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Chapter 29 Section 4 Guided Notes.

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1 Chapter 29 Section 4 Guided Notes

2 America Withdraws 1972 Presidential election Vietnam War was a major issue. Even though Nixon lied about bringing peace to Vietnam in 1968, he promises peace once again and is reelected in a landside victory.

3 Peace Agreement In 1973, South Vietnam and the U.S. meet North Vietnam and the Viet Cong to sign a ceasefire. March of 1973, last U.S. combat troops leave Vietnam. 1975, North Vietnamese launch a massive invasion against South Vietnam. U.S. refuses to send troops back to South Vietnam, however sends money. April 1975, Communists capture the city of Saigon and rename to Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam War causes massive destruction. Over 1 million North and South Vietnamese died. Agent Orange and napalm destroy Vietnamese countryside.


5 Legacy of the War at Home
Vietnam War costs 58,000 Americans their lives. Some soldiers were spit on and had trash thrown at them. Some soldiers had reoccurring nightmares and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 26th Amendment passed. If someone is old enough to be drafted, they should be allowed to vote. The voting age is lowered to 18. In 1973, the U.S. government ends the draft. Since Vietnam, Congress has backed down from involving themselves overseas.

6 … continued War Powers Act: legislation passed in 1973 to limit president’s war making powers. U.S. military tactics have changed by trying to overwhelm adversaries to limit casualties. Politicians feared that the recent invasion in Iraq could have turned into another Vietnam. Vietnam War has caused citizens to distrust government. Americans believe the government should think twice about invading other countries. 1995, President Bill Clinton recognizes Vietnam to promote peace and friendship between both countries.



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