The XRF determination of sulphur in iron oxide.

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1 The XRF determination of sulphur in iron oxide.
M. Cowleya and J.L. Fischer a Sasol Technology R&D, P.O. Box 1, Sasolburg, 1947, South Africa. address: Introduction Alternative techniques Advantages of XRF Several available for sulphur determination, but iron oxide Non-destructive Elemental content identified and quantified matrix difficult Detection limit for our existing method on S analyser is not suitable (0.02 mass% S) Ideal for solid matrices Analysis range: major: > 1% ICP-OES/MS – difficult to digest solids without S loss minor: % trace: < 1000 mg/kg ICP-MS – severe mass Iron ore samples can be prepared as pressed pellets or fused beads [1,2] interference on S making low mg/kg measurements impossible 2. Experimental Sulphur standards were prepared as pressed powders Iron oxide powder and sulphur compound (0.28% S in coal) milled for minutes using a planetary mill (ZrO2 bowl) to obtain a fine powder. Wax (3 mass%) was added and milled for an additional 30 seconds. Pressed in Al cup at 25 tons for 30s to produce a sample with a smooth surface. A sample height of 6mm was obtained. Blank sample was prepared in the same way without adding sulphur. XRF measurements were performed on a Panalytical Axios Petro WD instrument (Table 1). The standards and SRM (NIST SRM 690; wt% S in iron ore) were measured ten times. Table 1 Instrument and Method parameters Sample preparation required to: Homogenise sample [3] Minimise voids Achieved by grinding (20-30µm) followed by fusion or pressing pellets Tube target Power Voltage Current Collimator Tube filter Detector Crystal Rh 2.4 kW 25 kV 120 mA 300µm None Gas flow Ge 111 Analysis medium S Line Scanning angle Offset Bg1 PHD LL PHD UL Count time peak Count Time Bg1 Vacuum °2θ °2θ 35 69 50s 20 s Fusion Pressed pellets + No matrix matching required + Fast and simple - Volatility of S + Good repeatability for S measurements [4] - Carbon content of sample - Availability of fusion apparatus - Prone to matrix effects (requires close matrix matching) 3. Results and discussion A relatively wide range of standards were chosen to allow the use of one calibration for samples with unknown S concentration. (Calibration curve Fig.1) A linear response was obtained over the range of sulphur standards used. The presence of S in the iron oxide used to prepare the standards contributed to the intercept being unequal to zero. (Fig. 1 ○ ) An alternative method of measuring the S content was not available. The standard addition approach was taken to estimate the S content of the starting material. An experimental value of 23 mg/kg was obtained. (Figure 1 ) Adding more standards to the lower end of the curve is not practical due to the S content in the blank sample. The average [S] for the SRM measurements was 34.1 mg/kg. The standard deviation was calculated according to Eq.3 [5] as mg/kg. From the trueness data (Table 2), no bias was found in the method. Figure 1. Calibration for S measurement. Eq. 3 4. Conclusions A calibration curve for determining sulphur in an iron oxide was obtained by preparing in-house standards of the same matrix. Corrections were made for the presence of the analyte S in the blank sample. Measurement of a 0.03 g/kg SRM (S in iron ore) gave an acceptable result in terms of trueness and precision. None of the available methods are able to measure S at the low level required. The detection limit is an order of magnitude lower than the method currently used. The method was found to be convenient and fit for purpose for the application. Figure 2 . Trueness – Measurement of SRM 5. References 1. Analysis of major and minor elements in iron ores prepared as pressed powder pellets. PANalytical application note. 2. ISO : Iron ores -- Determination of various elements by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry – Part 1: Comprehensive procedure. Willis, J.P., et al.. XRF in the workplace. A guide to practical XRF spectrometry., 2011, PANalytical Australia, 6-1. 4. Gagnon, J-P. and Slim, F. World Cement, April 5. Miller, J.N, and Miller, J.C. Statistics for Analytical Chemistry, Ch4. 6. Acknowledgements Sasol Technology for this opportunity, Willemien van Schalkwyk for assistance with sample preparation.

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