The History of Life on Earth

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Presentation on theme: "The History of Life on Earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of Life on Earth

2 Space-time 13.7bya: Universe (Microwave Background Radiation)
4.6bya: Sun & Earth (Zircon)


4 Hadean Eon (4.6-3.9bya) Physics: free energy
Chemistry: inorganic molecules (anaerobic)

5 Archean Eon (3.9-2.5bya) Physics: free energy
Chemistry: inorganic molecules (H2O) Biology #1: prokaryotic life (3.9bya) Simplest Life: Macromolecules Cell Replicate

6 Archean Eon (3.9-2.5bya) Primordial Soup Hypothesis
Miller & Urey: synthesized 20 amino acid monomers Sutherland: synthesized 2 RNA nucleotide monomers Hanczyc: synthesized lipid cells/replication events

7 Archean Eon (3.9-2.5bya) Other Abiogenesis Models
Exogenesis Hypothesis Clay Hypothesis Radioactive Beach Hypothesis Thermodynamic Dissipation Hypothesis Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Hypothesis…

8 Archean Eon ( bya) Biology #2: photosynthesis (2.7bya)

9 Proterozoic Eon (2.5-.5bya)
Biology #3: eukaryotic life (2.1bya) Endosymbiosis Theory: Mitochondria & Chloroplasts Contain own DNA Small circular Double membrane Replicate independently Binary fission Cell doesn’t make them

10 Phanerozoic Eon (.5-0bya)
Biology #4: multicellular life (.575bya) Protists Plants, Fungi, & Animals

11 Phanerozoic Eon (.5-0bya)
Biology #5: colonizing land (.5bya)

12 Phanerozoic Eon (now)

13 Phanerozoic Eon Diversification-Extinction-Diversification-Extinction…

14 3 of 5 Mass Extinctions 450 mya 250 mya 65 mya 90% 96% 75%

15 6th Mass Extinction Currently, x normal extinction rate

16 7th Extinction

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