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Leadership Development Centre Organisational Change Good to Great Terry Patterson Friday 28 June 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Development Centre Organisational Change Good to Great Terry Patterson Friday 28 June 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Development Centre Organisational Change Good to Great Terry Patterson Friday 28 June 2013

2 Constant Change is our new norm …..
Global Financial Crisis Coalition government Christchurch earthquake Auckland NZ’s geography China Public confidence And …..

3 So what is keeping your Chief Executive awake at night?
Make some notes.

4 Leadership can be thought of as …..
“Courage allows leaders to forge new directions when others around them say the status quo is good enough. It comes from a profound belief that one individual can impact the world.” Jay Conger, Professor of Organisational Behaviour, London Business School

5 The customer might be king but do we know who our customers are?
We all have customers But what do they want to buy? Is it fit for purpose in 2013 as opposed to 1993? Do we seek feedback on levels of service and customer satisfaction? Do we take any action? Do our staff understand this paradigm?

6 It’s all about the dollars???
Value for money – smart thinking Collaboration – who can you work with? Shared Services – economies of scale Smart technologies 80% fit – not perfection Pilot first (prove it) – no big bang Courage!!!

7 No longer can we seek sanctuary in what we know, or what has gone before.
Wolfgang Grulke London Business School

8 Let Go The Past ….. Experience is valuable – learn from it
What worked even 5 years ago probably won’t work today without substantial adjustment Flexibility is key Seek out and be prepared to embrace others ideas As leaders we are agents of change – it’s about creating the “right environment” Be hungry for knowledge – “reflective time”

9 What’s your opportunity to effect change in your organisation?
Make a few notes.

10 You are senior leaders of your organisations.
You are not in training waiting to be appointed to this role.

11 Over Plan & Over Consult …..
What is the result / outcome Clear sense of purpose and vision – sell the change Urgency and pace Smart planning – sharp and focused Targeted consulting – don’t let it be a delaying tactic Relationships are critical – before, during and after Clear and frequent communication

12 Risk Tolerance Identify critical risk, not EVERY risk
Political and reputational are usually the most critical Not surprises rule Regularly monitor, report and brief Learn from others – unlikely you are the 1st Understand your audience – what are they concerned about?

13 Think of a change you need to make: - note some key risks
Think of a change you need to make: - note some key risks? - who are your critical stakeholders? - how can you build their confidence?

14 Q & A Time …..

15 What will we be?

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