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Functional anatomy of alimentary (digestive)

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Presentation on theme: "Functional anatomy of alimentary (digestive)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Functional anatomy of alimentary (digestive)

2 Alimentary system is a collection of organs which provide mechanical and chemical digestion of food, absorption of nutrients into blood and lymph and excretion of feces


4 Alimentary system organs
Oral cavity Pharynx Oesophagus Liver Stomach Pancreas Small intestine Large intestine

5 Parts of small intestine
Duodenum Jejunum Ileum

6 Parts of large intestine
Transverse colon Descending colon Ascending colon Sigmoid colon Caecum Rectum

7 mouth anus

8 fauces I II III IV V VI


10 Lingual papillae

11 Taste sensation of tongue

12 Parotid gland Sublingual gland Submandibular gland

13 Parodontium includes:
periodontal fibres, jawbone, gum and dental root

14 Permanent teeth Deciduous teeth

15 Upper right quadrant Upper left quadrant Lower right quadrant Lower left quadrant

16 Total length of digestive tract is about 10 m Pharynx (12-15 cm)
Oesophagus (25-30 cm) Small intestine (6 – 7 m) Large intestine (1,5 – 2 m)

17 VI cervical vertebra X-XI thoracic vertebra I lumbar vertebra

18 Epigastrium Mesogastrium Hypogastrium

19 The digestive organs Hollow Parenchymatous Pharynx; Oesophagus;
Stomach; Small intestine; 5.Large intestine 6. Gallbladder Salivary glands; Liver; Pancreas

20 Other organs Hollow Parenchymatous Urinary bladder; Uterus; Ureter;
Deferent duct; 5.Uterine tube Spleen; Lungs; Testes; Prostate Endocrine glands

21 Structure of hollow organs
Serous layer Muscular layer Mucous layer

22 Structure of hollow organs
Mucous layer Muscular layer Serous (or adventitial) layer

23 Structure of mucosa Lymphatic follicle Epithelium Lamina propria
muscularis Submucous layer Glands

24 Oral mucosa

25 Gastric mucosa Gastric pits Simple columnar epithelium

26 Intestinal mucosa Villus Simple columnar epithelium

27 Mucosa of colon Crypt Simple columnar epithelium

28 Muscular layer in oesophagus
Circular layer Longitudinal layer

29 Muscular layer in stomach

30 Muscular layer in small intestine

31 Muscular layer in large intestine
Haustra Taenia

32 Cardiac (lower oesophageal) sphincter


34 ileocaecal valve ileocaecal orifice


36 Visceral peritoneum Parietal peritoneum Retroperitoneal space Greater omentum Mesentery Peritoneal cavity


38 Relatively to the peritoneum the organs can be divided into:
Intraperitoneal Mesoperitoneal Extraperitoneal

39 Intraperitoneal organs
Stomach Spleen Jejunum Ileum 5. Caecum with appendix 6. Transverse colon 7. Sigmoid colon 8. Upper rectum

40 Mesoperitoneal organs
Liver Gallbladder Ascending colon Descending colon 5. Uterus 6. Full urinary bladder 8. Middle rectum

41 Extraperitoneal organs
Pancreas Duodenum Lower rectum 4. Empty urinary bladder 5. Kidneys 6. Suprarenal glands

42 Structure of hollow organs
Serous (or adventitial) layer Muscular layer Mucous layer

43 Structure of parenchymatous organs
- consist of glandular tissue - have no lumen inside The smallest parts of the parenchymatous organs, bounded by connective-tissue frame and surrounded by their own blood stream, are called structural and functional units.

44 In the liver the structural and functional unit is hepatic lobule

45 In the pancreas the structural and functional unit is pancreatic acinus

46 Liver segmentation

47 I Caudate lobe II Superolateral segment of left lobe III Inferolateral segment of left lobe IV Medial segment of right lobe V Anteroinferior segment of right lobe VI Posteroinferior segment of right lobe VII Posterosuperior segment of right lobe VII Anterosuperior segment of right lobe

48 Development of digestive system: stage of 20 days

49 Development of digestive system: stage of 20 days
neural tube chorda celom mesoderm ectoderm entoderm

50 Derivatives of ectoderm
enamel 2. salivary glands ectoderm

51 Derivatives of ectoderm
epithelium 2. glands (liver, pancreas) entoderm (primitive gut)

52 Derivatives of mesoderm
splanchnopleura splanchnopleura 1. mucosa 2. submucous layer 3. muscular layer 4. serous layer (visceral peritoneum)

53 Derivatives of mesoderm
somatopleura somatopleura parietal peritoneum

54 Development of digestive system: stage of 30 days
pharynx oesophagus stomodeum stomach yolk stalk allantois liver midgut proctodeum hindgut cloaca

55 Development of digestive system: stage of 35 days
cerebral and neural tubes chorda trachea oesophagus heart stomach liver allantois yolk stalk midgut cloaca coelom (peritoneal cavity) hindgut rectum

56 Division of the primitive gut into the parts
Foregut descending limb Midgut umbilical (yolk) loop Hindgut ascending limb

57 Division of the primitive gut into the parts
Oesophagus, stomach, descending part of duodenum Foregut Small intestine (from descending limb); Caecum,ascending colon, transverse colon (from descending limb) Midgut Descending colon, sigmoid colon rectum Hindgut

58 Development of mesenteries
stomach liver spleen ventral mesentery pancreas dorsal mesentery Falciform ligament Hepatogastric ligament Hepatoduodenal ligament Greater omentum Mesentery of small intestine Sigmoid mesocolon

59 The twist of gut tube: stage of 5 weeks

60 I branchial arch the walls of the oral cavity (including maxilla
and mandible) lips - masticatory muscles

61 II branchial arch hyoid bone - mimic muscles


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