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By Rainford Brook Lodge Primary School

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1 By Rainford Brook Lodge Primary School
Safer Internet Day 2017 By Rainford Brook Lodge Primary School

2 Reception The children listened to the story about Smartie the Penguins birthday. Smartie got a brand new tablet for his birthday but unfortunately, Smartie encountered a few problems whilst using the Internet such as strange messages popping up, apps meant for older 'Penguins' opened and some penguins being unkind to each other. The children helped Smartie to make the correct decision to solve these problems by reminding him to ALWAYS ask an adult for help and to tell them when things don't seem right. The children then designed posters using Purplemash to show Smartie telling his mummy and daddy.

3 Year 1 Year 1 have thoroughly enjoyed learning about how to stay safe on the internet this week.  On Monday they learned a rap with Mrs Mugan about how to stay safe (ask your child to perform this for you!) They have also created their own posters on how to stay safe.  After asking the children about when they use the internet, it was lovely to hear how many of them enjoy accessing games and video links with their siblings or parents. 

4 Year 2 This week the children have been learning all about how to keep save using the internet. For the first activity, children looked at a range of pictures which had been posted on the internet and listed what information they could retrieve from them. The children were surprised at how much information they found out about someone, just from looking at a photograph. We then discussed how we would not like everyone to know all of that information about us, therefore we should be careful what we post on the internet. Later on in the day the children created internet safety poster with Mrs Kime. They worked extremely hard and did a brilliant job! 

5 Year 3 We looked at the difference between photo albums from when Miss Rowbottom was young and how photos are shared with people today. We discussed how it is harder to control who can see your photos and copy them when they are online. We talked about appropriate pictures to share, how to keep them private and what is appropriate for children our age. Think: Who am I sharing a photo with? Who else might be able to see it? What will people be able to find out about me? What will people be able to find out about the other people in the photo?

6 Year 4 We completed various activities as part of Internet Safety Day, including posters, crosswords and discussions.  Children had an excellent knowledge of how to respond to any online issues, with the main message being 'block, (screen) shot and tell'.  Mr Mugan learned lots too, including the inner workings of 'Snapchat' and Musically'. We reminded children of the age restrictions on various apps, but mainly highlighted that safe use of the Internet makes it a more enjoyable experience.

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