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Serial Sinkron SPI & I2C Interface

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1 Serial Sinkron SPI & I2C Interface
Teknik Antarmuka Komputer (TKE 4145) Eka Maulana

2 Antarmuka Serial Sinkron

3 Antarmuka Serial Asinkron

4 Comparison of Serial Interfaces

5 Outline What is SPI? SPI Configuration SPI Operation
Master Slave Setup SPI Transactions SPI Peripheral Types SPI and Microcontrollers ESBUS

6 SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
• Developed by Motorola •Also known as MicroWire (National Semiconductor), QSPI (Queued), MicrowirePlus •Synchronous Serial Communication

7 SPI Bus

8 SPI Configuration Primarily used for serial communication between a host processor and peripherals. Can also connect 2 processors via SPI SPI works in a master slave configuration with the master being the host microcontroller for example and the slave being the peripheral

9 SPI Operation For SPI, there are Serial Clocks (SCLK), Chip Select lines (CS), Serial Data In (SDI) and Serial Data Out( SDO) There is only one master, there number of slaves depends on the number of chip select lines of the master. Synchronous operation, latch on rising or falling edge of clock, SDI on rising edge, SDO on falling edge Operates in 1 to 2 MHz range Master sends out clocks and chip selects. Activates the slaves it wants to communicate with

10 Multiple Independent Slave Configuration
Master Slave Setup Multiple Independent Slave Configuration In this setup, there are 3 slave devices. The SDO lines are tied together to the SDI line of the master. The master determines which chip it is talking to by the CS lines. For the slaves that are not being talked to, the data output goes to a Hi Z state

11 Master Slave Setup Multiple slave cascaded
In this example, each slave is cascaded so that the output of one slave is the input of another. When cascading, they are treated as one slave and connecting to the same chip select

12 SPI Timing Diagram EEPROM Read

13 SPI Transaction

14 SPI Peripheral Types Converters (ADC, DAC)
Memories (EEPROM, RAM’s,Flash) Sensors (Temperature, Humidity, Pressure) Real Time Clocks Misc- Potentiometers, LCD controllers, UART’s, USB controller, CAN controller,amplifiers

15 Peripherals Vendors that make these peripherals :
Atmel –EEPROM, Dig. POT’s Infineon- Pressure Sensors, Humidity Sensors Maxim- ADC, DAC, UART, TI- DSP’s, ADC, DAC National Semiconductor- Temperature Sensors, LCD/USB controllers

16 SPI and Microcontrollers
Motorola 68HC12 Has SPI built in hardware. Easy to integrate. See EE583 Intel Depending on Models, Most Cygnal products have I2C and some have SPI also built in hardware for easy integration.

17 PIM_9C32 Block Diagram SPI module



20 $DA



23 $D8

24 The SPI module

25 SPIxCON register

26 Initializing SPI2 Pin 12 of PORTD is connected to the memory chip select (CS): #define CSEE _RD // select line for Serial EEPROM #define TCSEE _TRISD12 // tris control for CSEE pin Peripheral initialization: // 1. init the SPI peripheral TCSEE = 0; // make SSEE pin output CSEE = 1; // de-select the Serial EEPROM SPI2CON1 = SPI_MASTER; // select mode SPI2STAT = SPI_ENABLE; // enable the peripheral Where: #define SPI_MASTER 0x0120 // 8-bit master mode, CKE=1, CKP =0 #define SPI_ENABLE 0x8000 // enable SPI port, clear status A small function that will be used to transfer data to and from the serial EEPROM device: // send one byte of data and receive one back at the same time int WriteSPI2( int data) { SPI2BUF = data; // write to buffer for TX while( !SPI2STATbits.SPIRBF); // wait transfer completion return SPI2BUF; // read the received value } // WriteSPI2

27 The 25LC256 Serial EEPROM // 25LC256 Serial EEPROM commands
#define SEE_WRSR // write status register #define SEE_WRITE // write command #define SEE_READ // read command #define SEE_WDI // write disable #define SEE_STAT // read status register #define SEE_WEN // write enable

