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МБОУ АСОШ №1 Садриева Алсу Тагировна Интерактивная презентационная программа по обучению чтению по УМК «Звездный английский»

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Presentation on theme: "МБОУ АСОШ №1 Садриева Алсу Тагировна Интерактивная презентационная программа по обучению чтению по УМК «Звездный английский»"— Presentation transcript:

1 МБОУ АСОШ №1 Садриева Алсу Тагировна Интерактивная презентационная программа по обучению чтению по УМК «Звездный английский»


3 Reading is Fun a u i o e y

4 Reading is Fun ee ea ch th ph wh sh

5 Reading is Fun ng all ck ere ear are ay ey oy

6 Aa [ei] [ǣ]

7 Aa сat cake

8 [ǣ] fat hat can has cap hand man black

9 [ei] name snake lake plane plate Dave

10 cat black cake hat man Jane [ei] [ǣ] name hand lake can plane snake

11 Ii Ii [i] [ai]

12 Ii milk bike

13 Ii [i] [ai] swim like sit Mike pink write sister nine kitten ride

14 Подчеркни лишнее слово
Подчеркни лишнее слово swim nine big kitten like ride little listen ice

15 Ee [i:] [e]

16 Ee we zebra

17 Ee [i:] he me be she Pete

18 Ee[e] ten seven desk pen red dress

19 plane swim hat dress she nine [i] [ǣ] [ei] [i:] [ai] [e]

20 Yy [ai] [i]

21 Yy fly baby

22 Yy [ai] [i] fly baby sky teddy bye pretty my family

23 Oo [əu ] [ɒ ]

24 Oo home frog

25 Oo [əu ] [ɒ ] home dog rose stop go hot Tony got nose Donna

26 Uu [ju:] [^ ]

27 Uu pupil nuts

28 Uu [ju:] computer pupil music student use

29 Uu [^] sun puppy fun Russia drum run cup

30 Ii ee ea [i:]

31 ee ea bee jeans

32 [i:] bee tree green sweets meat eat read please team

33 th [ð] [Ɵ]

34 th mother teeth

35 th [ð] [Ɵ] brother teeth with thanks this three they think then that
[ð] [Ɵ] brother teeth with thanks this three they think then that the

36 wh [w] [h]

37 wh whale who

38 wh [w] [h] whale who why when white what

39 sh ph ch [ʃ] [f] [tʃ]

40 sh ph ship phone

41 sh [ʃ] she shell shine shop fish wish меню

42 ph [ f ] phone dolphin elephant меню

43 ch [tʃ] cheese chips chin cherry beach chocolate teacher

44 ng ck [ŋ] [k]

45 ng king

46 ng [ŋ] king sing ring song long going jungle

47 ck socks

48 ck [k] clock duck pack quick kick Nick chicken

49 Ii ay ey [ei]

50 ay, ey play grey

51 ay, ey [ei] grey away day Friday way say pay today

52 oy [ɔi ]

53 oy [ɔi ] boy

54 ere ear are [eə]

55 ere, ear, are where pear square

56 ere, ear, are [eə] there bear wear share hare square pear

57 all [ɔ:l]

58 all ball

59 all [ɔ:l] call fall all tall wall small

60 or horse

61 ar garden

62 er, ir her bird girl shirt thirteen birthday circle

63 ou, ow mouse cow how now shout out

64 ou, ow house down count flower town mouth clown

65 or horse fork forty for popcorn shorts morning

66 ar garden star car farm park party

67 ir bird

68 er, ir her bird girl shirt thirteen birthday circle

69 ou, ow mouse cow

70 ou, ow “Wow!” says the mouse.
“A cow that can count!” “I’m from a special town, dear Mouse. Come and see.”

71 ur surf

72 wor worm

73 aw paw

74 ai snail

75 oa boat


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