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The nature of motivation

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1 The nature of motivation
Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3/e The nature of motivation Motivation The driving force within individuals that impels them to action Produced by a state of tension due to an unfulfilled need Which leads to conscious/subconscious attempts to reduce the tension The energising force that activates or triggers behaviour. Provides purpose, direction and drive to that behaviour Theories of motivation Maslow’s hierarchy of needs All humans acquire a similar set of motives through genetic endowment and social interaction Some motives are more basic or critical than others The more basic motives must be satisfied to a minimum level before other motives are activated As the basic motives become satisfied, the more advanced motives come into play. McGuire’s psychological motives See pages 300-1 Chapter 10

2 Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3/e
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Self-Actualisation (self-fulfillment) Social Needs (affection, friendship, belonging) Safety and Security Needs (protection, order, stability) Ego Needs (prestige, status, self-esteem) Physiological Needs (food, water, air, shelter, sex) There are numerous motivation theories. Maslow’s needs hierarchy states that basic motives must be minimally satisfied before more advanced motives are activated. It proposes five levels of motivation: physiological, safety, belonging, esteem and self-actualisation. See page 300 See Table 10.1 (page 303) for applications of Maslow’s motives in advertising. Chapter 10

3 McGuire’s psychological motives
Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3/e McGuire’s psychological motives Cognitive preservation motives Cognitive growth motives Affective growth motives Affective preservation motives McGuire has developed a motive classification scheme that is more specific than Maslow’s. The 16 different motives can be grouped into four areas. See page 302 for definitions. Chapter 10

4 McGuire’s psychological motives: Cognitive motives (see table 10.2)
Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3/e McGuire’s psychological motives: Cognitive motives (see table 10.2) McGuire motive classification scheme. See pages 302–7 for details Chapter 10

5 The need for observable cues regarding the desired image sought

6 McGuire’s psychological motives: Affective motives
Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3/e McGuire’s psychological motives: Affective motives McGuire motive classification scheme. See pages 302–7 for discussion. Chapter 10

7 Appealing to the Individual’s Need for Self-Expression
Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3/e Appealing to the Individual’s Need for Self-Expression See page 304 for details and discussion. Chapter 10

8 Affective growth motives

9 Appealing to consumers’ need to enhance their self-esteem
Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3/e Appealing to consumers’ need to enhance their self-esteem See page 306 for discussion. Chapter 10

10 Discovering purchase motives
Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3/e Discovering purchase motives Latent motives Manifest motives Consumers are often aware of, and will admit to, the motives causing their behaviour. Motives readily admitted to are manifest motives. They can be discovered by standard marketing research techniques such as direct questioning. Direct advertising appeals can be made to these motives. At other times, consumers are unable or unwilling to admit the motives that are influencing them—these are latent motives. See pages 307–308 Chapter 10

11 Latent and manifest motives
Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3/e Latent and manifest motives Manifest motives Motives that are known and freely admitted Latent motives Motives that are either unknown to the individual or are such that the individual is very reluctant to admit them See page 308 Chapter 10

12 Latent and manifest motives in a purchase situation
Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3/e Latent and manifest motives in a purchase situation See page 308 for definitions. Chapter 10

13 Motivation research techniques
Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3/e Motivation research techniques 1.Association techniques Word association-listed words one by one and the respondents quickly replies the first word that enters his mind. Successive word association 2.Completion techniques Sentence completion respondent is required to complete an unfinished sentence. For example, “I do not use shampoos because……..” “Coffee that is quickly made…………. ” Story completion respondent is asked to complete a story, end of which is missing. researcher to find out the almost exact version of images and feelings of people towards a company’s product. 3.Construction techniques Cartoon techniques Third-person techniques-presented with a situation and are asked to suggest the feelings and attitudes of other people to the situation. Picture techniques When consumers are unable or unwilling to admit the motives that are influencing them—the latent motives—they can be determined by motivation-research techniques. These are techniques such as word association, sentence completion and picture response. While direct advertising appeals can be used, indirect appeals are often necessary. In many purchase situations, both manifest and latent motives are operating. See Table 10.3, page 311 Chapter 10

