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Curriculum Night 2017-2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Night 2017-2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Night

2 Vision Olde Providence strives to provide quality and diverse instruction for all students by emphasizing teacher, parent, and student cooperative efforts.

3 Parent Communication * Weekly Newsletters * Class Dojo * Agendas

4 Allergies No nut products Snack should be packed separately from lunch

5 Homework Homework is assigned on a daily basis
Planners should come home filled out each day Project will be assigned as they occur. Rubrics with due dates will go home. Vocabulary lists will go home weekly Homework is an expectation and there will be an assessment of completion

6 Student Portal

7 NCEDCLOUD Portal for access to web applications

8 Power School Attendance and Grades
You can access it from the CMS Website under the Parent Tab You should have received your login information in the Home/School folder Help Desk:

9 Clever

10 Writing Writing workshop daily - 8:30-9:15
New writing curriculum - Being a writer Writing workshop contains grammar skills Building writing community - independent writing options built on sample texts

11 Reading Reading Block Skeletal Schedule:
9:20-9:35 Agenda check, vocabulary 9:35-9:55 Mini-Lesson 9:55-10:40 IDR/Guided Reading/Conferences 10:40-10:45 Partner Share/Fluency Read 10:45-10:55- Read Aloud

12 Letter Writing

13 Reading Conversation Topics
For students trying to reach level O, P, or Q: What is the problem in the story?  What events have led to this problem? Explain the character (character traits).  What evidence is there to support the traits? Based on the character’s personality, why do they make certain choices? How has the character changed throughout the story (internally)?  What caused the change?

14 Independent Reading

15 Paideia Paideia is active learning—engaging students through thought-provoking Socratic seminars, growth of intellectual skills, and mastery of information. Benefits of Paideia for students and educators Students are more motivated to learn Students’ self-confidence grows Quiet children speak up Students build communication skills by speaking, listening, and responding to each other. Students improve their writing by first developing ideas through conversation. Students exhibit fewer behavioral problems Test scores improve

16 Studies Weekly

17 Math Use of the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems
Number and operations in base ten Fractions-equivalence and ordering, decimal notations, multiplying Word problems Measurement

18 Pearson Online

19 Science Earth in the Universe Earth History Scientific Method
Forces and Motion Matter: Properties and Change Energy: Conservation and Transfer Ecosystems Molecular Biology (Health)

20 Discovery Education

21 Testing in 4th grade CMS, NC & EOG
K-5 MAP (measure of academic progress) testing 3 times a year with student Chromebooks (this is a diagnostic tool to help you teach to specific needs of children) Assessments are in Math and Literacy

22 Positive Behavior Reward System
Students earn positive and needs work Class Dojo points Students showing great behavior are also awarded Mini Shields MEGA Shields are used to reward whole classes One student from each class will be chosen every Monday morning for a special meeting with the Principal & a prize from her Principal Prize Cart!

23 CMS Grading Scale 3-5 A: Excellent B: Very Good C: Satisfactory D: Low Performance F: Below 68 Failing

24 CMS Elementary Grading Scale
Class work and informal assessments Homework Formal assessments

25 Volunteer and Visitor Policy
You must register as a CMS volunteer at: You will receive an that confirms you as a volunteer. If you are from out of state it will take longer to run a background check. Go ahead and register any family member that may come to the school. Even lunch visitors must be approved. This is for the safety of your children. We appreciate your support! Class volunteers should start 9/14 Areas of need: art appreciation, Donuts for Dad, room parent

26 Recess We go outside unless it is under 40 degrees Indoor recess
Wear tennis shoes Please bring water bottles to school to bring outside Students with allergies and/or asthma need to limit their physical activity

27 Thank you for being invested in your child’s future!
Ms. Marshall and Ms. Shirkey

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