28 25LC256 Status Register // 2. Check the Serial EEPROM status
CSEE = 0; // select the Serial EEPROM writeSPI2( SEE_STAT); // send a READ STATUS COMMAND i = writeSPI2( 0); // send/receive CSEE = 1; // deselect, terminate command // 2.1 send a Write Enable command CSEE = 0; // select the Serial EEPROM WriteSPI2( SEE_WEN); // write enable command CSEE = 1; // deselect, terminate command

29 Writing to the EEPROM // wait until any work in progress is completed
// send a Write command CSEE = 0; // select the Serial EEPROM WriteSPI2( SEE_WRITE); // write command WriteSPI2( addr_MSB); // address MSB first WriteSPI2( addr_LSB); // address LSB (word aligned) WriteSPI2( data); // send 8-bit of data // continue writing more data… CSEE = 1; // wait until any work in progress is completed while ( ReadSR() & 0x1); // check the WIP flag

30 Reading from the EEPROM
// perform a read sequence CSEE = 0; // select the Serial EEPROM WriteSPI2( SEE_READ); // read command WriteSPI2( addr_MSB); // address MSB first WriteSPI2( addr_LSB); // address LSB (word aligned) data = WriteSPI2( 0); // send dummy, read msb // continue reading a second byte, a third… CSEE = 1;

31 I2C

32 I2C Interface Examples A few examples of devices using the I2C interface : 1Mbit Serial EEPROMS: 24xx1025 18-bit delta sigma ADCs: MCP3421 16-bit delta sigma ADCs: MCP3425 12-bit SAR ADCs:MCP3221 12-bit D/A: MCP4725 Integrated Temperature Sensor (+/-0.5C): MCP9803 I/O Expander 8/16-bit: MCP23016/MCP2308 Consider additionally: Battery gauges Audio codecs GPS receivers LCD displays controllers Card readers

33 I2C Data Transfer Rules Two simple rules dictate how to operate from here: When the SCL line is low, and only at this time, the SDA line can change. When the SCL line is high, the SDA line status indicates the value of a bit. Two exceptions to rule 1 create special conditions that are used to delimit the beginning and end of each transaction between two devices on the bus. When SCL is high: A START condition is indicated by the SDA line changing from high to low A STOP condition is indicated by the SDA line changing from low to high

34 The 24LC00 Serial EEPROM I2C has been for years the favorite choice for serial EEPROM users and manufacturers for two reasons: Only two pins (I/Os) are required to communicate with the device, enabling the embedded control designer to use very low pin count (inexpensive) microcontrollers. Just four pads (areas of contacts on the chip) are required for a Serial EEPROM device. Two provide the power supply and the remaining two are the I2C lines. This reduces the silicon area overhead due to the contacts on a typically very small device -- hence the high impact/cost of the pads. In practice most I2C serial EEPROMs have at least a fifth contact/pin (WP) to protect the device contents by disabling writing.

35 Talking to the Serial EEPROM

36 The SEE Grammar Using the following simple notation:
S = START sequence P = STOP sequence A/N = Acknowledge bit 0xXX= data byte (hex notation) 0bXXXXXXXX =data byte (in binary notation) and using brackets () to indicate parts of the conversation produced by a slave we can represent a typical I2C protocol message in a compact notation Here is an example of a read command sequence for a 24LC00 (128 bit) SEE: S 0b (A) (Data) NP

37 A Write Example S 0b (A) ByteAddress (A) Data (A) P

38 I2CxCON register

39 Initializing the I2C module
void InitSEE( long fcy) // fcy = processor operating frequency in Hz (system clock) { // Configure I2C for 7 bit address mode 100kHz OpenI2C1( I2C_ON | I2C_IDLE_CON | I2C_7BIT_ADD | I2C_STR_EN | I2C_GCALL_DIS | I2C_SM_DIS | I2C_IPMI_DIS, (fcy /(2*BUS_FRQ))-1); IdleI2C1(); T1CON=0x8030; TMR1=0; while( TMR1< 100); } //InitSEE

