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SocWf 310B 10-6-14.

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1 SocWf 310B


3 Agenda Updates & planning Cournoyer, Ross, and McKee The “Ladder”
What’s the point? How will we use this info? The “Ladder” Feedback & For Next Week

4 What’s one theme that ties together today’s readings?

5 Critical Thinking Frames of Mind Inferences & Assumptions

6 Expert Group- 15 mins Summarize your article in 3-5 points.
Be sure you are capturing the most important ideas, concepts, etc. Suggestion: if you had to explain this article to someone who absolutely needed to know this for a very critical task, what would you tell them? Make sure you each have the points clearly organized so you can present the info to others

7 Learning Group- 15 mins Taking each article in turn, the “expert” presents the information After each expert presents, others can ask questions or clarify Make sure everyone has and agrees on the main points from all 3 readings



10 nger_of_a_single_story.html

11 How do we avoid the “danger of the single story?”

12 Ladder of Inference

13 Sharing Group Share your examples of moving up the ladder of inference
Be sure that each step is clear and that you know what each refers to



16 What does it take to listen ?
Suspend (natural) tendency toward defensive posturing & actively seek to understand reasons behind it The intention to explore meaning Listen without coming to conclusion

17 There are four skills needed for effective active listening.
Hearing involves paying attention to the meaning of and feeling attached to the words the person is saying. Observing involves paying attention to nonverbal communication. Encouraging involves using short responses which invite the person to continue. Remembering what is communicated

18 Ethics reading & prep Practice everywhere!! Questions?

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