14 Marketing strategies based on motivation conflict
Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3/e Marketing strategies based on motivation conflict Approach–approach motivational conflict A choice between two attractive alternatives Approach–avoidance Consumer faces both positive and negative consequences Avoidance–avoidance Consumer faces two undesirable alternatives Because of the large number of motives and the many different situations that consumers face, motivational conflict can occur. In an approach–approach conflict, the consumer faces a choice between two attractive alternatives. In an approach–avoidance conflict, the consumer faces both positive and negative consequences in the purchase of a particular product. And, in an avoidance–avoidance conflict, the consumer faces two undesirable alternatives. See pages 310–311 for discussion Chapter 10

15 Approach-avoidance motivational conflict in advertising
Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy 3/e Approach-avoidance motivational conflict in advertising Positive sweet taste of sugar versus the negative (health issues) consequences. Artificial sweetener helps solve the conflict See page 312 Chapter 10

16 Personality Definition
“Those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflects how a person responds to his or her environment”. Nature Of Personality Personality reflects individual differences Unique combination of inner characteristics – No two individuals are exactly alike Eg:Venturesome (scuba diving, rock climbing) to some others who are not venturesome. Personality allows marketers to divide people into different groups based on their traits.

17 Nature Of Personality Personality is Consistent & Enduring
Mother – “child has been impulsive from the day he was born” – enduring & consistent. Marketers cannot change consumers personalities to meet their products. But understanding which specific characteristics bring in required responses, can help marketers to appeal to these traits in their target audience. Personality Can Change May be altered by major life events – birth of a child, death of a loved one, personal tragedies – accident, health problem, divorce, significant career promotion. Personality changes can also be part of maturing process. Women’s personality in general has been changing faster.

18 Theories of Personality
Freudian theory Unconscious needs or drives are at the heart of human motivation Neo-Freudian personality theory Social relationships are fundamental to the formation and development of personality Trait theory Quantitative approach to personality as a set of psychological traits

19 Freudian Theory Personality consists of three interacting systems.
Id – related to physiological or impulsive needs to which one seeks immediate satisfaction. Super Ego – individuals internal expression of moral / ethical codes of conduct; socio–cultural forces. Ego – The individuals conscious control. Functions as an internal monitor that attempts to balance the impulsive needs and socio cultural constraints.

20 LEVEL OF MENTAL LIFE UNCONSCIOUS Contains all the feeling, urges or instinct that are beyond our awareness but it affect our expression, feeling, action (E.g. Slip of tongue, dreams, wishes) PRECONSCIOUS Facts stored in a part of the brain, which are not conscious but are available for possible use in the future (E.g. A person will never think of her home address at that moment but when her friend ask for it, she can easily recall it) 3. CONSCIOUS Only level of mental life that are directly available to us The awareness of our own mental process (Thoughts/feeling)

21 1. Id 2. Ego 3. Superego Partially unconscious
Infants are born with Id intact Operates on PLEASURE PRINCIPLE – to gain pleasure, avoid pain 2. Ego The rational level of personality Operates on REALITY PRINCIPLES – does realistic and logical thinking The balance between Id and Superego 3. Superego Partially unconscious Operates on MORAL PRINCIPLES Able to differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong If people follow their superego, they will feel proud but if they don’t follow, they will feel guilty and anxious

22 Example: ID I want to eat chocolate! EGO Eats a small bar of chocolate
SUPEREGO I am on a super diet!

23 Neo Freudian Personality Theory
Social relationships are fundamental to formation of personality (Freud - impulsive and sexual in nature) Three personality Groups 1. Compliant Individuals – those who move towards others (desire to be loved, wanted and appreciated). 2. Aggressive Individuals – those who move against others (desire to excel / win admiration). 3. Detached Individuals- those who move away from others (desire independence, self reliance, self sufficiency - freedom from obligation)

24 Trait Theory Departure from qualitative measures that typify the earlier theories. Quantitative or empirical in approach. Measurement of personality in terms of specific psychological characteristics called ‘traits’. Checks personality traits related to how consumer makes his choices ---- The trait theory is based on three assumptions. 1. Individuals possess relatively stable behavioral tendencies. 2. Different people differ in the degree to which they possess these tendencies. 3. When identified and measured, these relative differences between individuals are useful in characterizing their personalities.

