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Presentation on theme: "Commas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commas

2 Separating Independent Clauses
What is an independent clause? It is a group of words with a subject and predicate that makes sense by itself. Examples: Polar bears are at risk due to melting glaciers and sea ice. Scientists labeled recent temperature increases as abnormal. Subordinating conjunctions Difference from a dependent clause: When temperatures in the Arctic increase Because sea ice melts sooner than before

3 What is a compound sentence?
It is made of two closely related independent clauses. The two clauses can be joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or). They can also be joined by a semicolon (;). Examples: Not all dry regions are deserts, but all dry regions are fragile ecosystems. Areas with fewer plants cannot sustain existing animal populations; these populations disappear.

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