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Do Now (3 minutes) In a 5 sentence paragraph, explain whether you think the Pilgrims made the best decision by establishing a democratic system of government.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now (3 minutes) In a 5 sentence paragraph, explain whether you think the Pilgrims made the best decision by establishing a democratic system of government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now (3 minutes) In a 5 sentence paragraph, explain whether you think the Pilgrims made the best decision by establishing a democratic system of government. Standards 1, 4, & 5

2 EQ #3 To what extent was the American Revolution justifiable?
Standards 1, 4, & 5

3 1. England wanted to benefit from American prosperity.
I. Pre-Revolution ( ) A – Great Britain followed policy of salutary neglect in which they interfered very little with the colonies. 1. England wanted to benefit from American prosperity. 2. Little restrictions were placed on colonies and in turn colonists supported England. B. Events leading up to the revolution 1. French and Indian Wars ( ): Britain and France rivaled for power. Britain was triumphant Standards 1, 4, & 5

4 II. Causes of the American Revolution A. Economic Causes
1. Britain was left with a large debt after winning the French and Indian War. 2. British government believed that the colonies should pay for their own defense. 3. Mercantilism: Colonies existed to provide raw materials and markets for the home (mother) country). 4. Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Quartering Acts (all resented by the colonists). Standards 1, 4, & 5

5 Standards 1, 4, & 5

6 1. Colonists viewed taxes as a threat to their liberties.
B. Political Causes 1. Colonists viewed taxes as a threat to their liberties. 2. Argued British violated their natural rights because colonists had no representation in Parliament. C. Social Causes 1. The Great Awakening: Religious movement encouraging people to question authority. 2. Colonists developed an independent life and thought. Standards 1, 4, & 5

7 The Great Awakening Standards 1, 4, & 5

8 The Boston Massacre Shooting of five American colonists by British troops on March 5, One person, an African-American man named Crispus Attucks, was killed. Nearly every part of the story is disputed by both sides. Did the colonists have weapons? The British say rocks and other such weapons were hurled at them. But the British had guns, and they did open fire. The Boston Massacre deepened American distrust of the British military presence in the colonies. Standards 1, 4, & 5

9 1773: Tea Act (Boston Tea Party) 1774: Intolerable Acts
III. The Final Straw 1773: Tea Act (Boston Tea Party) 1774: Intolerable Acts 1775: American Revolution Began The Boston Tea Party Standards 1, 4, & 5

10 Regents Q of the Day The economic system of the United States in the late 1800's can best be described as a. communism b. socialism c. mercantilism d. capitalism Standards 1, 4, & 5

11 Regents Q of the Day Under the economic system of mercantilism, colonies were encouraged to a. produce and sell manufactured goods b. provide raw materials for the mother country c. develop international trade d. supply workers for factories in the mother country Standards 1, 4, & 5

12 If you were a colonist during the 1700s, would you have supported the revolution? Why or why not?
Standards 1, 4, & 5

13 These WILL be read out loud
Imagine your are ending a relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Write a brief letter to them explaining why you no longer wish to be with them. These WILL be read out loud Standards 1 & 5

14 EQ #4 To what extent are the ideas of the Declaration of Independence still valid today?
Standards 1 & 5

15 I. Declaration of Independence
A. On July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was adopted, which marks the birth of the United States of America. B. Purpose 1. To announce to the world that the colonies were now a new, independent nation. 2. To explain and justify the reasons that the united colonies had decided to become part of the United States of America. Standards 1 & 5

16 2. A list of grievances (complaints) against the King
C. Three Parts 1. A theory of government 2. A list of grievances (complaints) against the King 3. A formal resolution declaring independence Standards 1 & 5

17 D. Key Ideas 1. People have natural rights (life, liberty, happiness)- influenced by Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke. 2. Governments receive their power to govern “from the consent of the governed” by a social contract in which the government agrees to protect the people’s natural rights. 3. The people have the right to overthrow the government if it fails to protect their natural rights. Standards 1 & 5

18 was turning point in war (French openly supported Americans).
II. American Victory A. Battle at Saratoga was turning point in war (French openly supported Americans). B. War ended with British surrender at Yorktown in 1781 C. Treaty of Paris was negotiated and signed in 1783 creating new nation’s borders Standards 1 & 5

19 Effects of the American Revolution
A. New state constitutions limiting government’s power B. Britain recognized U.S. as an independent nation C. Ideas of freedom and natural rights inspire people 1. Questioning act of slavery 2. Questioning women’s role in society D. Ideals of the revolution influenced other parts of the world. Standards 1 & 5

20 U.S. AFTER American Revolution
Standards 1 & 5

21 Regents Q of the Day The major purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to a. describe a strategy for the defeat of the British in the Revolutionary War b. justify the actions of people seeking to overthrow British colonial rule c. provide for the establishment of new state governments d. provide a plan of organization for a new government Standards 1 & 5

22 Regents Q of the Day In writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson based his argument for American independence on the idea that a. people have natural rights as human beings b. the British refused to import colonial raw materials c. monarchy was evil by nature d. Britain was too far away to rule the Colonies effectively Standards 1 & 5

23 Base your answer on the table and on your knowledge of social studies.
Which conclusion about the American Revolutionary War is most clearly supported by information in this chart? a. England had few advantages in a war with her American colonies. b. The thirteen colonies had more advantages than disadvantages upon entering the war. c. England did not believe that the thirteen colonies were worth the expense of a war. d. The thirteen colonies had few, but important advantages in the war with England. Standards 1 & 5

24 Evaluate the following statement:
“The ideas found in the Declaration of Independence are valued in modern society.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your answer. Standards 1 & 5

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