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Section 5.4 Day 2 Obj: to find the binomial factors of quadratic expressions when a >1.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 5.4 Day 2 Obj: to find the binomial factors of quadratic expressions when a >1."β€” Presentation transcript:

1 Section Day 2 Obj: to find the binomial factors of quadratic expressions when a >1.

2 *Review. Multiply the binomials.
Ex. 1 (2π‘₯+6) 2 Ex. 2 (x – 4)(x + 5) Ex. 3 (3x + 1)(2x – 2) Ex. 4 (4x – 2)(2x – 3)

3 Factor. Ex. 1 π‘₯ 2 + 2x -15 Ex. 2 π‘₯ 2 - 7x – 8 Ex. 3 π‘₯ 2 + 3x -18
When a = 1: π‘₯ 2 + bx – c or π‘₯ 2 - bx - c then: (x + _____)(x - _____)

4 Factor when a > 1 (but prime).
Ex π‘₯ x – 3 Ex. 2 5 π‘₯ x - 12 Ex. 3 3 π‘₯ x - 6 Ex. 4 3 π‘₯ x + 21

5 Assign: Factoring WS #1 # 5,7,10,13,25, 39-47

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