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Tomáš Doležel History of computers (1801 – 2005).

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Presentation on theme: "Tomáš Doležel History of computers (1801 – 2005)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tomáš Doležel History of computers (1801 – 2005)

2 19th century 1801 - Joseph Marie Jacquard
Charles Babbage - Worlds first computer Herman Hollerith - IBM

3 1st half of 20th century 1936 - Alan Turing - Turing machine
J.V. Atanasoff Atanasoff and Clifford Berry - main memory J. Mauchly and J.Presper Eckert - ENIAC J.M. and J.P.E. UNIVAC Bell Laboratories - no need for a vacuum

4 2nd half of 20th century Grace Hopper - first computer language - COBOL Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce - computer chip Douglas Engelbart - prototype of modern computer Bell Labs - OS UNIX Intel - DRAM chip Alan Shugart - floppy disk Robert Metcalfe - Ethernet Personal computers hit the market

5 2nd half of 20th century Paul Allen and Bill Gates - Altair - Microsoft Jobs and Wozniak - Apple - Apple I - single circuit board Apple II - color graphics, audio cassette drive for storage IBM - PC - MS-DOS, Intel chip, 2 floppy disks Apple´s Lisa - GUI, drop-down menu, icons first doc-com domain name is registered Tim Berners-Lee - HTML - WWW Sergey Brin and Larry Page - Google search engine Wi-Fi

6 21st century 2001 - Apple - Mac OS X / Microsoft - Windows XP
AMD - first 64-bit proccesor available for consumers market Firefox, Facebook YouTube, Google - Android

7 Thanks for your patience

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