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keep up with your work (i.e. binder)
8th Grade English - Quest Ms.Brauninger communication with the teacher 1 2 Remind101 app chat 3 (661) ext. 1405 eighth grade to 81010 TEXT MESSAGE ALERTS Sign up for the class text alerts for updates on homework, tests, quizzes, and other important dates. Download the Remind App to be able to talk to Ms. Brauninger for help. Class Webpage: Ms. Brauninger’s Belfry _______________________________________________________________________________________ responsibility and preparation Come prepared to class with your planner, composition notebook, writing utensils, and homework. Set up your area immediately after entering the classroom. Get out class materials , put your backpack under your desk , and start the warmup activity. Work should be turned in on its due date. Late work is accepted by receives 10% per day deduction. See chart for late work deadlines. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Class Materials 90% 10% Check IC regularly for grade updates. 1 composition notebook ____ Pencils & pens ________ ________ English AR Points Personal system to keep up with your work (i.e. binder)
Homework and AR grading scale assignment formatting electronic devices
policy for make up work Whenever possible, please let me know of absences in advance. When you return from an absence, be sure to check the Absent Files. The calendar will let you what we accomplished while you were out. The bin next to the calendar will old any work that was handed out that you missed. Be sure to ask your classmates for clarification (C3B4 me), and then see me if you are still unsure. You should also check the class webpage. “Students shall be allowed to complete with full credit all missed schoolwork because of excused absences. Generally, an excused absence of one day allows the student one day in which to make up an assignment. If during an absence, new material was covered, the students may have an extra day” (pg. 8 Student Planner). Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances, If this is the case, please see me and let’s work out a plan. I am available Mondays & Wednesdays at Brunch or vial until 8 pm. A = 90 – 100% B = 80 – 89% C = 70 – 79% D = 55 – 69% F = 54% and below assignment formatting All typed assignments must be in 12 PT TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT, double-spaced, and have 1” margins with your name, class period, and date in the top left corner with a centered title. All handwritten assignments should use the margins, have a heading (Name, Date Period) in the upper right hand corner and be neatly written in a legible ink or pencil. Homework and AR electronic devices Students should read minutes every night. 20 AR points are due every quarter. Awards will be given to the student each period with the most completed points. Most work will be able to be started in class if students use their time wisely. The exception to this would be typed essays. Some work may need to be done outside of classes to finish writing and/or typing final paper. Electronic devices (cell phones, gaming devices) should be kept in students backpacks. Devices should not be out during class, unless otherwise instructed by the teacher or with permission. Students should bring a book to class for DEAR or use a Kindle type device. We have Chromebooks in the classroom for researching information and class assignments. If students do not complete work during class, in the time allotted, it will be assigned as homework so students can adhere to the determined deadlines.
classroom expectations
food and drink policy deadlines for late work Quarter Progress Report Report Card 1 September 9 October 7 2 November 11 December 8 3 February 9 March 10 4 April 21 May 26 Food, drinks, and gum are not allowed in the classroom. Water is acceptable. If there is an extenuating circumstance it will be addressed on a case by case situation. _______________________________ standards We will be studying the 8th grade Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts. What does this mean to you? You can expect more reading, more discussion, more questioning, more critical thought, and definitely more use of technology. We will be working hard to get you college and career ready; taking your education to the next level. I’m excited to take this journey with you as we navigate this new world together. Keep track of these dates because they are the same for the entire QUEST team. Students who regularly struggle to complete assignments on time can expect to attend After-School Intervention and/or HW Club. If you need help, please come see Ms. Brauninger during office hours (Mondays & Wednesdays at Brunch). ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ __________________________________ classroom expectations help or questions In our classroom, we have elected to follow the following expectations: We will: Follow the Golden Rule. Be responsible with all assignments Participate & work together Be honest – cheating & plagiarism are wrong – use your own knowledge and document your sources Be quiet & listen when others are speaking If you have any questions, need additional help, or need to take an AR quiz, come see me during office hours (Mondays & Wednesdays at Brunch or by scheduled appointment). Sometimes life happens and it is how we react to it that makes or breaks us. Be proactive, let me help you be the best you! I am here to help and guide you, but I need to know so I can be there for you. I am looking forward to a great year! Any time behavior expectations are not met, students will receive a consequence. This can include: parent communication, loss of privileges, placement on a step program, and/or a referral to the Referral Room. Ms. Brauninger
8th Grade English – Quest Ms. Brauninger I have read and understand Ms
8th Grade English – Quest Ms. Brauninger I have read and understand Ms. Brauninger’s syllabus in its entirety and will be ready for a quiz. Please return this page no later than Friday August 19, Student’s Name (Print) __________________________________ Period: __________ Student’s Signature _____________________________________ Parents: Please answer both questions below. Does the student have a smart phone with unlimited texting? YES NO (This information is used to create groups for class work.) We will be using online textbooks, writing programs, and resources this school year which will require internet access and a working computer and printer. While students will be give class time to use the computers, which are also available in the library before and after school, there may be occasions that students will need to work from home. Will this be a problem for your student? YES (please explain below) NO _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent (please print and write legibly): ________________________________________________ 2nd parent (does it need to be sent to both parents?) ______________________________________ Parent signature: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________ Thank you, parents, for all the time and support you give to assure your child’s success. Is there anything I should know about your child to help him/her succeed? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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