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Dick M.A. Schaap - MARIS EMODnet Chemistry 3 – Plenary Trieste – Italy

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Presentation on theme: "Dick M.A. Schaap - MARIS EMODnet Chemistry 3 – Plenary Trieste – Italy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dick M.A. Schaap - MARIS EMODnet Chemistry 3 – Plenary Trieste – Italy 18 May 2017

2 New EMODnet project Objective: To develop and operate a new EMODnet portal with services that facilitate data holders from public and private sectors to submit marine data sets for publishing, further processing and safekeeping by data centres, and subsequent distribution through EMODnet thematic portals Contract officially from: 19 May 2016 to 19 May 2019 MARIS = Coordinator; HCMR = Scientific coordinator 44 partners: in majority NODCs + coordinators EMODnet thematic lots

3 Considerations for EMODnet Ingestion
the primary focus is aimed at data providers and their data sets that are not yet handled and part of the mainstream processes of the EMODnet data centres: EMODnet data centres are NODCs, Hydrographic Offices, Geological Services, Biological institutes, etc, involved in EMODnet Thematic portals (Chemistry, Geology, Bathymetry, Biology, Physical Oceanography and Human Activities) and contributing to European infrastructures (SeaDataNet, EurOBIS, EGDI, ICES); potential data providers are marine data holders that are not yet routinely submitting data sets to national data centres and thus not (yet) used to practices and standards as used by the international marine data management community. Submitted data packages must be routed to capable data centres for further processing, which should result in publishing through the EMODnet thematic portals

4 Principle data flow .

Responsive design for tablets and phones Data Submission service Guidelines Help Desk Operational exchange News items Use Cases EMODnet info Social Media Extranet

6 landing page

7 Workflow from data submission to publishing
A distinction is made between 2 phases in the life cycle of a data submission Phase I: from data submission to publishing of the submitted datasets package ‘as is’ Phase II: further elaboration of the datasets package and integration (of subsets) in national, European and EMODnet thematic portals. To make the threshold for submission relatively low the completion of the submission form (ISO19115 – INSPIRE compliant model) has been split in 2 parts, first part to be filled by data submitter and second part by assigned data centre.

8 PHASE I: from submission to publishing

9 Phase II: Work flow from submission to publishing
Authentication + Authorisation MarineID service Data Submission service Incl tracking+ phase II input Data repository Analysis and processing at dataset level; maintaining extra processing log; inclusion in DM systems of data repositories; populating European systems submission form part 1 + 2 Processing Log – Phase 1 Processing Log – Phase 2 + + + Links to couple processed datasets to original data submission Analysis and processing at dataset level Copy of data package Incl documents Subsets of data incl metadata Ingestion Discovery and Access service Storage and documentation incl metadata Population In EMODnet Thematic portals Population In European infrastructures DM systems repository SDN, EurOBIS, ICES, EGDI, COGEA HCMR cloud

10 Submission service: Master - Dashboard
Master overseeing all and assigning data centres for forms

11 EMODnet Marketing and Outreach activities:
Identify potential data sources and data providers Reach out to potential data providers Motivate data providers to participate with their data submissions Market and promote the Data Ingestion service and its function in the overall EMODnet scheme Target groups: Industry: companies from the diverse Ocean Business Community: shipping, oil and gas, fisheries, aquaculture, seabed mining, tourism, renewable energy, ports, dredging, mining, submarine cables, marine science, engineering and technology, the maritime legal, financial and insurance communities. Navy Academia/research institutions NGO Government: from different levels such as the European Commission, inter-governmental organizations, regional or local governments.


13 Pathways to engage capable data centres

14 Involving EMODnet thematic portal networks
Principle: routing data per country and per theme to capable data centres Capable data centres can be found in the EMODnet Thematic networksp Bathymetry Geology Biology Ingestion Portal Seabed habitats Chemistry Human Activities Physics

15 Invitation for EMODnet Chemistry data centres
EMODnet Chemistry Data Centres (for as far not already engaged) are requested to cooperate with EMODnet Ingestion for handling marine chemistry data sets received from third parties in their countres. Data Centres will be included with their responsibilities (themes and countries) and their contacts (via Marine-ID user names) in the DC Matrix that is part of the Data Submission Service. Submitted data packages are assigned by HCMR and MARIS to capable data centres from the DC Matrix for completion as Phase I and further processing as Phase II.

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