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JWST Science Policy & Science Parallels

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1 JWST Science Policy & Science Parallels
Neill Reid (SMO) ESAC 29 September 2016 Space Telescope Science Institute JSTAC: April 29, 2014

2 Context JWST was conceived as a “prime-only” observatory
Instrument operations in parallel mode were envisaged as only available for internal calibration measurements Operating two or more instruments in parallel mode Supports the goal of maximising JWST’s scientific productivity Implementation supported by SWG and JSTAC JWSTMO submitted a proposal to the JWST Project requesting additional resources to implement science parallels The proposal was accepted by the Project Additional resources have been provided to support implementation Science policy decisions have been taken to specify the availability of parallel observations in Cycle 1 ESAC: September

3 definitions ESAC: September

4 Coordinated parallels
In programs with coordinated parallels, all observations contribute to a single, coherent science program Fully achieving the science goals outlined in the proposal requires observations with all instruments specified in the proposal The observing parameters of the coordinated parallels are taken into account in developing the observing schedule Observations are submitted as a single proposal APT templates will be developed for JWST Coordinated parallels are common with HST In particular, imaging programs routinely combine ACS/WFC3 for multi-wavelength imaging ESAC: September

5 Examples: Frontier Fields & other deep field surveys
Blank field WFC3+ACS Orion imaging survey (PI: Robberto, Cycle 13) Cluster ACS+WFC3 ESAC: September

6 Pure parallels Pure parallel observations constitute stand-alone science programs that are crafted to take advantage of scheduling opportunities offered by unrelated, independent prime science programs Pure parallels increases the science return by adding new science Observing parameters are set based on the scheduling requirements of the prime program; pure parallels do not influence those requirements Pure parallel programs have been most effective scientifically as coherent programs run by associated science teams Observations are submitted as a separate, stand-alone program Standard APT templates for JWST Parallel programs are matched against suitable prime programs once those programs are fully defined and LRP-ready ESAC: September

7 Pure parallels on HST Initially, pure parallel programs were matched against prime programs using a automated scheduling algorithm – almost exclusively imaging Initially relatively successful, leveraging WFPC2 imaging (eg Medium Deep Survey) Default ACS parallel program introduced in Cycle 11 to fill out schedule Diminishing science return relative to prime with completion of prime imaging programs, eg GOODS Pure parallel programs on hiatus from Cycle 13 Wear and tear coupled with limited science impact Pure parallels reintroduced post-SM4 Explicit effort made to optimise opportunities TAC-selected programs matched manually against prime programs (primarily COS, including COS GTO programs) with the PIs working in conjunction with Institute staff ESAC: September

8 Examples: Medium Deep Survey - WFPC2
The Brightest of Reionising Galaxies – WFC3-IR direct WFC3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel Survey – WFC3-IR grism ESAC: September

9 Implementation & Policies
ESAC: September

10 APT Coordinated Parallel GUI
Coordinated parallel observations will be specified via observing templates in APT Templates optimise the observing scheme (dithers, filter changes, etc) for both instruments

11 Pure Parallel Observations
Pure parallel observations are matched against observations from multiple approved programs (i.e. post-TAC) Pure parallels may not affect the observing scheme of the prime observation SWG: July

12 Implementation Status
As of September : All two-instrument pure-parallel combinations will be available for Cycle 1 Instrument combinations for coordinated parallels have been prioritised by STScI, working in conjunction with the SWG. Top 5 priorities are: NIRCam Imaging + MIRI Imaging (*) NIRCam Imaging + NIRISS WFSS (*) MIRI Imaging + NIRISS WFSS (*) NIRSpec MOS + NIRCam Imaging (TBD) NIRCam Imaging + NIRISS Imaging (*) Coordinated parallel templates for at least 4 combinations (*) will be available by the start of the APT GTO proposal preparations for Cycle 1. The remaining coordinated parallel templates (incl. 3-instrument coordinated parallels) will be implemented prior to launch and will be available in Cycle 2. ESAC: September

13 Policies All parallel observations are limited to two instrument combinations in Cycle 1 Coordinated parallels will be available to GO and GTO proposers from Cycle 1 Instrument combinations will be limited to those specified in the Calls for Proposals for each cycle GTO and GO (including DD-ERS) proposers will have access to the same options in each cycle The science case for GO coordinated parallels will be assessed by the TAC The science case for GTO coordinated parallels will be assessed by an review panel reporting to NASA HQ and the STScI Director Coordinated parallels will carry the same exclusive access period as the prime observations GO Pure Parallel programs will be available in Cycle 1 All instrument combinations will be available unless specifically excluded in the Cycle 1 GO Call for Proposals Pure parallel observations may not interfere with prime observations Some prime observations (e.g. exoplanet transit, coronagraphy) may not be available for pure parallel programs All pure parallel observations will have zero exclusive access period (ie non-proprietary datasets) ESAC: September

14 Summary Science parallels will be implemented for a limited subset of instrument combinations for both GO and GTO programs in JWST Cycle 1 Coordinated parallel programs will be reviewed and assessed by the TAC (GO programs) or an independent review committee (GTO programs) Pure parallel programs are available as GO programs and the data will have no proprietary period ESAC: September

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