Jenny Allen Ocean Alliance

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Presentation on theme: "Jenny Allen Ocean Alliance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jenny Allen Ocean Alliance
An introduction to the diurnal behavioral patterns of the Gulf of Maine Humpback Whales Jenny Allen Ocean Alliance

2 Background Whale Watching Diurnal patterns Opportunistic data source
Generates questions and interest Diurnal patterns Circadian rhythms Tidal patterns

3 Background – Surface Behaviours

4 Background – Feeding Behaviours

5 Aims Determine the presence or absence of a diurnal pattern of behaviour Create a baseline of information on diurnal patterns if present Test the hypothesis that there will be a pattern present based patterns seen in other marine mammals

6 Methods 2002-2008 Time/location Photo ID Behaviours Analysis
Morning vs afternoon Average and total for 30 min intervals Student t-test

7 Results

8 Results

9 Discussion 7 out of 12 behaviours had significant trends
All except breaching were in morning Contradict superficial trends Potential Errors Bias due to commercial nature of whale watching Greater number of afternoon trips Lack of systematic data collection

10 Conclusions Majority of behaviours did show trends
Most trends were found to be in the morning Not enough evidence to support hypothesis This study provides a baseline of information Requires a more targeted study

11 References Clapham, P. J., Palsbøll, P. J.and Mattila,D. K High-energy behaviors in humpback whales as a source of sloughed skin for molecular analysis. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 9, 213–220 Hain, J. H. W., Carter, G. R., Kraus, S. D., Mayo, C. A. and Winn, H. E. (1982) Feeding behavior of the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae, in the Western North Atlantic. Fishery Bulletin US 80: 259–68. Johnson, J.H. and A.A. Wolman, (1984). The humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae. Marine Fisheries Review, 46(4): Silva Jr., J.M., Silva, F.J.L. and Sazima, I. (2005). Rest, nurture, sex, release, and play: diurnal underwater behaviour of the spinner dolphin at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, SW Atlantic. Aqua Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology, 9: 161–176. Weinrich MT, Schilling MR, Belt CR. (1992) Evidence for acquisition of a novel feeding behavior: lobtail feeding in humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae. Anim Behav 44: 1059–1072

12 Acknowledgements Cynde McInnis Ocean Alliance Cape Ann Whale Watch
Hurricane II crew Cherly McCormick Jill Richardson Alex Olson

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