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Training Objectives About D2F Download Installation Configuration

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Presentation on theme: "Training Objectives About D2F Download Installation Configuration"— Presentation transcript:

0 FISIS Technical User Training
Bank of Jamaica

1 Training Objectives About D2F Download Installation Configuration
Uninstall Bank of Jamaica

2 D2F External Client Components
Reporting Institutions Contains Program Files Resident KeyStore File (encrypted password) Stores Security Certificate info \\D2F Contains Inventory List of Applicable Returns Stores Java Template Files (*.JAR) \\Forms Directory External D2F \\My_Documents Stores Saved Form Data (*.XML) Each Financial Institution (External Client) will have D2F software installed on their computer to provide access to the FISIS system at BOJ. Installation will require Security Certificate. Only Forms associated with the Bank can be downloaded. Bank of Jamaica

3 D2F Installation and Configuration Process Summary
Install D2F Client Set mail, proxy and transport options Change key store password Update Keystore Generate security key Pair Get Certificate approved Install certificate Start downloading forms Bank of Jamaica

4 Downloading D2F Client Software and Documentation
Bank of Jamaica

5 Login to download Files
Password was provided in the secured letter sent from BOJ Bank of Jamaica

6 Technical Documentation
Bank of Jamaica

7 FISIS D2F Client Software
Bank of Jamaica

8 Extract Files for Installation
All Reporting Institutions will install the External D2F Client on all machines used to access FISIS. This client software will enable users to download, complete, validate and submit all requisite forms associated with the Sector. Bank of Jamaica

9 Start D2F Client Installation
Accept the Licensing Agreement Bank of Jamaica

10 Enter Entity Id. The Entity ID is supplied to the Reporting Institution by the BOJ in the cover letter. It is very important that this ID is accurately entered. Bank of Jamaica

11 Enter Return Officer Email Address
The address will be used for the following auto notifications sent by FISIS: - Return Submitted (with receipt number) - Return Approved - Return Valid but with Warnings - Return Rejected (Failed Mandatory Rules) Bank of Jamaica

12 Change Default Installation Path
Use default path. Bank of Jamaica

13 Confirmation Screen Confirmation Screen - Please ensure everything is accurately entered before you continue installation. Bank of Jamaica

14 D2F Client Installation
Bank of Jamaica

15 D2F Client Installation
Bank of Jamaica

16 Installation Complete
Bank of Jamaica

17 D2F Opening Screen Bank of Jamaica

18 Setting Transport Options
Select tools, Options from the menu. 1. HTTP PUT :- HTTP Protocol 2. HTTP POST :- HTTP Protocol 3. SMTP Mail :- Protocol used to send and receive s. 4. MAPI Mail :- Protocol used to send and receive s. 5. File :-Save to a diskette, CD- Rom or your computer. Bank of Jamaica

19 Proxy Server Setting Enter proxy server host name. Then enter the Port for the proxy(8088). Note: ( FISIS communicates on port 8088, ensure this port is open for communication with BOJ) Bank of Jamaica

20 Enter SMTP Server Settings
Enter mail server hostname and port 25 if your mail server uses the default port. Bank of Jamaica

21 Change Key Store Password
BOJ has provided the default password (topSecret). Please change this password to your user defined password. The Password should be at least 6 characters. Bank of Jamaica

22 Update Keystore 2. Select ok to continue. 3. Enter your new Password.
1. Navigate to Security and select “Update Keystore” 2. Select ok to continue. 3. Enter your new Password. Bank of Jamaica

23 Update Keystore 4. Navigate to the location where the new Keystore is located that was downloaded from the BOJ Website. 5. Enter the default password topSecret to complete the update. Bank of Jamaica

24 7. Continue to request the certificate.
Update Keystore 6. Once the password is processed successfully, click ok and continue. 7. Continue to request the certificate. Bank of Jamaica

25 Generating Security Key Pair- Requesting Client Certificates
Enter Security Credentials provided by BOJ. Challenge : Abbreviated name Date Address: Your Address Key name: Same as Challenge Key Store Password: Your use defined Password. Once this step is completed, please contact the BOJ to approve the requested certificate( ext 4239,4236,4222). BOJ will contact you once the certificates are approved. Bank of Jamaica

26 D2F Public and Private key Encryption.
Bank of Jamaica

27 Install Approved Certificates
Once you have received a confirmation from BOJ of certificate approval. Please install certificate to communicate with BOJ. The keystore password is the password defined by you when the default password was changed. Bank of Jamaica

28 Installing on Multiple Computers
Follow the same installation process for each computer. Enter the credentials supplied by BOJ and concatenate a suffix to the profile for each computer. Eg. Banka, Bankb etc. Generate Security key for each computer. Each computer that has D2F Installed should have its own certificate from BOJ. ( Contact BOJ for Approval) Install Certificate once it is approved.( We advise each institution to perform all requests before contacting BOJ for one approval process). Bank of Jamaica

29 Removing Security Certificate
1. Uninstall D2F and delete the FISIS folder located on the C:\ ( ensure all forms are backed up). 2. Contact BOJ to have the certificate revoked. Bank of Jamaica

30 Uninstalling D2F 1. Programs > FISIS> Uninstall D2F.
2. Click Force the delete check box 3. Delete the FISIS Folder from the C drive. Bank of Jamaica

31 Backing Up D2F Files Treat all .XML files as any corporate data. We strongly advise storing these files at a location where they can be backed up daily. ( C:\fisis\D2F\forms) Back up eci.keystore and aliasMap.ser after installing certificates.( These files must at all times treated as a pair) Backup (stores the content of the Options box) Bank of Jamaica

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