Prepared By Name of Student Enrollment no. Guided By Name of Guide

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared By Name of Student Enrollment no. Guided By Name of Guide"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Project Title” Batch 2016-18
Prepared By Name of Student Enrollment no. Guided By Name of Guide Submitted to: Shri Jaysukhlal Vadhar Institute of Management Studies, Jamnagar Affiliated to: Gujarat Technological University

2 Introduction of Company/Industry (1-2 slides)
Don’t put too much details Provide content in brief Avoid long paragraphs Use bulleted points

3 Review of Literature (1-2 Slides)
Mention author’s name and only necessary details. Format for writing Review of Literature Name of author, (year of publication), title of paper/ article, name of Journal, volume. For example:- Abdul Raheman and Mohamed Nasr (2007). Working Capital management and Profitability – Case Of Pakistani Firms. International Review of Business Research Papers Vol.3 No.1. March 2007, Pp.279 – 300.

4 Research Methodology (3 to 4 Slides)
Introduction Rational for the study Statement of problem Significance of the Problem Scope of the study

5 Research Methodology (3 to 4 Slides)
Research Objectives Research hypothesis (If any) Research design (Research Type) Data sources (Primary and secondary sources) Data Collection Instrument (for e.g. Questionnaire)

6 Research Methodology (3 to 4 Slides)
Sampling Design Sample Size Sampling Method Sampling Unit Outline of analysis (a brief outline of tools and techniques to be used for analysis, statistical tools and tests to be used) Limitations of the Project

7 Data Analysis and Interpretation (7-8 Slides)
Put only Selected graphs related to the topic with brief interpretation.(NOT IN DETAIL) Details should be covered in speech.

8 Testing of Hypothesis

9 Findings (1-2 Slides) Findings must be in bulleted points only
Avoid paragraphs State major findings only

10 Suggestions (1-2 Slides)

11 Conclusion

12 Bibliography format for writing bibliography For books
For magazines, journals and newspapers Example Kothari, C.R., Quantitative Techniques, New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 1978 Example Robert V. Roosa, “Coping with Short-term International Money Flows”, The Banker, London, September, 1971, p. 995.

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