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Section 5.4 Day 5 Obj: to factor special and combo quadratic expressions.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 5.4 Day 5 Obj: to factor special and combo quadratic expressions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 5.4 Day 5 Obj: to factor special and combo quadratic expressions.

2 Special Quadratics Factor.

3 Factoring by Grouping: 1. Group the first 2 terms together, factor out the GCF. 2. Group the 2 nd 2 terms together, factor out the GCF. 3. Factor out GCF from those remaining.

4 Combo Factoring Steps to Factoring: 1.Look for a common GCF. 2.Two Terms: look for difference of 2 squares. 3.Three Terms: look for perfect square trinomials or factor by finding binomial factors. 4.Four Terms: Factor by grouping.

5 Factor.

6 Assign: 9.5 -9.8 Review Worksheet # 7-10, 13-15, 21,23-26,29-33

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