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Supporting Children and youth Mental Health and Well-Being

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1 Supporting Children and youth Mental Health and Well-Being
Presentation to OAPCE: TCDSB’s Mental Health Strategy and Building our Children's’ Resilience Supporting Children and youth Mental Health and Well-Being Patricia Marra-Stapleton M.SC.,C. Psych. Assoc. Psychological Associate

2 Today Overview of the TCDSB Student Mental health and Well-being Strategy What is resilience ? Why is it important for our children? How to cultivate resilience with our children… Resiliency for parents

3 Some Basic Facts About Childhood/Adolescent Mental Health
Approximately 1 in 5 children/youth have a mental health disorder. Mental health issues can seriously impair a youth’s ability to function at home or at school. Mental health disorders are treatable. Early prevention is critical. Treatment reduces symptoms, youth will still need our understanding and support.

High Level of Mental Health / Coping COPING, and has Mental illness COPING, and No Mental Illness High Level of Mental Illness Low Level Of Mental Illness NOT COPING, and has Mental illness NOT COPING, and No Mental Ilness Low level of Mental Health / Low Coping

5 Ontario’s Mental Health and Addictions Strategy
Open Minds, Healthy Minds is the comprehensive, 10-year strategy designed to address mental health and addictions needs in Ontario

6 Strategy Priorities for the First 3 Years
Close Critical Service Gaps Increase availability of culturally appropriate services and serve more children and youth in Aboriginal, remote and underserved communities With complex mental health needs At the key transition point from secondary to post-secondary education Identify & Intervene Early Provide tools and support to those in contact with children and youth so they can identify mental health issues sooner Provide resources for effective responses to mental health issues Build mental health literacy and local leadership Fast Access to High Quality Services Build capacity in the community-based sector Reduce wait times Meet community needs Link education, child and youth mental health, youth justice, health care, and the community Support System Change Support development of an effective and accountable service system for all Ontarians Build on efforts that promote evidence-informed practice, collaboration, and efficiencies Develop standards and tools to better measure outcomes for children and youth School Mental Health ASSIST

7 “ Journey to Wellness” : TCDSB’s Mental Health and Well-Being Strategy

8 For reflection individual or in groups.
For all Audiences For reflection individual or in groups. Guiding questions Which messages from the video resonated most with you? What assumptions and biases held about mental health might need to be challenged?

9 TCDSB Mental Health & Well-Being Strategy 2015-18
. Building Foundations : Developing Skills and Knowledge : Supporting Well-Being and Decreasing Stigma: Engaging Families: Partnering with the Community

10 Interconnected Initiatives
School Boards Health care settings Community MOHLTC Nurse Leaders MHA Nurses in DSB program Service Collaboratives SSLI MCYS MH Workers with Schools Working Together EDU SMH ASSIST MH Lead School Mental Health ASSIST

11 TCDSB MH Response Guidelines: A PATHWAY to Care
First Contact Response to First Contact: if urgent see appropriate attachments/links. Consultation with SBSLT/Case Conference. Mental Health Referral criteria for Psychology and Social Work outlined

12 TCDSB Suicide Intervention Guidelines
Phase 1 Staff Person is Alerted to Risk of Suicide Phase 2 Designated Staff determine actions Phase 3 Contact Parent(s), Guardian(s) Phase 4 TCDSB staff who have completed ASIST Training conducts a Suicide Risk Review Phase 5 Develop a Safe Plan Phase 6 Follow Up

13 Resilience is about them, but it is about us too
Being present helps to build our personal resilience. Being present helps us to help others. We need to be intentional about presence

14 A lighthearted cartoon defining resilience (www.
What is Resilience? A lighthearted cartoon defining resilience (www.

15 What is Resilience? An ability to cope with life’s challenges ( big or small).. A set of abilities or assets that help us cope. Assets that come from life experiences AS WELL AS our relationship with others . Parents can help their children “ cultivate” resilience.

16 Some Examples Sandy age 14, gets into a huge fight with some girls in her class. They are posting unkind posts on FB. She decides to talk to her mom about it. She also decides to hang out with a girl from her soccer team instead. Justin age 11, is overwhelmed by his homework, and decides to put it off until 10 pm. This results in a huge blow out at home. He goes to school the next day angry and without his work. He thinks “ What’s the use…” Bouncing Back : She used her “ relationship” assets to seek support. She also problem solved by hanging out with another friend. By not seeking help, or using resources, Justin does not have an opportunity to “ bounce back”. Small problems may become big problems.

17 Why is Resilience So important?
It can act as A “protective” factor, and support mental well-being and growth. It can help reduce our exposure to stress…. Stress can lead to unnecessary anxiety. It helps us to prepare to face adversity.

18 Cultivation of Resilience in Children ( and us too!)
What our Children need to develop: Relationships and reaching out. Emotional Skills Competence Optimism

19 Building Resilience in our children
What parents need to support: The Parent Child Relationship Parent Child Communication Positive Discipline Optimistic Thinking Dealing with Stress

20 The Cultivation of Personal Resilience
Get Connected: Its about relationships Make every day meaningful Learn from experience Remain hopeful Take care of yourself: engage in personal renewal Be proactive

21 Accepting Active Attentive Aware Balanced Brave Calm Caring Centered
TO BE LIST Accepting Active Attentive Aware Balanced Brave Calm Caring Centered Collaborative Compassionate Co-operative Courageous Creative Daring Determined Empathetic Expressive Free Forgiving Friendly Funny Generous Giving Grateful Happy Helpful Honest Hopeful Humane Imaginative Inspired Joyful Kind Loving Mindful Non-Judgmental Open-Hearted Optimistic Patient Peaceful Playful Positive Present Proud Questioning Realistic Relaxed Respectful Satisfied Sincere Strong Trusting Understanding Virtuous Welcoming Wise Excited Youthful Zany Take a few moments, after a few deep breaths, to set an intention about how you choose to BE today. Imagine what you will need to think and do to BE this particular “way”... and then...just be. INSPIRED BY SHARI GELLER & PATRICIA MARRA-STAPLETON

22 Resilience is a Team Sport
Presence and Resilience UNDERPINS Mental Health and Well-Being for them, and for us.

23 Patricia Marra –Stapleton, C. Psych. Assoc.
THANK YOU Patricia Marra –Stapleton, C. Psych. Assoc.

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