40 Sending the Address int addressSEE( long add) // send the address selection command // repeat if SEE busy { int cmd; // 1. Form SEE command + address msb (3) cmd= 0xA0|((add>>7)&0xE); // 2. WRITE(!) the Address msb // try send command and repeat until ACK is received while( 1) StartI2C1(); IdleI2C1(); // send command and address msb(3) MasterWriteI2C1( cmd+WRITE_CMD); if (I2C1STATbits.ACKSTAT==0) break; StopI2C1(); } // while waiting for ACK // 3. send byte address MasterWriteI2C1( add); // 4. exit returning the cmd byte return cmd; } // addressSEE

41 Logic Analyzer Capture

42 Writing a 16-bit value S 0b (A) ByteAddress (A) DataLSB (A) DataMSB (A) P void iWriteSEE( long add, int v) // SEE write command sequence { int cmd; // 1. select address cmd = AddressSEE( add); // 2. stream data out MasterWriteI2C1( v&0xFF); IdleI2C1(); MasterWriteI2C1( v>>8); // 3. terminate the command sequence StopI2C1(); } // iWriteSEE

43 Reading a 16-bit value Address Selection
S 0b (A) ByteAddress(A) P S 0b (A) (DataLSB) [A] (Data MSB) NP Data Read int iReadSEE( long add) // random access read command sequence { int cmd, r; // 1. select address cmd = AddressSEE( add); StopI2C1(); IdleI2C1(); // 2. read command StartI2C1(); IdleI2C1(); MasterWriteI2C1( cmd+READ_CMD); // 3. stream data in (will continue until NACK is sent) r= MasterReadI2C1( ); AckI2C1(); IdleI2C1(); r|= (MasterReadI2C1()<<8); // 4. terminate read sequence (send NACK then STOP) NotAckI2C1(); IdleI2C1(); StopI2C1(); IdleI2C1(); return r; } // iReadSEE

44 Notes for the PIC MCU Experts
In addition to the SPI options available on most PIC microcontroller (offered by the SSP and MSSP modules), such as: Selectable clock polarity Selectable clock edge Master or Slave mode operation The PIC24 SPI interface module adds several new capabilities, including: A 16-bit transfer mode Data input sampling phase selection Framed transmission mode Frame synch pulse control (polarity and edge selectable) Enhanced Mode (8 deep transmit and receive FIFOs) Using the new Enhanced Mode, with 8 levels deep FIFOs , up to 8 words of data (16 bytes) can be written or retrieved from the SPI buffers in short bursts, leaving more time to the CPU to process the data in between.

45 Tips and Tricks Safety measures suggested to reduce the risk of SEE data corruption: Ensure adequate power supply decoupling (a capacitor) is provided close to the memory device. A pull up resistor (10k Ohm) is provided on the Chip Select line, to avoid floating during the microcontroller power up and reset. An additional pull down resistor (10k Ohm) can be provided on the SCK clock line to avoid clocking of the peripheral during boundary scan and other board testing procedures. Verify clean and fast power-up and down slope are provided to the microcontroller to guarantee reliable Power On Reset operation. If necessary add an external voltage supervisor (see MCP809 devices for example).

46 Tips and Tricks A number of software methods can be employed to prevent a program bug might trigger the write routine: Avoid reading and especially updating the NVM content right after power up. Allow a few milliseconds for the power supply to stabilize (application dependent). Add a software write-enable flag, and demand that the calling application set the flag before calling the write routine, possibly after verifying some essential application specific entry condition. Add a stack level counter; each function in the stack of calls implemented by the library should increments the counter upon entry and decrement it on exit. The write routine should refuse to perform if the counter is not at the expected level. Some refuse to use the NVM memory locations corresponding to the first address (0x0000) and/or the last address (0xffff) believing they could be more likely to be the subject to corruption. Store two copies of each essential piece of data, performing two separate calls to the write routine. If each copy contains even a simple checksum, it will be easy, when reading it back, to discard the corrupted one and recover.

47 Suggested Excercises Several functions in the library are performing locking loops that could reduce the overall application performance. By utilizing the SPI port interrupts implement a non blocking version of the library. Enable the new SPI 16-bit mode to accelerate basic read and write operation. Develop (circular) buffered versions of the read and write functions.

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