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Curvilinear Relationships

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1 Curvilinear Relationships
Age Age Squared Combined effect 25 625 15500 45 2025 17100 65 4225 9100 80 6400 -3200

2 Regression extensions

3 Curvilinear Relationships
Regression assumes a linear relationship between x and y This is not always true Consider age and income

4 Curvilinear Relationships
Techniques for capturing nonlinear relationships Dummy variables Transformation Polynomials

5 Curvilinear Relationships
Relationship between age and income The two age terms are interpreted together

6 Logarithmic transformations
Ln(ŷ) = (a) + b ln(x1) Interpretation Percentage change in y associated with a percentage change in x

7 Logarithmic transformations
Ln(ŷ) = (a) + b (x1) Interpretation Percentage change in y associated with a unit change in x

8 Logarithmic transformations
ŷ = (a) + b ln(x1) Interpretation Unit change in y associated with a percentage change in x

9 Time Series Yt =a + bxt + et Subscript denotes time
Time intervals are equal Example US population as a function of time

10 Time Series

11 Time Series

12 Interactions The relationship of x to y might vary for different levels of x. There is an interaction between x1 and x2 Create xy variable by multiplying x1 *x2 Interaction between gender, education in years and income. X1=education, X2 = gender male = 1 Multiply gender*education Ŷ = x1+ 1,200x2+ 202x1x R2 = .65

13 Interactions Ŷ = 5837+556x1+ 1,200x2+ 202x1x2 R2 = .65
Sb1 = 4.44 Sb2 = 2.7 Sb12=7.5 Interpretation: Men earn greater returns from years of schooling Discrimination? Women earn less in school?

14 Does Family Size Moderate Preference for more children?
100 religious catholics surveyed on desired total number of children Y = desired total number of children X1= Current number of children X2= Annual Income Y = X1+.10X2 +.01X1X2 + e Se1 = .10 se2 = se12 = .001 The interaction term is significant In the presence of an interaction the coefficients (slopes) components for the variable that form the interaction are “average” effects

15 Does Family Size Moderate Preference for more children?
Y = desired total number of children X1= Current number of children X2= Annual Income Y = X1+.10X2 +.01X1X2 + e Se1 = .10 se2 = se12 = .001 The interaction term is significant In the presence of an interaction the coefficients (slopes) components for the variable that form the interaction are “average” effects The effect of the number of income depends on the number of children For every one dollar increase in income the impact of the current number of children on the desired number of children increase by .01

16 Interactions Stata example

17 Interaction between Gender and Income?

18 Interaction between Gender and Income?

19 Interaction between Gender and Income?

20 Interaction between Gender and Income?

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