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Presentation on theme: "EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND innovation SINCE 1666"— Presentation transcript:

Lund University EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND innovation SINCE 1666 The figures for the Faculty of Science in the presentation are based on the financial year.

2 A world-class university
Founded in 1666 students (individuals), whereof international 7 400 employees, whereof 800 professors and lecturers, researchers and doctoral students 280 education programmes, whereof 200 at advanced level 2 060 free standing courses, whereof 700 in English The figures for the Faculty of Science in the presentation are based on the 2016 financial year.

3 A comprehensive university – 8 faculties
Medicine Engineering Science Social Sciences Humanities and Theology Economics and Management Law Fine and Performing Arts (Music, Theatre, Fine Art) The figures for the Faculty of Science in the presentation are based on the 2016 financial year.

4 Faculty of Science The figures for the Faculty of Science in the presentation are based on the 2016 financial year.

5 The faculty in numbers 10 departments or other units 945 employees
13 bachelor’s programmes 20 master’s programmes 23 postgraduate disciplines 77 dissertations 7 licentiates The figures for the Faculty of Science in the presentation are based on the 2016 financial year.

6 Funding Total revenue: 1 074 million SEK
The figures for the Faculty of Science in the presentation are based on the financial year.

7 Personnel 945 employees (38 % female)
The figures for the Faculty of Science in the presentation are based on the financial year. Here, december 2016 (KUBEN) The graph shows the number of employees (heads, not equivalent) and, in parentheses, the percentage who are female.

8 Education 3 200 students (approximately 1 700 full-time equivalents)
13 bachelor’s programmes 20 master’s programmes 23 postgraduate disciplines The hospital physics program Postgraduate studies The figures for the Faculty of Science in the presentation are based on the financial year. Bachelor’s program: 3 years Master’s program: 2 years Hospital physics program: 5 years Postgraduate studies: 4 years

9 Departments or other units
Centre for Environmental and Climate Research Centre for Mathematical Science Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics Department of Biology Department of Chemistry Department of Geology Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science Department of Physics Department of Radiation Physics Max-lab – Faculty of Science

10 FACULTY BOARD Chairman Olov Sterner, Dean
PRESIDING COMMITTEE Dean Pro-dean, education Pro-dean, research Student representatives MANAGEMENT COUNCIL Dean Pro-dean, education Pro-dean, research Student representatives Heads of Department BOARDS Academic Appointments Board ETP Board Equal Opportunities Committee HSE Committee IT Council Library Board Readership Appointments Board Research Education Committee Science Infrastructure Board Scholarship Committee (tuition fee scholarships) Scholarship Committee (conferences and research travel) Strategy group MAX IV/ESS Study Programmes Board DEPARTMENTS OR OTHER UNITS Centre for Environmental and Climate Research Centre for Mathematical Sciences Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics Department of Biology Department of Chemistry Department of Geology Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science Department of Physics Department of Radiation Physics Max-lab – Faculty of Science FACULTY OFFICE Head of Administration Catrin Malmström Career and alumni Communications department Educational development Financial department Human resources department Internationalization IT issues Research education Secretariat Undergraduate education 10


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