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THIS IS JEOPARDY With Your Host... Mr. Millers.

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4 With Your Host... Mr. Millers

5 French & Dutch Colonies
Key Terms/ Important Facts Conflicts Great Awakening Enlightenment English Colonies main 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

6 Main leaders of the Great Awakening.
Who are Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield? A 100

7 Religious belief that changed during the Great Awakening.
What is all people are equal under God? A 200

8 Major effects of the Great Awakening.
What is if all equal under God then should have political equality and colonies with less freedom in government introduced to the idea of self-government? A 300

9 Way in which the Great Awakening is similar to the Enlightenment.
What is both raised ideas of political equality? A 400

10 Main ideas encouraged by the Great Awakening.
What is liberty, equality, and resistance to authority? A 500

11 Idea that most Enlightenment thinkers believed in.
What is the social contract? B 100

12 Who is Jean Jacques Rousseau?
Thinker that believed we were all born equal but civilization makes us slaves. Who is Jean Jacques Rousseau? B 200

13 Six major thinkers of the Enlightenment.
Who are Beccaria, Voltaire, Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, and Montesquieu? B 300

14 Two colonial leaders most influenced by the Enlightenment thinkers.
Who are Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin? B 400

15 Thinker that first developed the social contract theory.
Who is Thomas Hobbes? B 500

16 Geography features that New England Colonies share.
What are harsh winters, and rocky land? C 100

17 Importance of the government set up in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
What is the start of democracy in America? C 200

18 What is the headright system?
System in which a person received 50 acres of land if they paid their own way to Virginia. What is the headright system? C 300

19 Major industries that helped New England to prosper .
What are trade, fishing, shipbuilding and skilled craftspeople? C 400

20 Ways in which religion and government impacted each other.
What is government leaders are church members, ministers had great authority, government leaders outlawed certain religious views and government leaders punished dissenters? C 500

21 Founder of New Netherlands.
Who is Peter Minuit? D 100

22 Reason for French settlement in North America.
What is the fur trade? D 200

23 Difference between French and English treatment of Native Americans.
What is French made natives trading partners and did not take native land? D 300

24 Indian leader who allied with the French to attack British forts in the Great Lakes area.
Who is Pontiac? D 400

25 Main result of the French and Indian War.
What is France is no longer major power in North America? D 500

26 Trading alliance set up between Native Americans and Colonists.
What is the Powhatan Confederacy? E 100

27 Required colonists to only trade with England.
What are the Navigation Acts? E 200

28 Major push and pull factors for leaving Europe and heading to the Americas.
What are push: economic: hunger, homelessness, poverty, lack of opportunity, religious intolerance; pull: land of opportunity, land of abundance (plentiful food)? E 300

29 What is salutary neglect?
Period of non-interference by the English government to the colonies to the benefit of both. What is salutary neglect? E 400

30 Made it illegal to restrict the religious rights of Christians.
What was the Toleration Act of 1649? E 500

31 Fort built by Washington in the battle of Pittsburg.
What is Fort Necessity? F 100

32 What is the Committees of Correspondence?
Groups that shared information about British laws and ways to challenge them. What is the Committees of Correspondence? F 200

33 What are the Townshend Acts?
Put an indirect tax on imported items to try and trick colonists into paying taxes. What are the Townshend Acts? F 300

34 French Fort built where the city of Pittsburg is today.
What is Fort Duquesne? F 400

35 Results of the Boston Tea Party.
What are the closing of Boston Harbor, Charter cancelled, and governor approval required for legislature? F 500

36 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Colonial Governments
Please record your wager. Finalcategory Click on screen to begin

37 Major factors that influenced Colonial Governments.
finalquestion What are the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, the Great Awakening, and the Enlightenment? Click on screen to continue

38 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!

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