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Pencil & Journal Please

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1 Pencil & Journal Please
Totem Poles Pencil & Journal Please

2 What is a TOTEM POLE? Alaska 1940

3 A totem pole is a sculpture made of great trees.
Because it is made of trees, they decay easily in the rainforest environment.  These poles are usually carved and painted onto containers, house fronts, canoes, masks, intricately-woven blankets, ceremonial dresses, weapons, armor, and many other tools and implements. The humans and animals made on the poles are called crests, and is a family symbol, for instance to show the family’s pride, history and identity.

4 Who makes Totem Poles? Alaska 1899


6 Totem poles are traditional art of the Native American tribes along the Pacific Northwest in North America

7 These cultures have occupied, and in some cases still live in parts of Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana


9 Where are they found? B.C. ca.1910

10 Pacific Northwest in North America
This totem is British Columbia ca.1900

11 What is there purpose?

12 The purpose of the totem poles has a lot of varieties between the cultures and the tribes.
Some are made for the cultural message, while others are made only for the artistic presentation. They can be used to illustrate stories, commemorate historical persons or to represent shamanic or spiritual powers. What’s important to remember is that they were NEVER made as objects of worship.

13 Other Facts? B.C. ca.1910

14 It is believed that SPIRITS enter & exit through the eyes, nose and ears of the faces
The oldest tote is about 125 years old Totems rot from the top…down! 1792 the first image of a totem was drawn Totems are made from carvable trees like the CEADER


16 Alaska ca.1938

17 B.C. ca.1909

18 Bella Coola, Haida, Kwakiuts, Makah, Nez Perce, Nisqualli, Nootka, Quinault, Puyallup, Salish, Snohomish, Spokane, Shuswap, Swinomish, Tlingit, Tsimshian

19 Creative, Artistic and Determined Beaver BEAR
       BEAR Strength, Learned Humility, Motherhood, Teaching BUMBLEBEE Honesty, Pure Thinking - Willingness and Drive COPPER Wealth and Prestige DOGFISH Persistence and Strength - A Born Leader DOVE Love, Gentleness and Kindness DRAGON FLY Ever-changing Life EAGLE Great Strength, Leadership and Prestige  EAGLE FEATHER Good Luck to Both Giver and Receiver FROG Spring & New Life - Communicator, Stability HALIBUT Life protector, Strength and Stability HAWK Strength Far Sighted HERON Patience, Graceful and Easy Going

20 OWL HUMMINGBIRD Love, Beauty, Intelligence, Spirit Messenger
KILLER WHALE Traveler & Guardian - Symbol of Good         KINGFISHER Luck, Patience, Speed and Agility LOON Peace, Tranquility - Generous Giving Nature MOON Protector and Guardian of the Earth by Night OTTER Trusting, Inquisitive and Bright - Loyal Friendship OWL Wisdom RAVEN Creation & Knowledge - Bringer of the Light SALMON Dependability and Renewal - A Provider SEAL Bright, Inquisitive, Organized SUN Healing Energy, Guardian of the Earth by Day THUNDERBIRD Powerful & Mystical - A Leader WOLF Intelligence & Leadership - Strong Sense of Family      

21 These tribes relied a great deal on food from the sea, like salmon, seals, sea otters, whales, and oter animals








29 How the project will be GRADED… Personal Life Totem Poles
Product (Contents): 2 sketch designs before you begin…each one needs to be at least ½ sheet of paper in size Your totem pole must have at least 3 or more separate design elements that reflect your personality or life history Totem must include at least one section the extends off of the surface One complete COLORED life size final drawing of totem pole before you begin the actual sculpture One GRAPHIC designed 3D sculptures of totem painted with well throughout colors and designs outlined in black

30 Process (Craftsmanship):
Drawing must be neat, colored, graphic, and look exactly like what you will build for your 3D sculpture (Drawing will be graded separate and hold a strong value towards the final product) Sculpture must be smoothed out, clean, graphic, completely painted, and reflect a well crafted design and outlined in black

31 Studio time: Stayed on task Supplies MUST be put away where they go!
Worked continuously throughout the class period Must participate in clean up & put materials AWAY Make up any missed days: That means excused or unexcused, 3 tardies = 1 absence

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