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Turn in your binder or notebook to a new page for notes

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Presentation on theme: "Turn in your binder or notebook to a new page for notes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Turn in your binder or notebook to a new page for notes

2 STANDARD OF FOCUS What the author is suggesting without directly stating – you have to interpret the big message by reading in between the lines! Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings, and analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone.. The emotional charge of the statement – is it happy? Sarcastic? Sad? Word choice tells us how to interpret!

3 Connotation Look for the hidden meaning attached to the word--positive or negative.
Here are some examples. Which have positive and which have negative connotations? Cook Home Skinny Affordable Leisurely Mother and Father Chef House Slim Cheap Lazy Mom and Dad VS Calling someone a dog connotes a person who is no good. A dove implies peace or gentility. Politician has a negative connotation of dishonesty while statesman connotes sincerity. Pushy refers to someone loud-mouthed and irritating.

4 Tone Sarcastic Satirical Cheerful Whimsical Optimistic Pessimistic
Playful Melancholy Rage Bitterness Hatred Gleeful Amused Sorrowful

5 The Original “Six-Word Memoir”:
TONE: Is this a happy or a sad memoir? CONNOTATION: How do you know?

6 TONE: What tone is the author using here?
CONNOTATION: How do you know?



9 STANDARD OF FOCUS LAFS.910.W.1.3​ Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

10 UNDERSTAND… Your memoir should say something specific about YOU!
It should tell a story. If you have seen it on a tee-shirt or bumper sticker, DON’T use it.

11 BRAINSTORM Adjectives that Describe You Things that Make You Happy
Favorite Activities Strengths and Weaknesses Fears and/or Dreams Important Moments

12 Humorous Caring Clumsy Positive Sarcastic Creative My Husband Everly Decorating Coffee My dogs Cooking Yoga Going to the Beach Netflix marathons Patient Insecure Trusting Fear: I’ll run out of money when I retire Fear: Disappointing my family

13 Everly Humorous When Everly was born
My identity and my life purpose changed. I had to be something inspiring for someone else. Humorous yoga Insecure Everly Coffee clumsy

14 There are many words that can be used to describe me on a given day
There are many words that can be used to describe me on a given day. I’m shy, yet sarcastic. I’m humorous, yet critical. I enjoy being creative, yet I also like to sit at the beach watching my daughter play. The most important day of my life was the day Everly was born. Her name means from the meadow, but she was born in the midst of one of the hardest times of my life. Yet, I felt peace on that day, like sitting alongside a meadow. She gave me a new outlook on my own life; a new purpose for striving to be stronger than I was before she came along. I try to remain positive, but sometimes I want to hide away and just sleep away my worries. I have fears, but they don’t hold me back from enjoying the life I’ve been given. I’m Mrs. Van Nuys to my students; Mama to my child, Rebecca to my husband, friends, and family. I’m a work in progress. Progress is good.

15 STANDARD OF FOCUS LAFS.910.W.1.3​ Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

16 SIX-WORD MEMOIRS Make every word count! Be creative and original!!!
Try to capture your p e r s o n a l i t y!!! Consider your best and worst moments. Think about patterns in your life or behavior. Pick a specific lifetime area upon which to focus. Be creative and original!!! Don’t make the obvious choice! You can be serious or funny. Make every word count!

17 SIX-WORD MEMOIR Use your brainstorms to help you
Write three different memoirs Pick three different subjects from your brainstorm Choose your favorite one for your final draft Don’t make the obvious choice!

18 YOU should be the focus of your memoir!

19 Family fell apart; started my own
Why’d I worry what others thought? I started teaching. I discovered myself.

20 MY EXAMPLE Memoir: Building sandcastles with my best girl.
Choose some ideas from your planning page: Favorite Activities: Cooking Going to the beach Important moment in My Life: Everly was born Combine those ideas to write your memoir: Memoir: Building sandcastles with my best girl.

21 SIX-WORD MEMOIRS Step 1: Complete the brainstorming charts
Step 2: Write 3 different memoirs (use brainstorming ideas to help you) Step 3: Choose your favorite one for your mosaic tile and complete your rough draft Step 4: Show complete planning page to me BEFORE you begin final draft

22 6 Word Memoir Final Draft
Show the Picture Tell the Story!

23 YOU should be the focus of your memoir!

24 MEMOIR MAKING: Pick your favorite six-word memoir
Write your chosen memoir on your construction paper (large, neat and clear) Decorate your paper with designs, images and words that complement your memoir. Fill your entire space! Final cards should be creative, original, detailed and neat!

25 Other student examples …








33 MEMOIR Directions: Write your chosen memoir on your paper (large, neat and clear) Decorate your card with designs, images and words that complement your memoir Fill your entire space! Final papers should be creative, original, detailed and neat!

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