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The Nazis After WW1 Hitler had a job to check on new political parties

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1 The Nazis After WW1 Hitler had a job to check on new political parties The DAP (German workers party) was led by Anton Drexler. Hitler joined – it (no 555) it only had 40 active members and 7.5 marks. They were against everything – Versailles capitalism, communism, the Jews etc.

2 Hitler gets control He ties the policies to a 25 point programme. Against Versailles, Lebensraum and stopping Jews being citizens He was a good speaker and membership grew to 1100. The name was changed to the National Socialist German workers party NSDAP (Nazi) the swastika adopted and a news paper the Volkisher Beobachter. In 1921 Hitler took over as leader.

3 New developments Influential members, Ludendorf, Goering Hess and Julius Streicher The SA or Stormtroopers were formed under Ernst Roehm in 1921 and the Shocktroop (later the SS) as Hitler’s bodyguard in 1923. Still only one of many radical groups, limited to Bavaria, with few votes and no seats in the Reichstag The Beer Hall Putsch was a disaster

4 The time in jail The party is banned but this is lifted in 1925
Hitler writes Mein Kampf and has time to think. He only does nine months. He develops his ideas – totalitarianism, socialism, nationalism and traditional values. He decides he will get power by democratic means and build up support

5 The party There is little interest as Germany is booming on the back of the Dawes Plan and a stable currency Party re-launched in 1925 – became a national party. Better organisation – Phillip Bouler as secretary and Franz Schwartz as treasurer. Germany is divided into regions with a Nazi Gauliter Links with big business such as Krupp Thyssen and Bosch. Support from small famers and businessmen Use of radio newspapers mass Nuremburg rallies and propaganda to make Hitler seem more important and gave the impressions of strength and unity. SA expanded to 400,000 men. Hitler falls out with Gregor Strasser and Roehm who goes to Bolivia SS set up in 1925 under Julius Schrek and later Himmler. Nevertheless only 2.6% of the vote by 1928 – 12 seats.


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