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Unit 1 Vocabulary.

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1 Unit 1 Vocabulary

2 adjacent (ad-jac-ent)
definition –near to (adj) My house is adjacent to my neighbor’s house.

3 alight (a –light) 1.)(v) definition - to land, to come down from
Did you see the bird alight on the branch? 2.)(adj) definition - made bright by The discarded match was alight.

4 barren (bar-ren) Definition - not productive, bare (adj)
The land was barren because nothing would grow.

5 disrupt (dis-rupt) Definition - to break up, disturb (v)
The toddler was able to disrupt his whole family with all the racket he made.

6 dynasty (dy na sty) Definition – ( n) A powerful family or group of rulers that maintains its position or power for some time. The Chicago Bulls were a dynasty in the NBA during the 1990s.

7 foretaste (fore taste)
Definition – ( n) An advance indication, sample, warning Seeing the dandelions in the yard gave the boys a foretaste of spring weather.

8 germinate (ger mi nate)
Definition -To begin to grow (v) Can you see that the seeds are beginning to germinate?

9 humdrum (hum drum) Definition –(adj) Ordinary, dull routine, boring
This man finds his paperwork to be quite humdrum. .

10 hurtle (hur tle) Definition - to rush violently (v)
The rocket began to hurtle through space.

11 insinuate ( in sin u ate)
Definition – to suggest or hint slyly (v) Did your teacher insinuate that your homework excuse was untruthful?

12 interminable (in ter mi na ble)
Definition – endless or so long to seem endless (adj) The children thought the long car ride to Wisconsin was interminable.

13 interrogate (in ter ro gate)
Definition – (v) to ask questions The officer was beginning to interrogate the suspect.

14 recompense (rec om pense)
Definition – (v) to pay back; to give an award (n) a payment for loss, service or injury. The homeowner was happy to recompense the teen for painting his fence.

15 renovate (ren o vate) Definition – (v) to repair, restore to good condition, make new again The family hired a contractor to help them renovate their home.

16 resume ( res u me) Definition – (n) a brief summary; a short written account of one’s education, working experience, or qualifications for a job. The young man gave a copy of his resume to the employer.

17 sullen (sul len) Definition – (adj) anger or resentment, silently brooding The boy was sullen because his dog ran away.

18 trickle (trick le) Definition- (v) to fall by drops (n) a small quantity of anything The water began to trickle from the faucet.

19 trivial (triv i al) Definition- (adj) not important, minor
Trivial Pursuit is the name of a game that asks questions about unimportant and trivial matters.

20 truce Definition –(n) a pause in fighting, temporary peace
The commander ordered a truce for the holidays.

21 vicious (vic ious) Definition – (adj) evil, bad
The vicious dog was not allowed to come by the children.

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