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THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy Jeopardy Hieroglyphics Geography Pyramids Pharaoh Empire

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2 THIS IS Jeopardy

3 Jeopardy Hieroglyphics Geography Pyramids Pharaoh Empire 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

4 On what continent is Egypt located?

5 Africa A 100

6 Why might have Egypt been a poor place to settle?

7 It is in the Sahara desert.

8 What made Egypt a good place for farming?

9 The Nile River flows through the desert and floods
The Nile River flows through the desert and floods. Leaving behind silt, or fertile soil. A 300

10 What is a dynasty? A 400

11 A series of rulers from the same family.

12 What is a delta? A 500

13 Fertile land made of silt.

14 What monument was built at Giza?

15 The pyramids B 100

16 Why were Egyptian tombs filled with art, jewelry, and other items?

17 They thought they dead needed the objects for the afterlife.

18 What is a pyramid? B 300

19 A tomb built for the pharaoh.

20 When did the Egyptians stop building pyramids?

21 The Middle Kingdom B 400

22 How was Egypt able to afford to build pyramids and temples?

23 They traded and became wealthy
They traded and became wealthy. They also expanded their empire, taking resources and slaves. B 500

24 Who was the undisputed head of Egypt?
C 100

25 The pharaoh. C 100

26 Why is King Tut so famous?
C 200

27 He was the boy King. His tomb was untouched for 3000 years and found filled with treasures.

28 What is an export? C 300

29 Items sent out to other regions.
C 300


31 What is the Rosetta Stone?
C 400

32 A stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics and Greek that enables archeologists to translate ancient Egyptian writing. C 400

33 What is engineering? C 500

34 The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.

35 What are imports? D 100

36 Goods brought in from other regions.

37 What was Kush? D 200

38 A trading power south of Egypt with advanced civilization.

39 What goods did Egypt trade for?

40 Gold copper and stone. D 300

41 What contributed most to the growth of the New Kingdom?

42 They traded with Kush and became wealthy.

43 Who took over the Egyptians during the Middle Kingdom?

44 The Hyksos. D 500

45 What are hieroglyphics?

46 A system of writing using pictures.

47 What are scribes? E 200

48 Writers who keep written records

49 What artifact helped historians understand hieroglyphics?

50 The Rosetta stone. E 300

51 What is papyrus? E 400

52 A type of paper made from a reed that grows along the Nile.

53 What is economy? E 500

54 The way people manage resources and the production of goods and services.

55 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Daily Life Please record your wager.
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56 Final Jeopardy Question:
Who was at the top of the Egyptian social pyramid? The bottom? Click on screen to continue

57 Click on screen to continue
. Click on screen to continue

58 Remember to study for the test!!!!
Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Remember to study for the test!!!! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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