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Something to Hoot About!

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1 Something to Hoot About!
Weekly News from Mrs. Corcoran’s Super 2nd Graders 10/24/16 Upcoming Dates: Homework log due/return weekly book baggie – 10/28 Scholastic Book Order Due – Tuesday, 10/25 Red Ribbon Week: Monday – Wear Red Tuesday – Hats on Drugs off (wear hat) Wednesday – United We Stand In a Drug Free Land (wear red, white, blue) Thursday – Team Up Against Drugs (wear team logo clothing Monday, 10/31 – VIP Parade (students can wear costumes); ½ Day of School Special Schedule: Monday– Music. (Day 2) Tuesday– Phys. Ed. (Day 3) Wednesday– Art and iPads(Day 4) Thursday – Music (Day 5) Friday – Phys. Ed. (Day 6) Return Library Books – Monday, 10/31 Learning Highlights from Last Week: Math: We worked on comparing and ordering numbers to 1,000. Vocabulary includes greater than (>), less than (<), greatest, least, more than and less than. I will be sending home a review sheet early this week and the Place Value Test will be on Friday. Fundations: Students learned the rest of the r-controlled vowels (er, ir, ur) and continued to work on glued sounds (am, all, an, ang, ank, ing, ink, ong, onk, ung, unk). Students learned the following trick words: both, talk, walk. The Unit 2 Fundations test will be on Thursday. Social Studies: Students defined words within the Pledge of Allegiance, learned about the Statue of Liberty, and reviewed American Symbols. Reading Workshop: Students worked on detecting miscues while they read and problem-solving strategies to self-correct errors. They also learned that authors have intentions when they write books. When stories make students laugh, cry or have any kind of reaction, they should stop and think about why they are having the reaction and how the author made them have a certain reaction. News and Announcements: As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, we will have the VIP parade on Monday, 10/31. Students can wear a costume. Since it is a half day of school, our classroom celebration will take place immediately following the parade. Dr. McNally has given the option for parents to pick up their children, following the parade (you need to sign them out in the cafeteria). You can do that or join us for the snack in the classroom. Thank you to those who have already signed up on Bloomz to send something in. I think there are a few more requested items if you haven’t signed up for anything yet.

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