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Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers (SULF)

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Presentation on theme: "Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers (SULF)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers (SULF)

2 SULF knows the Swedish university system
SULF is the union and professional association that knows most about the higher education sector

3 Doctoral candidate. Researcher. Assistant professor. Senior professor
Doctoral candidate? Researcher? Assistant professor? Senior professor? Post-doc? SULF is the union for you! Contact us if you want advice about doctoral studies, employment issues, salary statistics, parental leave, retirement, contract matters etcetera

4 Knowledge is power! Join SULF now!

5 SULF’s Vision 2030 In the Service of Humanity - Higher Education and Research for a Sustainable Future Unrestricted Quest for New Knowledge Education for the Future A Critical Force in Society Ask SULF what the union can do for you!

6 Doctoral candidates and post-docs with grants
Many doctoral candidates are only offered grants, whose benefits differ from benefits and salaries linked to employment. If you are in this position, ask SULF what the union can do for you!

7 SULF works with your best interests at heart
SULF negotiates, informs, debates and influences the development of higher education – now and in the future. Membership costs SEK 240 a month, and for doctoral candidates just SEK 125.

8 Membership benefits Income insurance Group insurance Members’ loans
Helpline Universitetsläraren magazine SULF salary statistics and Saco lönesök

9 Join SULF today! Join SULF at or use our membership application form Membership of the unemployment insurance fund AEA is separate from the SULF membership

10 SULF is a non-political professional union
SULF is part of the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (Saco) and the professional union of choice for all professors, post-docs, researchers, university teachers and doctoral candidates

11 A SULF board at your university
SULF is run by a local board of members who all work at different faculties. The board is very knowledgeable about different aspects of the university and higher education.

12 We know higher education! Join SULF now!

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