Making Healthy Choices Abstinence/ Contraceptives Sex, Gender,

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Presentation on theme: "Making Healthy Choices Abstinence/ Contraceptives Sex, Gender,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Healthy Choices Abstinence/ Contraceptives Sex, Gender, Orientation About STDs STDs & HIV/AIDS 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 These are 3 reasons to abstain from sexual activity during the teen years 100 Question

3 Pregnancy/Teen Parent STD – Possible lifelong complications Ruining of family, friend, or dating relationships Regret Stress 100 Points

4 These are 2 examples of sexual harassment 200 Question

5 Sexual comments/gestures/looks Grabbing, touching, pinching Sending sexual notes, texts, pictures Pressuring someone to do something sexual Refusing to accept NO 200 Points

6 This is the law that says everyone deserves and education free of sexual harassment 300 Question

7 Title IX 300 Points

8 This is how a teen should take action if an unintended pregnancy occurs 400 Question

9 Both teens should talk to a parent or trusted adult The teen father should provide emotional support The teen mother should see a health professional right away 400 Points

10 This is how you can let someone know you are not interested in having a sexual relationship with them 500 Question

11 Say “No” politely and firmly Explain why you feel that way Back up your words with strong body language If that does not work, call/text for a ride home 500 Answer

12 This is the only 100% effective guarantee against pregnancy and STDs 100 Question

13 Abstinence (Being abstinent) 100 Points

14 “A birth control device” is the definition for this term 200 Question

15 Contraceptive 200 Points

16 This is a thin sheath that is placed on an erect penis to catch semen when the male ejaculates 300 Question

17 Condom 300 Points

18 This is why withdrawal is not a safe or recommended method of birth control. 400 Question

19 A male’s pre-ejaculate fluid contains sperm and can fertilize a female’s egg. This fluid can also carry STDs. The male cannot control the release of this fluid Points

20 This is how oral contraceptives work in the female body. 500 Question

21 Prevents ovulation Affects the lining of the uterus so that it cannot nourish or support a fertilized egg Points

22 This describes your biological traits and how you are identified at birth 100 Question

23 Sex 100 Points

24 This describes the characteristics that a society or culture portray as masculine or feminine 200 Question

25 Gender 200 Points

26 This is someone you can go to for help or information if you are questioning things about yourself Question

27 Trusted adult Parent Social Worker Counselor 300 Points

28 This helps you build acceptance for differences in other people 400 Question

29 Being exposed to different cultures, backgrounds, races, ethnicities, religions, etc. 400 Points

30 This would cause a questioning teen to feel stressed 500 Question

31 Friend acceptance Family acceptance Fear of being teased Fear of being attacked 500 Points

32 What does STD & STI stand for? 100 Question

33 Sexually Transmitted Disease Sexually Transmitted Infection 100 Points

34 If you think you, or a partner, may have an STD, this is what you should do 200 Question

35 See a doctor right away 200 Points

36 If left untreated, some STDs can cause this to happen 300 Question

37 Permanent damage to organs Infertility Death 300 Points

38 These are 2 ways that STDs are spread from one person to another 400 Question

39 Sexual intercourse Skin-to-skin contact with an infected area or sore Oral and anal sex Through tiny cuts or tears in the mouth, anus, and genitals 400 Points

40 These are 2 risk factors that increase a person’s chance of getting an STD 500 Question

41 Sexual activity at a young age Several sex partners Unprotected sex 500 Points

42 This is the most common bacterial STD 100 Question

43 Chlamydia Points

44 This is the virus that causes genital herpes 200 Question

45 HSV 2 – Genital Herpes Herpes Simplex Virus 2 200 Points

46 These are 2 symptoms of gonorrhea 300 Question

47 Burning sensation during urination Yellow-ish discharge 300 Points

48 This is why people might not know they have genital warts 400 Question

49 It is possible that there are no signs/symptoms
It is possible that there are no signs/symptoms. The warts do not hurt, itch, or feel uncomfortable. Sometimes there are no visible warts Points

50 This is what HIV/AIDS does to the body’s immune system 500 Question

51 HIV/AIDS destroys lymphocytes that are part of the body’s immune system. This causes the body to become weak and, therefore, people get serious infections that they normally wouldn’t. People do not die from AIDS, they die of complications related to the disease 500 Points

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