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Arrangements and Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "Arrangements and Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arrangements and Procedures
Informatics Graduate School Welcome slide and then slides for Don to outline PhD milestones

2 Supervisory arrangements
Monitoring and milestones Courses, training Presentations Travel If things go wrong Keeping things going right Contacts

3 Supervisory arrangements
Everybody has a principal supervisor Some have two co-supervisors Responsible for managing your work, in all respects: planning, advice, criticism, resources, … Everybody will have a second supervisor, often appointed at end of first year Provides back-up for the principal supervisor, complementary expertise

4 Monitoring and Milestones: Year 1
Month 1: Discuss career aspirations & training needs Month 4: Agree research area Month 6: Submit literature review Month 9: Submit thesis proposal Month 10: Review with written feedback Month 12 (supervisor): Formal first year report, confirming PhD (or not) Institute review of all PhD students

5 Monitoring and Milestones: Year 2
Month 1: Review career aspirations & training needs Month 6: Review progress Month 9: Submit poster & progress report Month 10: Review with written feedback Month 12 (supervisor): Formal annual report Institute review of all PhD students

6 Monitoring and Milestones: Year 3
Month 1: Completion strategy review Month 4: Complete thesis outline Month 5: Present work at seminar Month 10: Submit draft thesis & progress report Month 11: Review with written feedback Month 12 (supervisor): Formal annual report Institute review of all PhD students

7 Courses and training Subject-specific training
LFCS theory courses MSc modules Informatics induction/training sessions Like this one More to come Certain recommended ones each year Transferrable skills courses

8 Presentations Posters, talks, papers Internal venues External venues
Institutes Poster exhibitions Firbush External venues Workshops Conferences Journals

9 Travel and Research Funding
Graduate School supports travel to conferences etc., experimental subject fees, etc. Nominal allowance of £1000 total/student. You need to apply! See IGS web pages. Admin arrangements are changing – application will be via your institute. Take advantage of other funding sources Your funding body Your institute Your supervisor’s grants The conference itself

10 If things go wrong Most practical things (scholarship payments etc.) can be sorted out by Graduate School admin staff Otherwise, follow the sequence: Your principal supervisor, your second supervisor Your Institute director Personal Tutor for Research Students: Nigel Topham (alternatively: Alex Lascarides) Head of School Dean of Research Training University advice/support services

11 Keeping things going right
Research, Facilities & Student Development Group Discussion groups, led by students representatives: Academic issues Student welfare Career planning Admin support Research environment Monthly meetings with Grad School staff Agenda dictated by student representatives Volunteers needed!

12 Contacts and links Your institute service manager
Graduate School office (IF 2.33) Neil McGillivray, Pat Ferguson, Margaret McMillan, Cathy Gray, Anna Walczyk Don Sannella, Head of Graduate School College Postgraduate Office

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