25 Personality Traits 1. Consumer Innovativeness:
Nature and boundaries of a consumers willingness to innovate 2. Dogmatism: Trait that measures the degree of rigidity (vs. openness) that they show toward an information that is contrary to their own established beliefs. 3. Social Character: Ranges from inner-directedness to other directedness. Inner directed consumers tend to rely on their own inner values while evaluating new products. While outer-directed tend to look for other’s opinion. 4. Need for uniqueness: for such people, conformity to others expectations or standards either in appearance or in their possessions is something to be avoided. 5. Optimum Stimulation Level: Some people prefer a simple, uncluttered and calm existence (whereas others prefer complex and unusual experiences). High OSL is linked to greater willingness to risks, try new products …. 6. Sensation Seeking: characterized by the need for varied, novel and complex experiences and willingness to take physical and social risks.

26 Brand Personality Consumers attribute various descriptive personality like traits to different brands in a wide variety of product categories. Volvo – representing safety / family orientation Levi’s 501 jeans – dependable, rugged & American BMW - performance driven Nivea – Mild and caring Nike - the athlete in all of us.

27 Brand Personality Brand Personality Sophistication Sincerity
Excitement Competence Ruggedness Down-to-earth Honest Wholesome Cheerful Daring Spirited Imaginative Up-to-date Reliable Intelligent successful Upper class Charming Tough Outdoorsy

28 Self Concept Is defined as the totality of individuals thoughts and feelings having reference to him/ her as an object. Life style, in many ways, is an outward expression of ones self-concept. Self Concept – Theory Holds that an individuals have a concept of self based on who they think they are (the actual self) ………… and a concept of who they think they would like to be (the ideal self). Related to two key concepts of psycho-analytic theory, the ego and the super ego. Ego is similar to one’s objective reality, so its similar to actual self. Superego is defined by the way things should be and hence can be seen as a reflection of ideal self.

29 Actual Self There is no one actual self.
Consumers have various role identities – mother, wife, working woman, volunteer etc. One of these roles is dominant in specific situations. This particular role affects the behavior (dressing style, talking, way they conduct etc) The amalgam of individuals roles makes up the individual self. Studies have confirmed that consumers buy products related to their self concept. Dolich – studied buying of beer, cigarettes, soaps and tooth paste and found that respondents tend to prefer brands they rate similar to themselves. The same is in the case of automobiles too. Marketing takeaways: the concept of ‘actual self’, says that image consumers have of themselves influences their purchases. They attain ‘self consistency’, by buying products they perceive as similar to their self-concept

30 Relationship Between Self Concept & Brand Image Influence
Product (Brand Image) Relationship Between self concept & brand image Satisfaction Purchases Contribute to Desired self concept Behavior Seek products and Brands that improve/ maintain self concept. Consumer (self concept) Reinforces Self-Concept

31 Ideal Self Concept of ideal self relates to ones self esteem.
The greater the difference between the actual self and the ideal self, the lower an individuals self esteem. Dissatisfaction with actual self, will end up in purchases of such products that they think will enhance their ‘self-esteem’. A woman who would like to be more modern, efficient and imaginative will use different perfumes, deodorant or shop at different stores than a woman who want to be warm/attractive. In different contexts, consumer’s behavior might be guided by different self concepts. Daily use items including consumer durables purchase will be more guided by actual self concept. Socially conspicuous products or status products will be guided by social self image. Fantasy products cosmetics, fashion items or accessories will be guided by ideal self image or ideal social self image

32 Dimensions Of Self Concept
Actual Self Concept Ideal Self Concept Actual Self How I actually see myself Ideal self How I would like to see myself Private Self Social Self How others actually see me Ideal Social Self How I would like others to see me. Social Self

33 The Nature Of Lifestyles
Lifestyle variables are defined by how people spend their time (activities), what they consider important in their environment (interests), and what they think of themselves and the world around them (opinions). Activities:- Work, Hobbies, Social Events, Vacation, Entertainment, Club Membership Interests:- Family, Home, Job, Community, recreation, Fashion Opinions:- Personal Relations, Social issues, politics, Business, Economics, Education

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