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World Wars, the Irish Problem and the end of the Empire

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1 World Wars, the Irish Problem and the end of the Empire
Erik Heiki Veelmaa 1

2 World War I (George V) King Edward VII died Was succeeded by George V
Surname was Saxe-Coburg-Gotha In 1917 changed to Windsor Alot happened during his reign 1910 Edward VII died. George V proved to be a capable leader during WWI. Changed name due to strong anti-German feeling of the British during the war. His reign witnessed the First World War, the Russian Revolution, the Irish troubles, women’s right to vote, the General Strike, the Depression, the rise of Hitler and the first radio broadcast of the reigning monarch. Was in contact with ordinairy people and was missed in 1936, when he died. 2

3 Pre-WWI European power split in two
Britain, France, Russia vs. Germany and Austria-Hungary The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo War declaring Declaring wars: Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia had promised to defend Serbia, so it declared war on Austria-Hungary. German had promised to stand by Austria-Hungary, so it was at war with Russia. France was Russia’s ally, so it was at war with Germany, but Britain was France’s ally and Germany attacked France so Britain also declared war on Germany. 3

4 WWI Modern weapons used USA in 1917 Casualties
German submarines etc killed 2 mil injured 4

5 The Irish Problem Reasons Dates back to the 13th century 17th century
1689, James II 1801, the Act of Union Potato blight in Home Rule, Sinn Fein in 1905 A bill in 1914 April, 1916, Easter Rising Irish question rose again after WWI 1921, independance of Southern-Britain 1937, Ireland became a republic Reasons are deeprooted in religion and history: the Irish are Celts who are Catholic, but England is Protestant, but occupy Ireland as their colony. So Irish felt exploitedand have regarded it as responsible for their economic plight. Dates back to 13th cent when Anglo Norman Barons settled on the island and introduced feudalism and forced the natives to become serfs. By 1400 west of Ireland was under control of Irish kings. 17th century: English Protestants settled in Ulster and colonised it and conflicted with te natives. 1689, James II landed an army in Ireland, the Irish welcomed him and besieged the Protestants at Londonberry, but were defeated by Willimas of Orange. William wanted to subdue the catholics and barred them from owning land and voting. Protestants became known as Orangemen Act of Union stated that was part of the UK, Anglican church and Catholics not allowed in Parliament. A bill was passed giving the Dublin government full control and it was due to become law in 1914, but the Protestants rebelled and set up a private army. Ireland was on the verge of civil war. Because of WWI events were suspended, but extreme nationalists attempted to seize power in 1916, called easter rising. They were repressed by the British army and executed. 5

6 Fall of the Empire King Edward VIII International playboy nr.1
King George VI Became king in 1936 Winston Churchhill After WWII Public figure and playboy. Had affairs with married women. Wished to marry MRS WALLIS SIMPSON, but that was a crisis, because Georgie had ana affair with her when she was still married and Wallis married George because he was wealthy. On 11 december 1936 George abdicated and left for France where they became duke and duchess of windsor, but were ostracised by her family. He met with Hitler  George VI was the second son, who never even wished for the throne but got it anyway. He was naturally diffident and anxious also suffered from a speech impediment. But was brave and had a sense of duty. He learned to fly. In 1923 he married Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon and had two daughters. One was Elizabeth II. When the horrors of WWII descended on Britain the royal couple rose superbly to the occasion. At first they were sceptical of Churchhill but they soon developed a good bond. After the war on Britain the British Empire began to be replaced by the Commonwealth of Nations. Many colonies became independant. King died in 1952 due to lung problems. 6

7 Thank you for listening

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