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Prevention of Compassion Fatigue

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1 Prevention of Compassion Fatigue
Louise Beck, MSW, LICSW Beck Cognitive Therapy Associates YAR 2016

2 Empathic Resonance Key feature in caregiving relationships
Self compassion is essential in helping care givers thrive in their roles

3 What is Self-Compassion?
Mindfulness Common humanity Self kindness

4 LK Meditation Training the mind to be more loving and compassionate
Dose dependent Language, concentration and connection Power of words Page 80

5 Signs of fatigue Disturbed sleep
Avoiding thoughts and feelings associated with the situation Distress, intrusive thoughts Our attention wanders away from the person we’re suppose to care for We become irritated or angry, sometimes even hateful, toward those we are caring for

6 Not a weakness, a sign of being human!
We all have our limits to how much vicarious suffering we can bear When it’s too much we start resisting and we get fatigued

7 Typical advice we get to alleviate fatigue
Exercise Attend workshops Work less Get supervision Delegate responsibility Spend time with friends Draw boundaries

8 What is the limitation of these strategies?
They are important self care strategies Often motivated by self kindness But take place off the job So in the midst of suffering these strategies don’t help

9 Too much compassion? Actually need more, but different, to alleviate caregiver fatigue

10 Letting go of Resistance
Mindfulness opposite of resistance The wish that our moment to moment experience be other than it is How do we know we are resisting? What we resist, persists Suffering = Pain x Resistance What we can feel, we can heal Page 52

11 Compassion and Empathy
What is the difference? Empathy involves emotional resonance, feeling the feelings of the other person If just feeling the suffering of others without having the emotional resources to hold it We will fight against it, and burn out Compassion is empathy plus love This is a positive emotion, an energizing emotion

12 Giving ourselves compassion
When we are experiencing empathic pain As well as giving compassion to those we care about

13 Threat Defense System We are both the attacker and the attacked
Cortisol released…emotionally painful and related to conditions like anxiety and depression Reptiles and mammals Mammalian care-giving system evolved System triggered by 3 main factors Warmth, soothing touch, gentle vocalizations Page 30, 27

14 Jama, 2009 article “Physicians with burnout who use self-care without self awareness may feel as though they are drowning and barely able to come up for air, whereas self-care with self-awareness is like learning to breath underwater.”

15 Matthieu Ricard Empathy without compassion Empathy with compassion

16 Buddha: “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

17 Video Empathy

18 When we are experiencing empathic pain
We give ourselves compassion As well as compassion to those we care for Otherwise become depleted and less able to give

19 Dali lama said (2000) For someone to develop genuine compassion towards others, first he or she must have a basis upon which to cultivate compassion, and that basis is the ability to connect to one’s own feelings and to care for one’s own wellness…. Caring for others requires caring for oneself

20 Practice: Self-compassion for caregivers

21 Poem Awakening Rights by Mark Nepo

22 Resource Guide Center for Mindful Self-Compassion
Chris Germer Kristen Neff Matthieu Ricard Louise Beck, Amesbury, MA

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