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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

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1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

2 Short Summary Before going back to Hogwarts for fourth year, Harry attends the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasley family and Hermione, where after the game Death Eaters attack and set off the Dark Mark. Then, at Hogwarts, starts the main plot: the Triwizard Tournament. Sadly, Harry ends up being a surprise fourth competitor against his will (someone put his name in) and Harry goes through three different trials of dragons, merpeople, and a living maze. He and Cedric, another competitor, make it to the Goblet in the center of the maze and are transported to a graveyard where Voldemort, who had been working from behind the scenes the entire time, is resurrected.

3 A Mix of Kleos and Nostos epic
Kleos Epic Nostos Epic War or honor epic  Triwizard Tournament, whoever wins the tournament gains fame and galleons as a prize, who can be the best? Takes place in public sphere  Triwizard Tournament is a competition between three schools, public event  Voldemort fighting Harry in front of other Death Eaters, one on one battle Recounts actions of a community: considers proper behavior/attitude of an individual towards a nation  The Tournament competitors are representatives of their schools (France, Bulgaria, and Scotland/England) as a whole Represents an individual’s process of self-discovery and growth  Coming of age movie  Marks the end of Harry’s childhood Takes place in private sphere  Obviously the shift from childhood to adulthood is a private thing specific to the individual Considers behavior of the individual towards friends/family  Harry isolates himself, not wanting people to be bothered by his troubles  Starts to develop love interests

4 Supernatural/Fantastical element
It’s an entire school of witches and wizards who have magic First Task: Get past dragons to get a golden egg Second Task: Swim in the Black Lake past the Merpeople and get what has been stolen from the competitor (a beloved person) Third and Final Task: a maze that can change shape and swallow up a competitor and a Goblet that transports two competitors to a graveyard where a dark ritual takes place

5 Graveyard scene Final Battle scene  Good vs. Evil Conflict
 Voldemort = Achilles, ready to kill Harry, revenge for when Harry killed Voldemort as a baby  Harry = Hector, resigned, ready to protect himself, sad he couldn’t protect Cedric  Supernatural Interference – the ghosts that Voldemort killed (including Cedric and Harry’s mom and dad) appear and all attack Voldemort, giving Harry a chance to escape

6 Epic Character traits Courage –
 Harry stepping out and fighting Voldemort is a great representation of his bravery (a Gryffindor trait)  Harry is 14 competing against 17 year olds and even held his own against a 60+ year old man  Survived deadly tasks throughout the Tournament, just like Odysseus Humility –  Didn’t care about the fame  Almost gave up his chance at winning by saving Fleur’s sister during the Second Task (ended up getting rewarded for his selflessness)  Saved Fleur during Third Task by alerting others  Took the Goblet together with Cedric so they could both win

7 self-discovery and growth in Goblet of fire
Nostos epic characteristic Coming of Age movie Themes of Coming of Age movies: Arrival of a Love Interest: Cho Chang Movement from Childhood into Adulthood:  Starts falling in love, takes interests in girls  Begins the Awkward Teenage Stage (Yule Ball)  Starts taking on new, more adult responsibilities (like fighting Voldemort) The Telemachy in the Odyssey

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