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Transportation Services Department

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1 Transportation Services Department
2014 Budget Overview February

2 Proposed 2014 Budget Increase from 2013 of $2,236,590 or 9%
Maintain and enhance existing Levels of Service 1.5% Levy increase for Capacity Expansion projects Incremental increase to annual Rehabilitation Program Incremental increase to CWATS funding Increase in insurance premiums Increase in Winter Control program Reduction in Gas Tax funding Adjustments to maintenance activities, negotiated salary adjustments and inflationary pressures

3 Transportation Services
2013 Budget Actual 2014 Expenditures $37,292,650 $25,782,890 $37,564,500 Recoveries (3,829,850) (3,484,880) (3,300,060) Net Operations $33,462,800 $22,298,010 $34,264,440 Contributions to (from) Reserves (8,330,790) 3,193,280 (6,895,840) County Responsibility $25,132,010 $25,491,290 $27,368,600

4 Prior Year Performance
2013 Year End position $359,280 over expended Factors : Favourable expenditures in the Construction Program, tendering, ACPI adjustments and minor project scope adjustments Over expenditure in Road maintenance extended summer operations, ditching, mowing, shouldering Unfavourable Winter Control operations at end of 2013


6 2014 Proposed Budget Highlights: Capacity Improvement initiatives
Aggressive Rehabilitation Program Engineering / Traffic Mgmt projects CWATS Implementation Adjustments to wages and benefits Maintenance expenditures at 2013 levels Municipal Drainage Assessments increased Winter Control increased to 4 year average

7 Transportation Services Construction
2013 Budget Actual 2014 Expenditures $26,140,500 $15,110,490 $23,826,760 Recoveries (2,435,400) (2,342,970) (2,173,940) Net Operations $23,705,100 $12,767,520 $21,652,820 Contributions to (from) Reserves (7,796,660) $3,048,860 (4,196,490) County Responsibility $15,908,440 $15,816,380 $17,456,330

8 Transportation Services Construction – Administration & Overhead
2013 Budget Actual 2014 Expenditures $1,161,930 $1,155,050 $1,192,030 Recoveries (0) Net Operations Contributions from Reserves County Responsibility

9 County Construction 2013 Y/E
Program was under budget by $98,940 from tender results, scope revisions and deferrals CR 22 Phase 5 Construction, Archaeology and utility work commenced Reconstructed 6 large culverts Rehabilitated 14 roads Rehabilitated 7 bridges

10 County Construction 2013 Y/E (cont’d)
Improved 4 intersections with UPS systems CR 19 /CR 22 Detailed Design Project CR 42 EA Joint MTO/COW Project Several CCL projects constructed Land Acquisition for Capacity Projects CWATS paved shoulder projects Rural intersection illuminations

11 CR 22 at Puce River

12 CR 22 at Puce River

13 CR 22 at Puce River

14 CR 14 at Silver Creek

15 CR 50 at Beaudoin Drain

16 Pavement Recycling

17 Pavement Recycling

18 Pavement Overlay

19 County Construction 2014 Program Highlights:
Rehabilitation Program of $8,017,400 to be presented in February 2014 Gas Tax Revenue reduction Incremental increase to funding level Significant Capacity Improvement initiatives, funded by reserves & planned expansion Total value of $25,018,790

20 2014 Rehabilitation Program
Rehabilitation value of $8,017,400 Gas Tax contribution of $2,058,400 Total of 28 Projects 6 Bridges projects 18 Roads projects 4 Culvert / Drainage projects

21 2014 Capacity Improvement CR 42 Environmental Assessment
CR 22 Construction – Phase 5a CR 22 DD/Construction- Phase 5b CR 19 CCL Widening Project ( TEC ) CR 29 CCL Widening Project ( KV ) CR 22 / 19 DD Advanced Construction CR 22 CCL Reconstruction Project (LS) CR 46 / CR 23 Intersection Improvements

22 2014 Projects CR 6 CCL Rehabilitation ( LA )
CR 34, 8, 31, 37 Drain Improvements CR 19 Drain Improvement ( TEC ) CR 20 CCL Rehabilitation ( AB ) CWATS Implementation CR 21 / VIA Crossing Upgrade Tilbury North Environmental Mitigation Various Engineering projects

23 2014 Initiatives Roads Funding Study Phase 2
EA's to support future projects Intersection Illumination Program UPS upgrades – Traffic Control Systems Border related undertakings ERCA Rainfall Design Study West End Depot Redevelopment Salt Vulnerable Area Strategy

24 2014 Initiatives Traffic Count Update Pavement Preservation Program
MDW Data conversion Bridge and Culvert Condition Survey Culvert / Bridge Asset Mgmt Update Fleet/Fuel Management System Facility Renewal Program Traffic Operations projects

25 Transportation Services Maintenance, including Administration & Overhead
2013 Budget Actual 2014 Maintenance Activities $5,145,000 $5,544,700 $5,464,570 Admin. & Overhead $2,418,640 $2,347,580 $2,587,960 Recoveries (0) Net Operations $7,563,640 $7,892,280 $8,052,530 Contributions from Reserves (30,000) (15,000) County Responsibility $7,533,640 $7,877,280

26 County Maintenance 2013 Y/E Program was over expended by $343,640
Significant portion related to Winter Control ($536,310) Impacts from extended summer maintenance, roadside mowing, ditching and shouldering Several maintenance activities exceeded budget estimates resulting from unanticipated levels of various repairs Drainage assessments exceed estimates Several programs were managed to minimize the impacts from Winter Control expenditures

27 County Maintenance 2014 Highlights: Winter Control increased from 2013
Winter Control – set at 4 yr avg reflecting historic expenditure level and experience of early 2014 5 bridge repairs planned Essex Kent Boundary decreased to five year average Most levels of service maintained as 2013 Expenditure levels increased for Municipal Drain Assessments Significant increase in Insurance premiums Transition of Signal Maintenance to internal operation

28 Transportation Services Equipment
2013 Budget Actual 2014 Expenditures $2,426,580 $1,625,070 $4,493,180 Recoveries (1,317,450) (1,017,960) (1,029,120) Net Operations $1,109,130 $607,110 $3,464,060 Contributions to (from) Reserves (504,130) 159,420 (2,699,350) County Responsibility $605,000 $766,530 $764,710

29 Equipment 2013 Y/E: Program is projected to be over budget by $161,530
Replacement equipment included a tandem, road grader, mower, 1.5 ton dump, plows and two pickups New equipment included two road closure trailers Upgraded software for Mechanics Interior renovations at Maintenance Depot Interior upgrades at Harrow Depot Repairs to salt domes at West Pike and Tilbury North

30 Equipment 2014 Program Highlights: Equipment Acquisitions:
Tandem Dump Truck Sweeper Truck Tractor Mower Two Pickups Panel Van Outfitting Bucket Truck

31 Equipment 2014 Highlights: Facilities Renewal Program:
Interior Upgrades - Maintenance Depot House Demolition - Maintenance Depot Yard Gate & Fencing - Maintenance Depot Redevelop West End Depot Phase 1 & 2 Upgrades (heating/cooling) - West Pike Upgrades (yard lighting) - West Pike Tilbury North Environmental Mitigation

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