purely functional: Dilated cardiomyopathy Again classify into congenital and acquired 27/10/2012 GP Update

4 Risk Factor and Genotype Heart Disease
“You have the potential for heart disease, but currently you are okay !” Risk Factor and Genotype Heart Disease

5 Scope of this presentation
General Overview Based on type, severity and age of presentation GP perspective :Common referrals Red flag signs My approach to cardiac diseases Illustrations of common CHD 03/05/2017 GPSTP

6 Presentations Cong Structural Heart Disease
Antenatal Scanning Newborn check Six week check Cardiorespiratory collapse Cyanosis Congestive cardiac Failure Associated Symptoms Incidental murmur

7 Structural Acquired Heart Disease
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Intrinsic and extrinsic Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Intrinsic and extrinsic Infective heart disease Immune mediated heart disease Consequential Heart Disease: chemotherapy, injury, radiation, metabolic etc.

8 My classification of CHD based on severity
Critical: Sudden death, Collapse, Shock Emergency Intervention: Prostaglandin, Catheter, cardiac operation Major: Significant symptoms: Device intervention or operation Moderate: Some symptoms: Medical or device intervention Mild: minimal consequence From a clinical response point of view I divide CHD into critical, major etc 27/10/2012 GP Update

9 Presentations based on age groups
Talk about presentations of CHD based on age groups 27/10/2012 GP Update

10 Pre-Antenatal Scan Era ----------------------------------- Post Antenatal Scan Era
I divide the last 20 years into pre-ante and post antenatal Evolving technique Doing since early 1990s Driver dependent and pick up rate is extremely variable. Pick up rate of CHD is between 25% to <85% 27/10/2012 GP Update

11 Heart Disease in Infancy
Critical and Serious 1-4 months Serious and Significant 4-8months Significant and Important 8-12months

12 Timing of Presentation
Remember I mentioned about the classification of CHD based on severity Red column signifies the critical CHD. Quite a few are detected in the antenatal scans and appropriate management plans are made before delivery Some are delivered in tertiary centre Significant number of these are not picked in the antenatal scan and present in the neonatal period either in the post natal ward or after discharge. I will take about this later. As you can most of the critical, major CHD present in the first year of life. Once present later always minor ones These include small VSD, PS, ASD etc Unlikely to cause any problems but anything with heart gives a lots of anxiety Occasional major ones present after infancy and early childhood. These are mostly Coarctation of aorta. Please check femoral 03/05/2017 GPSTP

13 Types of Presentation Antenatal Diagnosis Postnatal Ward
Cyanotic episodes Incidental murmur Absent Femoral pulse Collapse/Shock/Sudden Death( Critical Heart Lesion) Incidental detection of tachycardia (SVT) Incidental Detection of Bradycardia (Complete Heart Block) Breathlessness, Poor feeding etc. (CCF) As I told depending your antenatal sonographers roughly less than half of CHD are diagnosed antenatally. Referred to foetal cardiologists and detailed plan is made before delivery Most critical ones are even delivered in tertiary centre. Other presentations as above cyanosis, Symptoms are signs of CCF etc Only time I am going to mention Bradycardia 03/05/2017 GPSTP

14 Types of Presentation Neonatal period following discharge 8 week check
Cyanotic episodes Poor feeding, weight faltering, breathlessness (CCF) Collapse/ Sudden Death (Critical heart lesion) Funny Turn (SVT) 8 week check Weight Faltering, Poor feeding, breathlessness (CCF) Incidental Murmur Cyanotic Episodes Absent or feeble femoral pulses Funny Turn Referred by parents or HV going blue Symptoms and signs of CCF Ireland: six week check picked up child with Coarctation of aorta 27/10/2012 GP Update

15 Presentation in Infancy
Weight faltering, Poor Feeding, Breathlessness (CCF) Recurrent respiratory infections Delayed recovery with chest infection Incidental detection of murmur Funny Turn (SVT) Incidental detection of absent femoral pulse Cyanotic episodes (infrequent) Funny turn: goes pale, bit listless etc parents say feel the heart thumping away. 27/10/2012 GP Update

16 Presentation in Toddler and Preschool period
Recurrent chest infections Delayed recovery from chest infection Incidental detection of murmur Blue episodes Funny turn/Palpitation (SVT) Breathlessness on exertion These are time normal children start to get respiratory infections When maternal antibody wears off and going to nursery etc. One need to watch out for underlying CHD like undiagnosed ASD, PDA etc I did not mention VSD as the murmur is fairly loud and is unlikely to miss. Talk about breathless on exertion later Starts to become aware of their own heart beat so they might heart thumping away etc 27/10/2012 GP Update

17 Presentation in school age children
Breathlessness on exertion Incidental detection of murmur Palpitations Chest Pain Blue Episodes Most of the breathlessness on exertion is respiratory. Older child with a new onset of breathing problems without any evidence of respiratory infections need to think about dilated cardiomyopathy Talk about chest pain in the next slide 27/10/2012 GP Update

18 Presentation in Teenagers
Syncope Chest Pain Exertional Breathlessness Palpitations Sudden Collapse/Death We talked about breathlessness and palpitation Sudden collapse/death: rare but happens: Ventricular arrhythmia: VF or pulseless VT related QT problems, Myocarditis or undiagnosed HOCM Lots of discussion about screening everybody to pick these genetic mutations. There is clinic in Brompton called sudden death clinic 27/10/2012 GP Update

19 Essential Clinical Evaluation
Signs of respiratory distress Oxygen saturation lower limb Peripheral pulses Precordial activity Murmur Heart Sounds Liver size

20 Questions? 27/10/2012 GP Update

21 Conclusion and take home messages
Antenatal diagnosis is not foolproof Critical CHD presents in the first few weeks of life Don’t diagnose innocent heart murmurs in infancy! In infancy significant heart disease can be present even without significant murmurs 27/10/2012 GP Update

22 Conclusion and take home messages
In each patient at least once feel femoral pulse Invest in a paediatric probe for oxygen saturation monitor Watch out for exertional chest pain and exertional syncope Family history of sudden death (especially if <30 years of age), prolonged QT syndrome or HOCM. 27/10/2012 GP Update

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