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Registration Planning Meeting January 9th, 2017

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1 Registration Planning Meeting January 9th, 2017
WeLcome Parent’s Registration Planning Meeting January 9th, 2017

2 What does next year look like?

3 Outcome: Receive instructions for completing your students course requests online. Review graduation requirements. Review how to complete the registration planning card. Attend breakout sessions that will provide important information about your students grade level.

4 Graduation Requirements
English Social Studies (US, NSL, Modern World) Science (Physical Science, Biology, one of your choice) 4 Math (Algebra, Geometry, 2 other credits, must take ALL FOUR years) 1 Technology (FOT , AP Computer Science or IED) Fine Art 0.5 Health 1 Physical Education Program Completer- One of the following World Language (2 credits) , Adv. Technology (2 credits) or Career Program (4-9 Credits) 2.5 Elective TOTAL = 22 Credits 75 Student Service Learning Pass required High School State Assessments

Students must enroll in 7 courses for both semesters, a total of 14 courses for the year. Students will have until January 22nd to enter their course selections. Students will need to return their registration card and a print out of their course selections on January 23rd to their 1st semester Social Studies teacher. Parents please sign your students registration card before turning it into their Social Studies teacher. Parents will need to their students counselor if they would like to make a change to their schedule after January 23rd.

6 Appeals Science and Math appeals:
If your student is appealing the recommendation of their current Science or Math teacher, they will need to submit a science/math appeal form with their registration card on January 23rd. If your student is appealing the recommendations for Social Studies, English, Technology and World Languages, please attach a letter signed by you, stating your student’s course preference. If a parent would like to appeal a decision please contact the Resource Teacher.

Fill out the course registration card before you log on to MyMCPS Scheduler. The registration card will help you navigate MyMCPS Scheduler and select courses.

8 Registration Planning Card
You MUST select 4 alternate courses on the registration card. You MUST have a parent signature

9 MyMCPS Scheduler By using Google-Chrome find the course request link on the WHS webpage. This program will only work with Google-Chrome. Enter your MCPS username (your 6 digit MCPS student ID #) and password (the password you use to log into the computers at school). Then select “Sign In”

10 Welcome Screen To view course selections click the pencil icon

11 SELECTING COURSES Courses are broken up by subject areas:
! denotes you are required to select a course in that subject area.  indicates a course that you may choose. Click on the pencil icon, to view courses in each group.

Students will automatically be registered for: Lunch Counselor Homeroom

13 RECOMMENDED COURSES Click the Alerts button. To see course recommendations. Recommended courses are listed at the top. You MUST choose BOTH semesters of the recommended course. Click Alerts Moved to Top

14 SELECTING COURSES To select a course: click in the box to left of the course with  , then click Okay to select. You must remember to check both semesters of the course, if it is a full year course.

15 SELECTING COURSES Select a total of: credits for the upcoming school year. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to keep track of how many credits you have selected.

16 SELECTING COURSES Once you have selected 7 credits, you are now ready to Submit your course requests. Once you click Submit, you will see a list of the courses you requested. Print the screen listing your courses and attach to registration card along with any appeals forms.

17 Balance is Important Ensure your students schedule is fit for them.
Don’t allow your student to overextend themselves. Remember to consider the amount of time your student spends on extracurricular activities. Remember the amount of time they will need for their studies. Focus on your students strengths and interests.

18 Checklist and Deadlines
The following should be submitted to your Social Studies teachers by January 23rd. Registration card completely filled out. Parent signature is required on this form. Complete and fill out alternate classes. Attach your myMCPS Scheduler print out of requested courses to registration card. Appeal forms for Math and Science. Letters of appeal to move to higher Social Studies, English, World Language, Technology signed by parent.

19 Breakout Sessions Rising Sophomore Parents - Auditorium
Rising Junior Parents - Media Center Rising Senior Parents - Room 183

20 Rising Sophomore Parents Class of 2020

21 Promotion to Grade 10 Minimum of 5 Credits Must have 1 Credit in Math
Must have 1 Credit in English

22 State Assessments

23 Program Completers World Language (2 Credits of World Language, 2 Years/Credits of American Sign Language. Advanced Technology (2 Credits) Career Program (CCRD/Career Seminar, Child Development) (4-9 Credits) Edison Center

24 Student Service Learning Hours
Each MCPS student must earn 75 SSL hours to graduate. Certificate of Meritorious Service-260 SSL hours or more. Please make sure your students activities are pre-approved. Contact Ms. Lesley Stroot (Wootton’s SSL Coordinator) if you have any questions.

25 What to expect for your student’s sophomore year…
Counselors will go into the classrooms and complete a career interest inventory. Goal is to have students find what they are passionate about. Maintain consistency with clubs/extracurricular activities. Participate in something meaningful during the summer (SSL hours, leadership opportunities) that may support them with their career choice.

26 Additional Supports for Student’s
Make sure you are monitoring their assignments at home. Contact the teacher immediately and directly if you have a concern. Encourage your student to speak to their teachers. Encourage your student to use the tutoring supports available to them. Contact your child’s school counselor as needed for support.

27 Questions

28 Rising Junior Parents Class of 2019

29 Promotion to Grade 11 Minimum of 10 Credits
Must have 2 Credits of Math Must have 2 Credits of English Must have 1 Credit of Science Must have 1 Credit of Social Studies Must have 4 other Credits

30 State Assessments

31 Program Completers World Language (2 Credits of World Language, 2 Years/Credits of American Sign Language. Advanced Technology (2 Credits) Career Program (CCRD/Career Seminar, Child Development ) (4-9 Credits) Edison Center Discuss CCRD class and if students want a half day schedule to work they need to take this class.

