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The Respiratory System

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1 The Respiratory System


3 interesting facts about the respiratory system
Approximately, 1,500 miles of airways are present in human lungs. In human beings, the right lung is larger than left lung for accommodating the heart. Yawning happens when the brain detects low oxygen levels in lungs and it triggers back the response to the body, so that it can intake large amounts of oxygen. We breathe about 9 to 20 times every minute; which is equivalent of breathing 13 pints of air every minute. Guinness World Records lists that Charles Osborne of Anthon, Iowa as record holder for hiccupping. For 68 years, he hiccupped. The fasted recorded sneeze is 120 miles per hour in speed. A cold virus can survive on a stable object for nearly 3 days. It is a must to clean certain things, like doorknobs, which everyone touches. The droplets that come out while coughing can travel up to 3 feet. So, people are suggested to cover mouths while coughing.

4 We have to learn WHAT????

5 Class notes The respiratory system is the system of the body that deals with ________________. When we breathe, the body takes in the ________________________ that it needs and removes the __________________ ___________________ that it does not need. The organ most closely connected with this system are the _______________. breathing oxygen carbon dioxide lungs

6 BREATHING (starting from the top down):
Air enters the _______________ and _________________/nasal cavity. Tiny hairs, called _________________, line the inside of the nasal cavity where it warms and humidifies the air we breathe and traps dust to prevent it from entering the lungs. mouth nose cilia

7 pharynx larynx trachea bronchus
The throat, or the _____________, carries food and air to the body. It sends air to the lungs and food to the esophagus. The ____________ is a structure which contain your vocal cords and produce sounds. The ______________ is a cartilage covered tube which connects the larynx to the left and right lung. The left and right _______________ are large tubes that branch from the trachea to the lobes of the lungs. The plural form is bronchi.  larynx trachea bronchus

8 bronchioles alveoli diaphragm
The left and right lung contain _________________, which are tens of thousands of tiny branching tubes in the lungs. At the end of each bronchiole are the ___________, or the “leaves” of the respiratory tree. They resemble bunches of grapes and they are the link between the respiratory and circulatory systems. The exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen occurs here. The _______________ is a muscular structure that acts as a floor to the chest cavity. It helps to expand and contract the lungs. alveoli diaphragm

9 The Respiratory System Links
Labeling game: Videos showing the breathing process:

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