Targeting process and criteria Jan 31st/2017

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1 Targeting process and criteria Jan 31st/2017

2 Process should involve
Define the targeting: Mandates, priorities, objectives, Urban/Rural Define the Framework and terminology to define who will receive a specific type of assistance: for eg: vulnerability to what? Risks, protection? Poverty? Hazards? Profiling the population/Choosing the targeting criteria: to identify the intended beneficiaries, use of data analysis to see vulnerability and needs to define selection criteria indicators( international-Nutrition measurements-Food consumption score, dietary diversity…) local or contextual (economic vulnerability-HH consumption/expenditure against national poverty line…) Targeting tools: questionnaire, scorecard, protocols for community selection….to screen potential beneficiaries and identify which beneficiaries qualify as per agreed criteria Reaching the intended beneficiaries: clear communication with community, care should be taken intended beneficiaries are not excluded because of(no mobile phones to receive cash, have to travel far from fair sites…) Check/validate/triangulation: Double counting, fraud, exclusions, participation, data sharing with protocols

3 Example Examples of targeting Criteria(categorical)
Disabled Female headed Elderly Examples of targeting Criteria(Relative/continuous) Expenditure/consumption Income Asset/savings Housing conditions Other forms of Assistance Economically vulnerable Categorical Cash Combination

4 Tips for beneficiary targeting- cash assistance for shelter
Shelter transfers should be led by the Guidance on Beneficiary Selection Criteria for Shelter Support Degree of damage to the original house Objective of the targeting (rehabilitation/repair, rent, reconstruction) Socio-Economic indicators Vulnerability to natural hazards Remote and hard to reach areas /priority areas Availability of quality construction materials(as defined in the shelter sector strategy) Cash for rent: availability of willing host community to host displaced HHs, no tribal tension, avoid unequal resource allocation between host and displaced, contractual rental agreements…

5 Tips for beneficiary targeting- Cash For Work
Households who can work or with family members who is able to work Self-targeting- the wage rate should be set at a lower amount than any other employment wage scale HHs over 18years old Flexibility in performing the public work and identify female friendly public work activities –to increase women participation HHs residing in areas where market is functional Presence of communal asset to be rehabilitated, constructed that HHs can undertake. But not public works that are usually done voluntarily.

6 Tips for beneficiary targeting- seedfairs/inputs
Vulnerable households with access to average cultivable land Smallholder Farmer with experience and interest to engage in crop cultivation Vulnerable households with no assets(livestock, oxen etc) Vulnerable single parent, elderly Vulnerable HHs who lost harvest in the previous harvest year HHs with no access to other assistance(priority to HHs who don’t have other assistance programs) Number of economically active household members

7 Tips for beneficiary targeting- MPG
Targeting based on criteria defined by sectors Targeting is not blanket. Targeting is based on HH Recurrent transfer: households with multiple needs(food and other needs; based on MEB)- different from SMEB(i.e Food plus other survival needs) Usually, HHs with no or low income levels, low physical assets, lack of other forms of steady employment, HH composition(size) Elderly, disabled, single parent, HH status, exposure to risk HHs residing around areas where market functions

8 Tips for beneficiary targeting- Nutrition/food voucher
HH dietary diversity, meal/Day Lactating mothers, pregnant Orphans Elderly, disabled Female headed Malnourished children under 5 and children under 5

9 Factors to consider in determining CTPs(Feasibility assessment)
Market assessment(market place or system/ long term or short term planned assistance): willingness of suppliers, capacity of suppliers, consistent supply chain, availability of quality goods/services in required sufficient amount at a preferred time and place, steady/less fluctuating price trend and exchange rate, costs on offloading, tax, transport costs, market dues Preference of identified beneficiaries need Security Seasonality Availability of Financial service providers(Financial capacity, low transaction costs, presence in the area-braches…) Availability of resource and partners with capacity/ presence Other cash interventions in areas(duplication, complementarity) Consider rural/urban assessments

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