32 Student Service Learning Hours
Each MCPS student must earn 75 SSL hours to graduate. Certificate of Meritorious Service-260 SSL hours or more. Please make sure your students activities are pre-approved. SSL hours should be completed by the end of student’s junior year. Contact Ms. Lesley Stroot (Wootton’s SSL Coordinator) if you have any questions.

33 College and Career Readiness Act
Every Junior Must Take an ACT/SAT OR an Accuplacer test by the end of their Junior Year. Juniors will have numerous opportunities to meet with their Counselors throughout the year to discuss about what test is best for them.

34 Testing: Which test is best for your Student?
SAT ACT ACCUPLACER Sections Evidence-based reading and writing Reading Writing and Language Math Optional Essay English: stresses grammer Math: up to trigonometry Reading: based on 4 types of reading selections: Social studies, Natural sciences, Prose fiction, Humanities Science: charts, experiments Optional writing test Measures readiness for college level coursework in math, reading, & writing Adaptive: questions depend on prior answer Arithmetic Elementary Algebra College Level Math Reading Comprehension Sentence Skills Writing (optional) Scoring Total Score: Section scores for math and evidence-based writing: Essay: 2-8 No Penaly for wrong answers Compositie Score: 1-36 Test scores for each section: 1-36 Writing test: 2-12 No Penalty for wrong answers Maryland Community Colleges Target Scores for college level courses: Sentence Skills: 90 and Reading Compregension: 79 Elementary Algebra: 62 and College Level Math: 45 Length 3 hours without the essay 3 hours, 50 minutes with the essay 2 hours, 55 minutes without Writing 3 hours, 55 minutes with Writing Untimed, however average is 3 hrs. Reading & Writing 2 sections: Reading Test, Writing and Language Test No more sentence completions; focus on multiple-meaning words 5 reading passages in 65 minutes that are drawn from significant historical or scientific documents. May include informationl graphics Passage-based grammer 2 sections: English, Reading Passage-based grammar 4 reading passages in 35 minutes that are drawn from Fiction, Social Studies, Humanities, and Natural Sciences 2 sections totaling 80 minutes Calculators only allowed on 1 of the 2 sections Arithmetic, Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, and Trigonometry 1 section, 60 minutes Calculator allowed Arithmetic, Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, Trigonometry Essay Essay is optional, 50 minutes Students will be provided with a substantial passage ( words) and asked to analyze how the author built his/her argument. Essay is optional, 40 minutes Students will need to write about perspectives on an issue relevant to high school and evaluate and analyze mulitple perspectives on that issue. Scored on ideas and analysis, development and support, organization, and language use

35 Junior Year Fall Spring
Continue to take challenging and balanced coursework Seek leadership opportunities Take PSAT (October) Begin college search through Naviance Reminders to prepare for college tests Visit colleges during spring break Plan summer activities, internships and jobs Attend college information meetings Attend National college fair (April) Continue to build relationship with counselor (complete self-evaluation) Discuss NCAA guidelines with coaches Winter Summer Prepare for SAT and ACT tests Continue college research (interests and activities) Continue college search Attend Essay Writing and College Application courses through Summer Institute at Wootton Visit college campuses Complete resume Narrow list of colleges Write draft of essays Begin college applications

36 Additional Supports for Student’s
Make sure you are monitoring their assignments at home. Contact the teacher immediately and directly if you have a concern. Encourage your student to speak to their teachers. Encourage your student to use the tutoring supports available to them. Contact your child’s school counselor as needed for support.

37 Questions

38 Rising Senior Parents Class of 2018

39 Promotion to Grade 12 Minimum of 15 Credits. Must have 3 Math Credits.
Must have 3 English Credits. Must have 2 Science Credits. Must have 2 Social Studies Credits. Must have 5 other Credits.

40 State Assessments

41 Programs Dual Enrollment: Students take Montgomery College courses as part of their senior year schedule at the nearby campus of the Universities at Shady Grove or outside of their high school schedule, at an MC campus. Dual Enrollment enable students to Out of the school building during periods 2 and 3. Transportation is provided. If student wants to drive-parking is limited Internships: designed as a career-focused program in research, business, education, law, government, technology, medicine or social services. Students have opportunities to explore and clarify personal career interests and link school to work. Out of the school building for 1, 2 or 3 periods of the school day. Need transportation. Need to complete hours to earn grade. Informational Meeting for Students on Wednesday, January 11th in the Auditorium during lunch

42 Student Service Learning hours and Parking
Seniors ONLY!! (First come first serve) Must have all SSL hours, submitted by June 1, 2017 Must be eligible and stay eligible No attendance issues No obligations $37.50 per semester

43 Senior Year Fall Spring
Teach all senior student’s and parent’s the Wootton college application process (Naviance) Help student’s complete applications including essays and resumes Meet with college admission reps in career center Finish college testing Start scholarship search Help complete all financial aid forms Stay focused on maintaining strong academics Make final college visits and final decisions Stay active with wait list schools Take AP exams Send final transcript to college of choice Winter Verify receipt of college applications Assist with Naviance and teacher recommendations

44 Getting a Jumpstart on College Preparation
In April Counselors will be meeting with students to go over the college process with your students. Before students leave for the Summer: Make sure your student turns into their counselor the self-evaluation to assist them with writing your students letter of recommendation. Have your student ask 2 core teachers to write letters of recommendations for them before they leave for the summer. Narrow down their college search. Visit colleges over the summer.

45 College Bootcamp During the Summer of Senior Year:
Ms. Hitchcock, our College Advisor offers through the Wootton Summer Institute- A college bootcamp class which is offered 4 times during the month of August. (College application process). A variety of 1 day workshops offered in July and September. (Resume and essay writing, Naviance review).

46 Questions

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