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Welcome to Poppy Road’s Safer Internet day. What do you think internet safety is about?

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Poppy Road’s Safer Internet day. What do you think internet safety is about?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Poppy Road’s Safer Internet day

2 What do you think internet safety is about?

3 Here’s what our children had to say…  Being safe online by playing with people you know (Y3)  Being careful to avoid anything that could cause a virus on any of your devices. (Y3)  Internet safety means don’t tell anybody your own personal details(Y4)  When you are on an xbox and someone asks you to join them but you don’t give them any of your details or age. (Y4)  Only access things that are appropriate and avoid viruses (Y5)  Don’t talk to strangers on the internet that you don’t know (Y6)  Don’t talk to strangers and don’t copy what they do. (Y6)

4 Top 5 tips for Internet Safety SMART rules

5 Safe social media tips  Privacy settings internetsafetycheatsheet internetsafetycheatsheet  No photos or personal information  Encourage respect online as in daily life

6 6 + 8+ 6+

7 Conversation starter suggestions… 1.Ask your children about what websites and apps they like to use and what they enjoy doing online 2.Ask them about how they stay safe online. What tips do they have for you and where did they learn them? What is OK and not OK to share? 3.Ask if they know where to go for help, where to find the safety advice, privacy settings and how to report or block on the services they use. 4.Encourage them to help someone! Perhaps a friend or family member who would benefit from their help and support – lots of children are now more tech-savvy than their teachers! 5.Think about how you each use the internet. What more could you do to use the internet together? Are there activities you could enjoy as a family?

8 Social media problems outside of school  What should you do?  Remind the children that the code of conduct we have at school that is focused around respect for everyone, also applies at home  What if children from the school are also involved?  Make sure that you contact the parents/carer of the child to discuss options and steps forward  Does school need to know?  Any case of bully on-line should be reported to school once you have dealt with it outside of school. We may recommend that further action is taken

9 Questions?

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