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Presentation on theme: "Disease."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disease

2 Disease A disruption in the human body that leads to a disruption in homeostasis Two types: Non-Infectious and Infectious

3 Non – Infectious CANNOT be transmitted from one organism to another
Ex: genetic disorders, heart disease and most cancers

4 Infectious CAN be transmitted from one organism to another
Ex: Bubonic plague, TB, HIV Caused by pathogens – anything that can cause disease

5 Pathogens (AKA: Germ) Include: bacteria, viruses, protists, fungi, and parasitic worms

6 Bacteria Produce toxins (poisonous chemicals) and destroy body tissues which can disrupt homeostasis TB (tuberculosis) Strep Throat Salmonella Treated with antibiotics specific to the bacteria

7 Viruses It is NOT a cell It is NOT ALIVE – it MUST use a living cell to reproduce – this damages or destroys the living cell It disrupts homeostasis if the viral infection destroys cells faster than the body can replace them Ex: HIV Chicken Pox Flu

8 Transmission of Pathogens
Air Infected Organism Food Vectors (mosquito) Water Animals

9 Preventing Entry Your body can stop pathogens from entering
Skin and mucous membranes form strong barriers HCL acid in your stomach kills bacteria

10 Avoiding Disease Good Hygiene – proper hand washing, avoiding contaminated animals and people Healthy Lifestyle – Eating a balanced diet supplies the body with the nutrients needed and exercise Get Vaccinated - we will learn about this in a later lesson…


12 Discuss and answer… Think of one disease mentioned today. Explain how it can disrupt homeostasis in your body.

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